Music Store (the mighty merging of 3 threads)


Apple's latest contender:

OK, well, good luck & etc. to I guess. First impression for me is that it's not nearly as nice as iTunes Music Store, even as much as they've tried to copy the iTMS format.

One interesting thing -- their "commercials" are probably the most blatant Apple rip-off that I've seen for a while. I wonder if that's intentional as some sort of parody of Apple or something....?
(Windows Media Player required, might have to use Explorer to get it to play)
The interface is too have to have a shopping cart and windows media player 9, it's nowhere near as easy to browse either.

Just my Opinion
You people... they're going to make so much more money than Apple because while Apple's busy porting iTunes these people are taking of and by then a whole lot of these companies will have already gotten customers.
Taking off? I don't think so... the licencing schemes for each individual song is different -- remember no RadioHead on iTunes? Well, RadioHead is there, but SEVERELY crippled in terms of what you can do with the song once you download it.

...and songs ain't 79 cents. More like 99 cents, with albums up around $12.99. What a joke.

Rest assured, they WILL attract customers, but I think Apple will do them away when iTunes/Music Store comes to Windows.

God Bless America, though... where we have the right to copy whomever we please, and they have the right to stomp us into the ground for doing so. I love it. is a joke! In reading some of the articles online its obvious that they were just in a rush to introduce something before iTMS for windows comes out. First of all what most of the PEECEE people dont understand is that iTMS is not a website. You have to access it from the iTunes app. That helps in terms of "ease of use". OMG!! I even read a quote from the CEO (or whatever)that said 'steve is a visionary but he's working on the wrong platform'.....WTF!!!.....lololol Steve Jobs did his homework on this one, and now all of the leaches want to ride off his vision and hard work. Oh well...part of life i guess, but when iTMS comes out for windows........ITS LIGHTS OUT!!!!

"The clone war has begun"-yoda
Here's one reason why I don't think it will work:


Those are the ownership privileges for the first 8 songs listed on their website (Top 100 Downloads). Managing my music library with an MP3 player and the occasional CD would be....confusing.

If were a PC user sitting there and looking at Kazaa and then, I think Kazaa would be looking a whole lot better than the mess. Online music downloads create a complicated balance of positives and negatives, and I think Apple tipped the scales enough for enough people to be successful, while is still lacking.

Hopefully Apple will be able to get the same rights for Windows as it got for OS X.
Originally posted by jeb1138
Here's one reason why I don't think it will work:


Those are the ownership privileges for the first 8 songs listed on their website (Top 100 Downloads). Managing my music library with an MP3 player and the occasional CD would be....confusing.

If were a PC user sitting there and looking at Kazaa and then, I think Kazaa would be looking a whole lot better than the mess. Online music downloads create a complicated balance of positives and negatives, and I think Apple tipped the scales enough for enough people to be successful, while is still lacking.

Hopefully Apple will be able to get the same rights for Windows as it got for OS X.

I am not familiar enough with the DRM that Apple has imbedded into ITMS, but one thing that the music industry really seems to like about Windows Media Player 9 is the Digital Rights Management. It may be a daunting task for Jobs to convince them to allow Windows users the same access, but I suppose that Apple has gotten past some of the hurdles if they are porting it. They wouldn't waste valuable dev cycles if it weren't the case.
I just saw two of the commercials for the first time (on TV beacause I obviously couldn't watch the windows media 9 ones on the buymusic website) and I am OUTRAGED. The one where the people are holding the music device and singing the songs, the close up of the music device and trying to have the same font and look as apple in a blatant attempt to make fun of the iTunes music store (which is strange since they're copying/making their own) really pissed me off. But that was just the beginning. A little later I saw the Tommy Lee commercial where the SAME guitar that apple is using as the music store's image in promos is innocently sitting unattended ,as if it were sitting on an apple set and Tommy sneeks on and smashes the crap out of the guitar and it says something like buy music on your (and huge letters) PC. So I am stumped now. First of all people hated apple because they were ignorant to apple's innovation and they thought they made crappy products. Now the competition makes fun of apple for making kick ass products and yes, they must be kick ass if you're company blantantly rips the product off. To me this whole thing takes the apple ripping off stuff to a new level...ripping apple off and then insulting them for doing it better than you are now trying to. ARRR, when will the world's morons cease to exist?::evil::
No, this is good. buy's site has many of the same problems that non iTMS sites have had concerning buying music. Sure, there may be some stuff sold before iTunes for Windows becomes available. But once Windows users get an earful and and eyeful of how simple and effective iTMS is, they'll flock to in record numbers.
Let have a few sales before it goes the way of the dodo as well. The bad taste in people's mouths from using it will just make Apple's foray in windoze land that much sweeter.
Originally posted by Randman
The bad taste in people's mouths from using it will just make Apple's foray in windoze land that much sweeter.
Or it will drive people away from buying music anywhere online. :(
I was wondering the same thing about that guitar. Apparently they're trying to "bash" Apple...

