Apple - Part II

What do you think of Mac OS X?

  • I love it! It's my only Mac OS!

  • Fun to play with, but I still do work with OS 9.

  • I don't use it. Software isn't ready.

  • I don't use it. It's way too slow.

Results are only viewable after voting.
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I found this site by typing, thinking it would bring me to OS X section of But hey, I found this wonderful support site on OS X. Great! I bought my TiBook because I want to support Apple by supporting OS X, thus I'd not mind running into a site like this one.

So I put up this thread hoping to gather some thoughts and perhaps some power to notify Apple that it better commit to certain improvement soon otherwise, supporters like us would leave the platform.

Unfortunately, I encountered many close-minded people on this board. Instead of reading, they only picked up negative words and flamed me soon after.

I always thought that by being a Mac user I was able to see things in various perspectives. Using the Mac and PC platforms gave me even more perspectives. Many of you who flamed me are locked up to the Mac platform--no, I standed corrected--Mac OS X platform.

You no longer have perspectives, but have turned into Borgs who think anybody attacking your OS must be evil--therefore wrong.

It's sad to be a member of this family.
george, you have me confused. i don't think either of the last 2 posts since your previous post deserved that reply. We didn't flame you, we didn't call you nmes and we didn't treat you like a windows user. We looked at your arguements and made a few of our own. What's so dissapointing about that?

basically you have made a newbie mistake. one - you posted to the wrong forum if what you were trying to do is get apple's attention. that would be the 'Open Letters' forum to do that. Here you get other users. You brought up a subject that has been discussed over and over. most of the poeople who started these threads, or joined in them very loudly, were real life pc trolls who come here every so often for kicks. You don't sound like one of those. You do sound like one of those people who wants their mac to be like a windows' box, only perfect. You come across as a newbie to osx, not just the site. not that you would be alone here with those qualifications.

we also get a fair share of linux people who expect osx to behave just like real unix. they also are confused in this new os at times. and us old mac users, we are lost in anything that requires a terminal. In the end, we all come together because despite one little discontentment here and another there, we see the overall advantages of osx. It may lack speed in certain applications, it may have an "inferior file system", it may need 3rd party diagnostic and repair programs, it may fall short of perfect in a variety of different ways. but it is the future of the mac os and maybe even of 'nix as a home user platform. What it will never be is the next windows. of course i am sure you know that windows was once the next apple. and really just continues to be. Apple has always been just a step or 2 ahead of m$. Apple develops and implements something and a short while later, m$ popularizes it under the lure of cheaper hardware. Windows XP is just another windows system. It is not blazing a whole new frontier. OSX is still young for a radically different os. And i believe it really is designed for the home user and small networks, not the professional specialties.

so think about this, how much different do you think this thread would have been if you had started it as a question, asking how you could get something specific to work faster? as oppossed to blurting out how terrible the speed of osx is compared to windows and how apple sucks? really, do you think even apple would have taken you seriously with a title like that?

so if this family is something you are ashamed of, perhaps you have created this sad little position for it all on your own. sometimes it is not what you say, but how you say it. Can you really say you were not pushing people's emotions with the title of this thread and your original post? If so, you don't understand emotions very well.

besides, i've never seen a family that got along perfectly. were you comparing this family to your real one when you judged us so critically? where do you have a family you are proud to be a part of?:confused:
mindbend and georgelien:

You want to know the reasons that you are getting flamed? Because you are overexaggerating the problems that you guys are having with OS X.

Yes, we all acknowledge that OS X is very slow in some aspects, like window resizing. But you guys seem to make it out to be that it is unbearably slow. This is not the case.

I have been using Mac OS X since version 10.1 was released in September, and it isn't totally unbearably slow. If it was, I would've gone back to OS 9 a long time ago, waiting for OS X 10.2. But I haven't, and that's because the speed is acceptable.

Note that I am saying "acceptable" in the sense that it is fine for everyday use. Could it be faster? Yes, of course it could. Is it slower than OS 9? Yes.

But please do two things: 1) don't blame the OS for applications that run slowly, because there are ones that one lightningly fast, and 2) don't overexaggerate and say that the interface is unbearably slow.
Originally posted by georgelien
You no longer have perspectives, but have turned into Borgs who think anybody attacking your OS must be evil--therefore wrong.

It's sad to be a member of this family.

And you can't think of one reason why people would flame you? Troll, I say, troll. Every message of yours since your original post brought new flame-wear™ into the discussion, while other people calmly tried to explain things, to help out and to - yes - disagree.

Call me borg, call me without perspectives, call me what you want. But be aware that I answer.

