BlueFusion's Idea Cafe

All right, xaq.

Since most of your posts are phrases, and most are directed to me, do this:

  1. Get on AIM
  2. Chat with me (xoot300)

    It'll save you lotsa effort. :p
does anyone know if there is software to have two mice in at once and either

A. have two cursors


B. have the button one mouse perform a different function?

That would be great, so someone who has lots of free time: program it!
So someone who has lots of free time: program it and waste your money buying an extra mouse to test it!

Really, xaq, you need a better idea. :p
why? i think it would be cool. Mice aren't that much money you know, like $5 on ebay for a cheap one, and $20 for a relatively good one
LOL... for a short time I was thinking that you were talking about real mice. :p

All right, xaq. It's only an idea... :D
first we program the application, then we can eat the mice, although studies have shown eating mice while programming applications may cause cancer:D :p
