Avatar icon contest

Originally posted by TommyWillB
Okay, here is what I am using now:
...and here is my new one:

What do you think? Is this an improvement? Is it too referential of simX?


  • animated_2.gif
    8.6 KB · Views: 19
I like it better, but personally I don't like animated avatars that much, unless it's something good like that hypnoooootic swiirrrlling greeeeen boxxxxx ooooOOOOOoooooooo it'sssss sooooo swiiiiirrrrrllllyyyyy.

Anyway, like I said I don't like animated avatars too much except for the above mentioned twirling green square, the avatar that has the sparkling Homer and twyg's former avatar that was the blinking owl.

I just think that it's so distracting when you have an avatar the constantly changes like that. It gets annoying after a while. :p

How about just having an avatar with your current pic?
Originally posted by simX
I just think that it's so distracting when you have an avatar the constantly changes like that. It gets annoying after a while. :p

How about just having an avatar with your current pic?
How about this as a compromise?... it only loops 3 times and stops on my most recent picture:


  • animated_3.gif
    6.7 KB · Views: 17
Originally posted by simX
I don't like animated avatars that much, unless it's something good like that hypnoooootic swiirrrlling greeeeen boxxxxx ooooOOOOOoooooooo it'sssss sooooo swiiiiirrrrrllllyyyyy.
Like this: :D

I had to dig through my archives to find this. I made it using GifBuilder and Photoshop 2.5 back in 1996.:p


  • swirl3-8b.gif
    4.2 KB · Views: 31
Well, heres my new one. I just aquired the trial version of Macromedia Fireworks, so I'm having fun.
This one is called "Sun Dive". I wonder if anyone can read the word that flashes....

And SimX, for your enjoyment, the swirling green box. :D


  • box.gif
    15.4 KB · Views: 26
The word is to blurry to make out... and why did you use so many images for the text part, you could have used one and assigned that frame a longer time (makes it download faster for us dial-up people :D ).
The only thing I don't like about the swirly green box is that it hiccups every 180 degrees. The box shifts over to the left by one to two pixels, and I end up staring at that rather than the posts...

I guess it must be hypnotic.
How 'bout my new blinkin' guy?

He's a little disgruntled, but I thought he fit me best at this point in life. ;)

I'm actually on the hunt for a new one as well.

I think the best avatar creator goes to visual rinse, you can just tell the man is waiting to bust out with kick butt avatars at any second.

The avatar that best represents the individual is hands down Jadey

The best community member for creation, and modification of avatars has got to be wdw. The guy is always snapping out transparencies for folks.

$0.02 - ;)
Originally posted by googolplex
say hello to red-eye!

I need to make it transparent still, I'm not very good at that :(

Well if you haven't already done the transparencies, here ya' go.:D


  • redeye.gif
    1.7 KB · Views: 23
I gotta say, Googol... I liked the old one a lot more. There, I said it. :o

For what it's worth, the new one just doesn't seem nearly as interesting.
blue, I was tiered of the old one. I had it for a long time. I'll probably go through a bunch then settle on a really good one. :D