Bush Pisses Me OFF

ok the KKK issue, if no legislation was passed, then how the heck did they stop their inhumane and idiotic activities ? There MUST have been some measures.

On religion, anyone can interpret scriptures, it all depends on mindset, agenda, and background (education and so on).

As for surrender, the taliban wanted to give over OBL on their terms as if they had the upper hand, and they wanted to give him over to a third party. nah ah, to me this is unacceptable. Also to try him under islamic law ? suuuureee, that would go over well... "how does the jury find the defendant?" --"not guilty your honour" ....

This is a quote from teh above article
America, what do you want to do?'' Muttaqi said. ``Don't
make Muslims everywhere angry. Muslims have no problem with
Americans. It is American policy they disagree with. America
should not oblige thousands and thousands of Muslims the world
over to feel for the victims of the bombing because they will
cause more trouble for America.

What the heck gives this guy to speak on behalf of all muslims ? We are after a select few, OBL and the AL Queida ...boofoons (for lack of a better term...its late for me), we are NOT agains the afgans and definatelly not against the muslim world. If the taliban had given OBL over a month ago all would have probably ended w/o this current BS. The taliban and radical muslims want to make the moderates into extremists and I foresee propaganda. probably on both sides.

Goodnight, see you all tomorrow.

I think you are mistaken or possibly misinformed on a couple points of your last post

First bin Laden has been tried under islamic law in absentia in pakistan and found guilty

Second if the taliban had given up bin Laden this would not be over, if you listen to bush and rumsfeld they say this is a war on terrorism and they have been setting thier sites on Iraq and the Sudan ever since this started

As for the KK issue, what they had always done was illegal, they just were overlooked by the locals, as tolerance became more prevelant they were not able to get away with thier actions, to this day you can still be a member of the KKK, it just doesn't have the power it once had, just ask David Duke
We do have special laws against hate crimes that take motive into account. Would that be what you would want as far as action (legislative) against the KKK (and other hate groups)?
If bin laden has been tried and found guilty why the heck is he still walking around non neutered ? His balls should have been cut off (take it as you will, figurativelly or literally) a long time ago, yet he is still free to roam, and pakistan still has its taliban people in there, so I am wondering if this was just a show trial.

As for the war, let me rephrase, I think that the afghani part of the "war" would have been over, not the whole campaign. One weed at a time (no not the smoking kind :p)

PS: how is everyone today ?
WOW! (face palm)

I was wondering about the current status of RacerX and stumbled across this thread in my meandering search.

Good thing I missed this thread back in the day, because I most probably would have stirred up some major outhouse grease! LOL!

(I pretty much agree with RacerX on all of the points he made)

So now, just for fun...... and because I just cannot resist.....here is my very very late contribution to this thread :

'devil's advocate' said:
Nuke the entire Middle-East off the face of the earth with a pre-emptive strike.

End of story / End of problem?? :p
Why do you want to nuke Rhisiart?

And the only problem with the Middle East is it is populated by Middle Easterners. What do you want to stir up all that sand for by nuking them?

:) (just in case I am misunderstood)
It's not a question of Nuking in the Mid-East. Nor anybody. Of course. It's a question of GROWING UP. That's the sad "joke?"

Needless to say: It will never end. SIGH.
And the only problem with the Middle East is it is populated by Middle Easterners. What do you want to stir up all that sand for by nuking them?

I use the same argument against California... it would be such a lovely state if it weren't for all the damn Californians running amok in it.

Seems like everyone in California thinks they're unique and special... yeah, unique and special -- just like everyone else, right? How many kanga hats, shaved heads, black t-shirts, 50s-era throwback wardrobe, and tattoos does one need to be considered "special and unique?"

The dumb ass equation: number of tattoos, multiplied by the number of kanga hats, divided by the number of shaved heads = IQ (i.e. low).