And the answer is this: Many users of this board and many defendants of Mac OS X in the case of 'perceived slowness' have used more than one operating system in their lives. I have myself gone through Atari TOS 1.2 - 1.4, from Windows 3.0 up to Windows XP, from System 4 on a Mac Plus through every version up to 9.2.2, I've used (and administered) Linux machines since - lemme think - 2.0.34. And yes I think I've found the light with Mac OS X. I was a fan of the idea to marry the Mac experience with UN*X from day one. I've played with some NeXT-Stations just to get an idea what NeXT-Step was like. I used Rhapsody DR 2 on both a PowerMac and an AMD K6 box. If I'm now a borg, if I have no more perspectives, if I'm really locked in a track called Mac OS X, then there must be a reason. And I think the people who've 'attacked' you after your messages have their reasons, too. You state yourself that you've used many a operating system. If it's not for you, then it isn't. You say you posted this, because you were 'hoping to gather some thoughts and perhaps some power to notify Apple that it better commit to certain improvement soon otherwise, supporters like us would leave the platform'.

Well, you *did* gather thoughts. Maybe not all to your liking, but thoughts nonetheless. You also found some power and anger. And - as far as I can see - Apple is committed to improving OS X, because otherwise supporters like us would - well maybe not leave the platform, but be angry. :)

Your task is fulfilled, dear georgellen, you may now pass on to other stuff. Why not start a thread about how gorgeous a browser IE is? Maybe you could also state something like 'Macs suck!' to gather some attention. Also the infamous 'Apple should release Mac OS X for X86' is always a runner. If you can't get enough of flamewars, go to newsgroups or /. for a while.

I still think you're a troll. At least on this thread.
Yes, you have used other operating systems before. But you cannot compare operating systems by memory. Human beings memory is as dependable as computer hard drives. They are getting much better now, but notice why RAID is still being deployed?

Call me whatever you want. You have no perspective. And that's it.
future Windows Troll
Yes, you have used other operating systems before. But you cannot compare operating systems by memory. Human beings memory is as dependable as computer hard drives.

I can't speak for what fryke has on hand around him right now, but as I look around the room here I have the following operating systems up and running: Rhapsody 5.1 (on both a desktop and a ThinkPad), Rhapsody 5.6 (aka Mac OS X Server 1.2 on my PowerBook), A/UX 3.0, Solaris 7, Irix 6.2, Irix 5.3 (on two systems), Mac OS 8.1 (on three systems), Mac OS 8.6, Mac OS 9.2, and Mac OS X (the system I am writing this on). Something tells me that my memory is not so bad that I can't move a couple feet and still remember what my other systems are like. As for Windows systems, I do support for Windows PCs, Macs, Suns, SGIs, and Linux PCs, so I see Windows in action on a daily basis (I see almost everything on a daily basis for that matter).

So some how I find it hard to believe that fryke has no perspective, when his experiences and opinions are fairly close to mine. Your opinions (and the most colorful way you have of putting them) show that you are truly the one that has no perspective here.

You are a sad little Troll.

:D And that's it.
What are they doing? Sitting around wasting energy? Grow up! How old are you now? So calling people names make you feel better. How sad.
OS X runs fine on my PowerBook G3 Lombard. Of course no DVD, no infrared, no hardware accelerated graphics, moan, whine, complain... There are a few other annoyances, all of which I'm sure will be addressed in 10.2 (even if Apple has to be sued to get them to happen!) In the meantime I think that there isn't any reason why the tempo shouldn't be picked up at Motorola to get those G5's out there. Since we know there are going to be no new hardware announcements in July we can hope for something new in January next year.
If you look at the roadmap for the G series chips you can see that we will only get to G6's sometime in 2006 or 2007. That's a snail's pace! I'm concerned that because Apple's created the megahertz myth stuff we may have to lag behind for at least the next decade. That sucks. Despite the fact that Apple does not want to invest in porting OS X to Intel, it ought to be looked at, if for no other reason than to co-opt Wintel and AMD users who are in the megahertz lead.
Also, getting OS X to feel faster would be of great psychological importance. It's one thing to explain how PowerPC's are more efficient and can beat Windows at certain tasks, and another to apologize for OS X's immaturity as the reason for it's perceived slowness.
Not as sad as your use of words in this thread's title. As has been pointed out, constructive threads on this subject have come before this one. Troll is an accurate description of you no matter what age you are. At least my choice of language is far more adult than yours has been thus far.

Just move on to your Windows systems that you think have passed Mac OS since 1996, and get on with life.
I am. I have been using Windows since 1996. It's just sad to see my favorite platform getting its aZZ kicked by Windozs. As for your "adult language," I don't see name calling as an adult-like act.
omfg- give this a rest already.

