DJ Rep
How Interesting...
Is it just me or does the so called "industry leading" laptop displays suck! I am sitting here typing this on a 15" Powerbook current TOTR but I only get a native resolution of 1280 x 854 now lets be honest compared to other wintel laptop displays this is pants! I mean alienware have just brought out a laptop with a display of only 16.1" that has a native res of 1600 x 1200! thats a huge difference in pixels but not a huge difference in display size (just over 1 inch) now from what I understand apple use TFT XGA displays in their laptops and their flat panel displays, whereas the higher resolution display wintel laptops use UXGA, is that the reason for the higher pixel count? I love apple laptops, I really do but one thing that has always bugged me and I am sure others is the displays I wish apple would live up to their claims of "rejecting the panels that other companys except" well this maybe true but the wrong way around! The powerbook is due for an upgrade soon an I hope beyond all hope that apple get inline with the rest of the industry and release a 17" with 1920 x 1200 or something allong those lines to get with the likes of sony and release a 1600 x 1000 (widescreen) or nearest for the 15".