Avatar icon contest

xoot your avatar should have transparencies so it dosen't have that whit background. I've attached a version of your avatar with transparencies that you can use if you want.


  • xoot.gif
    2.8 KB · Views: 30
Yeah, nkuvu, what I do (using Photoshop) if it's a relatively similar-colored background (for the image itself) is I select the background with the magic wand, select Inverse, which gets the actual object mostly selected, copy, and paste that onto a new GIF with transparent background. Voila. It works best if you have a large version of your avatar to work with that you can scale down to 50x50 AFTER you're done.
Can someone make my avatar transparent? I could do it myself, but I don't have Photoshop currently, it's on a disc somewhere and I'm too lazy to find it right now, LOL.

I attached the avatar for anyone who's willing to make it transparent for me. It's not urgent or anything, but if anyone has the time, I'd appreciate it. :)


  • finderscreensnapz001.jpg
    2.2 KB · Views: 21
Originally posted by nkuvu
What do you use to make transparencies for icons? Iconographer? (sp?)
I have not bothered to look around for an OS X native version, but my favorite tool for this is something simply called Transparency.

With everyone else working on thier avatars I guess it is getting near the time for me to update mine. (The last picture of me is several years old, and I don't have the moustache any more.)