Goerge- accept that people have disagreed with your premises, continue to wait (or not wait), and get on with it. There are far too many complacent (read- SATISFIED) OS X users accumulated here. If you want to be patted on the back, go find some MacOS X sucks forum somewhere and have a ball.

If you'd expected anything less than what you got from this thread, you clearly haven't been watching the forum long enough to judge from past itterations.
Originally posted by boomw
Also, getting OS X to feel faster would be of great psychological importance. It's one thing to explain how PowerPC's are more efficient and can beat Windows at certain tasks, and another to apologize for OS X's immaturity as the reason for it's perceived slowness.

Getting OS X to feel faster is very important--especially now--since PowerPC is way behind the race. It is more important now than ever that Apple shows off its engineering superiority by making its computers run faster in less MHz.
Originally posted by boomw
That's a snail's pace! I'm concerned that because Apple's created the megahertz myth stuff we may have to lag behind for at least the next decade. That sucks. Despite the fact that Apple does not want to invest in porting OS X to Intel, it ought to be looked at, if for no other reason than to co-opt Wintel and AMD users who are in the megahertz lead.

First the fastest Intel processor currently is running at under 900 MHz. Intel has it's own problem with the MHz myth no matter what Apple says.

Second, have you ever seen any of Apple's operating systems running on Intel based systems? I have. When making a direct comparison between Rhapsody 5.1 for both PPC and Intel based processors, the PPC systems are much faster. I would even go as far as to say that a 1 GHz G3 (when IBM ships them) would be faster at running Rhapsody than a 2.2 GHz Pentium 4. So, how do you think a dual G4 at 1 GHz is going to fair against any PC system running Mac OS X?

Believe what you want, I've believe what I've seen. I understand Apple staying with PPC (though I think moving away from IBM here is a mistake).

And georgelien, again with the language. Like I said the description fits (and it fits you better than most trolls of late). And you are doing a bad job of faking that the Mac is your favorite platform.
Originally posted by .dev.lqd
If you'd expected anything less than what you got from this thread, you clearly haven't been watching the forum long enough to judge from past itterations.

No I haven't really. What friendly crowd! I like this forum. I just wish we Mac people could be less protective and be more objective.

When I began selling computers (both Macs and PCs) in 1996, I feared that Windows would advance enough to replace Mac OS. And it did. It replaced Mac OS in many graphic fronts. Now even music people are no longer looking for the Macs when they need new computers. Why? Because we think we are the best. Really, Mac people often do.

It's fine with me the best can stay the best. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Apple did a great job at hardware advancement with world's number 1 industry design products. Its software however is still behind.

I speak both Chinese and English. Mac OS used to be the #1 platform when it comes to muti-language. Once again, Windows surpassed it in 1997. I can give you so many cases.

Anyway, I'm just sad to see my favorite company with my platform going down hill just because people using the platform care more about being right than knowing what's wrong to fix the problems.
Originally posted by RacerX
And you are doing a bad job of faking that the Mac is your favorite platform.

I'm not "faking" it. It's just I like OS 9 more than OS X, that's all. And many people, not from this board obviously, tend to agree with me since OS X has yet to share its graphic load to the graphic accelerators. Until then, my PowerBook G4/500 will run slower than it should.
It's just I like OS 9 more than OS X...

And you think Windows is better than OS 9. Saying that the Mac platform is your favorite and saying that you think Windows is better than Macs means you are either faking about one of them or you have serious dual personality problems.

I am more productive on a Mac, therefore I think Macs are better than Windows. You think Windows is better than Macs, therefore you must be more productive (which is really the only way to compare two operating systems) with Windows.

You should move completely to the Windows platform. Seems logical to me. I still don't see why you've waited this long.

Just do it. :D
I am sorry... I don't mean to change the subject... but where can I get Rhapsody Racer ??

ok... back to the show: yeah buddy... go to windows. we know what is best.
Well, let's leave it at that, is what I say. The poll shows more than 88% of people loving Mac OS X. There are 8% that still work in OS 9 and two people (about 3%) who don't like Mac OS X for one of each reasons provided by the poll.

You wanted data on a certain subject. You've got it. I'm glad this discussion has taken place, because it shows very well how the opinions on this board are (un-)divided.

Actually, I think I'm starting a new poll right after this post, and I hope I'll see you all there. :)
Yeah, you've caught me. I am a cross-platform person. This what I call perspective.

What are you running on Rhapsody? Other than wasting electricity?

I'm glad a site made for Mac OS X has over 90% OS X users voting for the OS. But let's not forget that there are still more Macs out there running--not OS X--but the Classic.

Now that's perspective!
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