1. Norton Ghost ( www.symantec.com )
2. Tiny Personal Firewall ( www.tinysoftware.com )
3. TextPad ( www.textpad.com )
4. cuteFTP ( www.globalscape.com )
and ( I know I'm dreaming )
5. Oracle Enterprise Server ( 8.0.5 would be sufficient ) for Darwin
How about applications PC's could use that Mac OS X has?

1.) Snapperhead ( www.stimpsoft.com ) Every Windows user I've showed this to wants it badly.
2.) iMovie ( www.apple.com ) This thing is so easy to use for video editing. (Also Final Cut Pro would be awesome.)
3.) Fire ( www.epicware.com ) THE BEST IM client ever. I can't live without this app, it's amazing.
4.) OmniWeb ( www.omnigroup.com ) Very nice browser, very nice ANTI-ALIASED FONTS

5.) Mac OS X itself ( www.apple.com ) I know it would be totally awesome if there was no risk for this coming out on PC.
Yes! My 100th post! ::dance::