I used to think these conversations were trivial- they didn't really affect me, I had little or no direct influence on the issues, and felt I could better serve both myself and my community by keeping my own counsel and looking after myself.
With an exception- I still believe that. The events of the 11th brought one problem with my little philosophy: I am a voting member of a, albeit representative, democracy. My vote influences what leaders make decisions. I can petition those leaders, write letters to those leaders, and entreat them to consider other vantage points. I can affect what this country does. While I'm only one of many, many billions with this power- I can influence my friends, thereby creating greater influence and greater representation. My friends can do the like. Thusly- I can enact a great amount of influence if I am vocal enough about my opinion.
Largely, I believe the United States was attacked because it's been behaving like a jackass. The general populace knows little about political, economical, and social affairs and strife in the blurred media ether that the world is to so many. It's frightening to think of the consequences. The simple fact is that America needs to get off its collective asses, let their digital satellite TV leases lapse, and start reading a few newspapers. Start having an opinion on the DMCA, and Anti-Terrorism laws that have been enacted so hastily and so clumsily. Start asking whether or not the United States should take a more mediary approach to issues like Israel/Palestine. Finally- talk about those issues with your peers. Think about it. Make it part of your day. Have concern for those who aren't as well off. VOTE.
If the violence that has occurred does nothing else- I hope it shocks many others with similar initiations and causes our nation to, at least, be far more aware of our world.
Directly- should we be attacking Afghanistan? I can't think of an alternative. If things are left as they are- living conditions will not improve there. I fully support surgical removal of the Taliban and Bin Laden's regime from the country. Earlier someone mentioned that Hitler was elected democratically. It should be noted that he was elected during a time of hard economic strife, and was named a hero for rebuilding the economy upon his war machinery. Diseased tissue only further breeds disease as it dies, and becomes a den for maggots and further filth. Only healthy tissue can grow.
In rereading my post- some parts of it seem preachy. Just white those out

The delivery needs some work yet, and I have class
-- added --
Nuclear war is scary. We should never, ever consider such a course of action again. It is, simply, too destructive. No one can justive mass execution or determine human life as expendable. Such decisions are in line with serial murder. Also- this is the 69th post in this thread! w00t!