Apple sightings on TV and movies?

Noticed this evening the Pacifier with Vin Diesel had an iMac in the movie.
Interesting,since reading this column and becoming a new Mac person I have seen more Macs than the PC in the Movies. Any reasons why other than marketing?
Because they are more aesthetically pleasing than PCs. They are beautiful works of art that should be hung from our walls and admired by all.

Plus they're cool.
michaelk said:
Noticed this evening the Pacifier with Vin Diesel had an iMac in the movie.
Interesting,since reading this column and becoming a new Mac person I have seen more Macs than the PC in the Movies. Any reasons why other than marketing?

and because people working with film/tv usually use macs. and therefore loath to have windows pcs in their movies.
I was looking at's web page, and one of the images on the main site is a woman using a powerbook (with apple logo photoshopped out) w/ an iSight camera....does this count?
Well it's not really a movie or TV show, but here in Cincinnati, OH, there is a historic building downtown called "Longworth Hall". They just auctioned it off as office space. It's very nicely re-done on the inside. Look in the pictures and there are iMac G4s at all of the tables.

And I also remember iMac G4s in the movie "School of Rock", they were in the classroom on a table with JBL's Creature Speakers connected to them.

Those are the kind of speakers I hope to save enough $ to get.
while on vacation i saw a lot of movies with my girl, ironically enough, all of them had Apple Poducts in them.

Constantine : the girl who killed herself's sister had 15" Powerbook G4
The Pacifier : the son had a iMac G4
Hostage : Bruce Willis's daughter had an iMac as well
Ring twO : Rachel was using the old iMac G3 Bondi Blue looking monitors
this is probably mentioned somewhere, but if not.

I saw the prodigy play 2 weeks ago and noticed up on stage 2 17inch Powerbooks. He had sprayed them, and the apple logos where covered up with stickers but I assure they where Powerbooks.
this has probably been mentioned, by Watching Law & Order on TNT (the original, not SVU, etc etc), but they had the Purple and Green iMacs in one seen.
The other night on Frontline which is a program on PBS in the states a public broadcaster imagine that Europeans.Anyway the show was about the intrusion of advertising into the cultural mainstream of Western life. The shows creator was shown working on an iMac G4.
I'm pretty sure this has been noticed, but on Arrested Development, Ira Gilligan the Bluthe's accountant has a 15" Powerbook with a silver sticker over the apple logo
You see really wierd stuff here in the Middle East. There's this one commercial for Downy fabric softener in which the characters are made of cloth, sort of patchwork people. It's a boy meets girl thing in which the girl (mostly pink chiffon) keeps her face beautiful using Downy as a skin lotion. The guy (mostly blue denim) can't get enough of her soft complextion. It is in it's third iteration at the moment.

Anyway, the girl has rev c crt imac in her bedroom and, because of the color and texture, it's hard to see whether the guy's laptop is a powerbook or an ibook, but it definitely runs Os X.
In Seth McFarlane's American Dad, Haley has a G3 iMac in Blue. I guess Seth is a big mac fan and decided to draw one in it. :D
Miss Congeniality 2

she carried an ibook g4 with her and in her HOTEL room there was a quick glimpse of i think an LCD imac. not sure of that one though, but i don't think it was her ibook.
Star Trek: Hidden Frontier (the most successful fan-series of Star Trek) uses older PowerBooks as communication monitors in some ready rooms. It are not G4's though, I think G3's.
On CNN today regarding coverage of the cesna flying into the restricted area over Washinton DC. They had two large lcd's and 2 desktop cinema displays, both with mac keyboards and mice. Definitely running OS X and Safari. They were examining blogs regarding the incident.
R&B video:
Artist: Avant, Video Name: Don't Say No Just Say Yes :-)
A guy in a pool is killed by the wicked girlfriend; she drops a PowerBook connected to a power adapter into the pool.
BBC show "Spooks":
the OPS room and conference room are full of PowerBooks and Apple cinema displays.