On a side note, I met Tommy Lee at a concert last year. He signed my drumsticks. I brought them just for that purpose. I had him sign one to me and one to my sister, and I gave it to her. And she liked it.
That is soooo dumb. They're really stupid. I heard that guy on the news the other day, he was saying that Steve Jobs has the visions, but doesn't have the market. He then said that he took his idea, and is making it available to the 150 million PC users in the United States.
I can see why there's no Mac support, why would there be, but to keep iPods out of the loop is a huge mistake. I don't think they have a clue of how successful the iPod is, even to PC users who, for now, must endure that dreadful musicmatch interface. Interesting to see how Apple responds.

Says founder Scott Blum: "In the computer industry, a month is a huge amount of time, and we're going to take advantage of it." He says he's prepared to sell 1 million songs a day. "I expect to do 200 million to 300 million downloads in the first year."
I say ::ha::

Not that I've ever used (nor know anyone who has), there should still be an Apple users boycott of the entire service.

PS, feel better now, just bought and downloaded the two new exclusive Neil Young tracks and an album from Wynton Marsalis (talk about your brand loyalty). Take that Mr Blum.
Music File Licenses
When you purchase and download music from, your music files are accompanied by a license with certain restrictions. The music files are encrypted with SDMI license technology to be sure that they are used according to your license restrictions. (See Minimum System Requirements.)

IMPORTANT: Make sure you mean to buy your music from your primary computer (for example: your home computer) so that it contains your primary license. The licenses are non-transferable. Example: You cannot buy your music on your home machine and then transfer your primary license to your work machine. The computer you buy from becomes the primary computer with the primary license for that song. You can only copy music from your primary machine via your primary license. See below for details.

Downloading, Transferring, and Burning
Each record label has control over these license restrictions including the number of times you may:

transfer your songs to another computer(s)
transfer your songs to an approved portable digital media player.
burn your songs to CD complies with each record label and adjusts the SDMI license on each of your music downloads accordingly.

Two Types of Licenses: Primary and Secondary
There are two types of licenses: Primary and Secondary. The primary license is downloaded to the machine you used to buy your music (for example your home computer). Your primary license enables you to copy your music from your primary computer to your digital media players and to burn it to your CDs as many times as the record label allows.

If you download a secondary license, you do so onto a secondary computer (for example your work computer). Your secondary license enables you ONLY to listen to your music on your secondary computer. A secondary license does NOT allow you to copy your music from your secondary computer to your digital media players or to burn it to your CDs.

Make sure you mean to buy your music from your primary computer so that it contains your primary license. The licenses are non-transferable. You cannot buy your music on your work machine and then transfer your primary license to your home machine. The computer you buy from becomes the primary computer with the primary license for that song.

Before You Buy: Icons Show Number of Copies Allowed
When you download songs, your licenses are downloaded too. When you lookup a song, notice that each song displays icons showing the number of times it may be copied via the primary license.

_ The Compact Disk icon shows the number of times the song can be downloaded to compact disks.
_ The Headphone icon shows the number of times you can transfer the song to digital media players.
_ The Computer icon shows the number of computers you can download your music to in total.

The icons apply only to your primary license on your primary computer. The icons do not apply to the secondary license on your secondary computer. You cannot use the secondary license to copy music at all.


My CPU usage is really high when I play music. Can I free that up?
When your computer is decrypting the WMA file, your CPU usage will normally be very high. However, you can lower your CPU usage during playback if you turn off your visualizations and if you set your player to compact mode. See Windows Media Player Help page for details.

Uhuh. Well you're tied to using Media Player, Explorer and Windows, and the DRM is a lot tighter so there's much less you can do with your files. So in a nutshell, you guys are right - buymusic sucks. However theres the "it works on windows and its cheaper than the mac one" issue. Apple better get iTunes ported quick and it has to be better than Quicktime for Windows is. All my PC friends hate QT and to be honest, I can't blame them, the Windows version is nowhere nears as good as the OSX one. All the signs are looking good for iTMS, once the Windows and European versions launch it should be a bit of a coup for Apple. On the other hand, remember Beta video. Fingers crossed.
Apple should have waited and released iTunes Music Store for Mac and PC simultaneously. Steve spoke too soon about his intentions. Now Apple will again have to fight for market share with iTunes Music Store for PC, assuming M$ doesn't "break" the software from burning CDs and transferring to iPods. To be Bold and Brazen is one thing, to GIVE AWAY your ideas to your competitors is simply unimaginable and unwise. Has the M$ flogging that Apples receives taught Steve anything? Sometimes I wonder....
Apple should have waited and released iTunes Music Store for Mac and PC simultaneously. Steve spoke too soon about his intentions. Now Apple will again have to fight for market share with iTunes Music Store for PC, assuming M$ doesn't "break" the software from burning CDs and transferring to iPods. To be Bold and Brazen is one thing, to GIVE AWAY your ideas to your competitors is simply unimaginable and unwise. Has the M$ flogging that Apples receives taught Steve anything? Sometimes I wonder....
Agreed. While I appreciate having something this cool months before Windows users, it does "tip Apples hand" to the other players in the business, and give them a good 6 month head start on Apple's Windows offering, which will be the real cash cow if done properly... And by properly, I mean done exactly like the Mac version, software, licensing, et al....