BlueFusion's Idea Cafe

I second that. 3DOSX is cool!

MatrixAgent, you have a good point. I for one am not a great fan (in this conflict) of either side... I am rather neutral. I don't want to take sides because I know that really, both sides are equally guilty. I think that the first thing that needs to be done is to iron out the problems between both sides when it comes to the real claims on the land. I am sure that something can be dug up that will satisfy one group's claim over the other.

What I think should be changed is the U.S. policy towards Israel. I think we should be a bit more neutral--look at what has happened as a result of us leaning too much towards one side! Sorry to sound unfriendly to BOTH sides, but the simple truth is that the U.S. doesn't NEED to be as directly involved in this... at least, that's my opinion.
Yeah, get 3DOSX... if you have an ass-kicking computer! Sorry, its speed is intolerably slow on my machine.

Oh, and byyy the way, xoot, eGIFs can **** off. :D .pngs are totally where it's at.

I can't believe it censored "p i s s" but not "ass." These censors need to get their priorities straight.

-the valrus
cafe macchiato

You got it!

How about the highway system! Grr.....I hate it. I am designing a system that will make it impossible for accidents, and greater speeds. Big tubes about the size of a car in diameter place ontop of existing highways stacked three or for high, about three side-by-side. They are powered by air. Compressed and fired from behind at exits from each city (think be-be gun).
JohhnyV, it sounds good, but how would it prevent accidents, exactly? I guess I don't quite understand the design.
Originally posted by xoot
Slow? Go into the prefs and make 3DOSX smaller (the window). :rolleyes:

Yeah, I did that, but I guess I just don't really see the point. It seems like a cool thing but the Finder is good enough for me.

-the valrus
I agree that the Palestinians' need for a homeland is valid, but it shouldn't be in Israel. Saudi Arabia has a lot of space, why don't they make a Palestinian state there? because the Muslims hate Israel and they would much rather have Israel destroyed than having their own homeland.

just my opinion, don't flame me!
yeah xaqintosh, it is pretty hard to negoitate with someone who is obsessed with your destruction. I think this is something very prevalent in the arab world, anyone want to hypothesize? And no, Islam might be a factor, but India is also involved, and it is a secular/hindu country.

Anyone ever notice how wars tend to be created by "pan" movements. Pan-slavism, pan-aryanism, pan-arabism? Not that Americans themselves aren't guilty too.
Yikes, this place has moved down in my absence.

I just spent the weekend watching the Star Wars trilogy (special edition)... and is it just me, or are all of the new scenes horrible? They showed too much--the Wampa in the beginning of Empire Strikes Back (which wasn't shown before, to add to the suspense), the IDIOTIC dance scene in Return of the Jedi... the stupid worm's tongue in Return of the Jedi (where they're throwing Luke into the pit, but before it was just teeth and stuff.... so, maybe it's just me, but I think all of the scene changes that George Lucas made were really bad! Huh.
Oh well, it seems Star Wars is so much better in our imaginations then on the actual screen...

btw Can LCD iMacs REWRITE DVDs, or just WRITE them?
The hardware is capable of it, but I seem to remember that the software isn't capable of it yet (although Toast Ti may be a different story). If that's the case, then of course it needs to be changed.
Uh... maybe he means make the X bloat. :D

So, Hervé is getting easier to understand, satanicpoptart is getting harder to understand. Maybe they made a deal? :p
interesting... I wonder why? we must devote our entire collective brain power to figuring this out
xaq, the only ones who are posting here at this moment are me and you. We need more brain power than that. :D