Apple sightings on TV and movies?

During a commercial on Spike TV for their check-up or check-out campaign a guy sitting in an outdoor cafe was on his Powerbook.Also caught another ad for a franchise of video vending machines where some guy who's supposed to be on the road gets a Dvd to play on his ol' clamshell iBook.
Yesterday, or the day before, on the italian tv news, there was an image of Enzo Baldoni, the italian pacifist journalist killed in Iraq, with his powerbook G4.... this post is also a good opportunity to remember him, and all the innocents killed in Iraq...
RTBF (Belgian TV station in French) has been obliged to not use Macs in all shows anymore. It seemed like they were promoting Apple, because they just used them too much. :confused:

Well, maybe they used many Macs.. But is that a reason to ban Macs from the screen ??
This has to have been mentioned, but in the movie Runaway Jury there are Macs everywhere. Part of the movie, the bad guy is hiding stuff but they can't find where, a second look at surveillance shows he put the files on his 1G iPod, they are ordered to go back and confiscate the "mp3 player".
Tetano said:
Yesterday, or the day before, on the italian tv news, there was an image of Enzo Baldoni, the italian pacifist journalist killed in Iraq, with his powerbook G4.... this post is also a good opportunity to remember him, and all the innocents killed in Iraq...

Being Iraqi british I'd like to say thanks for taking some care and consideration into what's going on over there.

Anyhow, on the BBC, Monarch of the Glen, the Lord person dude, has a powerbook G3. It made me laugh, because on the G3, the apple's upside down on the cover when it's open.

I then saw it on Eastenders (some dude had one) and one of the characters SMASHED IT UP!

Excuse me,
rod_allen said:
According to the latest series of BBC1's SPOOKS (Mondays, 21.00), MI5 (the spycatchers) is mainly equipped with Macs

There's also a reality TV type show on BBC2 at the moment called 'Spy' (I think it's a repeat from BBC3), where members of the public are trained to become spies.

I've not really watched much of it (it's an interesting programme, but I've usually been cooking dinner at the time), but when I have caught some I've seen them using OSX and I've spotted them some Powerbooks every now and again.

So, clearly Apple computers are a spy's number one choice.
nkuvu said:
Hate to admit that I watched this, but The Net had Macs all over. What I thought was funny was how the big bad virus started. By pressing escape. My escape key is pretty dusty -- don't use it much. On Windows I used it all the time. Think that the writers might not have been working on Macs? :eek:

not to be picky but i think it was control + esc +click (on pi symbol) to activate it. yeah that is a widespread key combo on a mac!!!

sorry if some of these are repeats i did not have time to read them all.
- seinfeld has always had them

- drew carey is a huge fan of them. i saw him on "the view" with those four women (i only watched because of him and the victoria secrets models on that day) and the "i love you" virus had just hit. the first thing they started talking about after they introduced him was the virus and they asked if he got hit with it. his one sentence response was something like "i use a mac".

- felicity had them (don't ask why i know that)

- gilmore girls had a new in the box ibook clamshell. I have only seen one episode and i was not near the remote and too lazy to get up to get the remote or change the chanel.
on thursday nights my wife always watches the oc and I have noticed an imac G4 a couple times in the younger dark-haired guys room. not really a guy show so I don't stick around :)
Lot of Sightings this week, on MTV's Pimp my Ride when they did the NFSU2 car they were using a G4, and they are all over the place in Blade : Trinity. The Nightstalkers had a G5 and Apple Cinema Displays, while the Vampires used Windows...hmm...makes you think, lol.
lnoelstorr said:
There's also a reality TV type show on BBC2 at the moment called 'Spy' (I think it's a repeat from BBC3), where members of the public are trained to become spies.

I've not really watched much of it (it's an interesting programme, but I've usually been cooking dinner at the time), but when I have caught some I've seen them using OSX and I've spotted them some Powerbooks every now and again.

So, clearly Apple computers are a spy's number one choice.

I have seen so many Macs around the BBC. It's sweet.
Veronica Mars. Throughout the whole series, she's using an aluminum 15" PowerBook. There are a lot of other Macs around. But I guess that's not the primary reason to watch a show, yet. ;)
Probably already been mentioned, but there's a great, ridiculous, scene in Zoolander, with a Tangerine iMac.

Our heroes, two spectacularly dimwitted male models, are trying to get some incriminating files off the computer. It emerges that they have no idea how to use a computer. The scene develops into the 'black monolith' scene from 2001...
CNN did an interview with human rights activist Hisham Kassem in Cairo and his 14 inch ibook was sitting on the desk with the lid to the camera

(good show Hisham - I sold him on the iBook)