Congrats to Ak!!

she is obviously one of the girls who escaped being locked up and is now trying to find you and lead you into a life of hedonism. :p

ok, she's probably just a nice girl at a costume party who is looking for the 1st one nite stand of her life:D

so the season finale of Enterprise is this wednesday. You had best get all your work done before then.

btw - when are you leaving for the mediteranian? I feel like i just got back from somewhere. only i never left home:rolleyes:
YOu did a lot of moving ed :p
thats why lol ;-)

Well the bad thing is that I have a final tomorrow night (18:30 to 21:30) so I cant watch enterprize :mad: ... the good thing is that there is a sunday rerun :p so I can catch it then :D

Tonite I will be watching the season finales of JAG and 24 :D 24 should be a good one :-) Other than that study for my last final :-) Almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 woohoo!

As for greece....well a lot of devils out there :p I wouldnt mind if they lead me astray since they are nice looking ones lol :p I will be leaving on the 30th of june (afternoon) and will be coming back on the 5th of August. I will be taking my wireless GSM phone and my iPaq with me so I might be posting in the bar and grille from time to time :p

good, you will be back just before ulrik and mine's birthday!! Hopefully i will be around at that time. It is not unusual for the GF to plan some sort of special trip about then. but this year we spent the vacation money on the home improvements so i should be at home.:p

it would also be nice to hear from you once a week or so while you are over there. updates of your adventures should be quite fun - not to mention stories about your family and the manuevers you use to keep some control over what you are doing when:D

you are right of course about the moving. i must have walked 5 miles a day in circles around the yard. I don't know how much weight i lost but i can fit back into a 34 waist again. Jeans that were tight when i started are falling down my butt now. I need to fatten back up a little so my clothes fit again:) :D
Um.... Ed? Are you sure....?

I've never heard of THAT happening (:)) but then again, my "" tag magically morphed into "" for no apparent reason once... so I can sympathize :)
lol is that august 9th ? or september 8th ? I alwats get confused :p --- in europe that means sept 8th, here august 9th lol :p
well of course it is american transcription. It is interesting that you got it confused because my dad's bday was sept. 8 and mine is aug 9. i always said that was symbolic of how oppisite we were. Of course now that i am older, i find i am more like him than i would have wanted to admit.
wow this being younger thing is really working for me. Got me a new job as a moderator along with my bud Tolya!!

so Tolya - should we rename one of these threads the Moderators chat room?:p

pretty strange how we ended up getting thrown together as co mods. of course, i guess that MacD figures that if anybody can communicate and work out any differences - we can. I suppose we will have to have some private communications as well - can't have all these people listening to us plot their demise:D (just joking about the plotting part folks - just wanted to see if you were listening;) )

I must admit that i felt honored that admin entrusted this forum to just us. but then again, we probably spend more time here than he does and have more invested in seeing that things don't get out of hand and spread elsewhere.

perhaps you should email me from the account you would like to use to notify each other of stuff.

hey Bluefusion - you better go bump your congrats thread before it disappears. i saw it floating around back there when i went looking for this one:D
Congrats to Admiral and Ed, our high posting moderators!

Who better to have watching the boards than the people who make boards what they are.


And I have absolutely no responsibilities what so ever.

oh and thanks!!

so have you sent that email yet? there are some forums just begging to be moderated;)
Hahaha! Nice one Racer.

Ed and Addy. Hehe. Is it good cop, good cop?

If there was ever a time where I feel naughty, it would be right about now.

i don't know about the good cop/good cop thing. i seem to remember Tolya liking to hit people when they mess with him. And he is much less liberal than me when it comes to censorship i think. but i am more adament about no warez and keeping too much tech talk out of this forum. so maybe it will be crazy cop/crazy cop:D
I think Addy might like to say he's a lover not a fighter. But that might sound a little odd in a room full of hard legs. :P

Yeah you hit your highlights of the day nicely. I'll venture to say, it was very much like a performance. You still are in the entertainment business. :)
lol so much activity in this thread since I went to bed :p

I spent the evening yesterday proofing the translations I wrote (about 1/2 done)... now all I need is to finish them, put em in VPC under windex (:p) and make sure they display properly under it :p

Congrats ed :D
The dynamic duo of the Bar & grille is here lol ;)
Of course I am the bad cop since I (almost) have a black belt :p ----

As for the lover not a all depends klink :p -- depends who is the recipient of the loving hehehe ;)

It's amazing to see this thread abck from the dead -- perhaps now we can rename it to the Admiral & Ed show (formerly known as Copngrats AK ) lol

and just as quickly we let it slide.:p

hey, i just wanted to check in with you Tolya as i know you are getting ready to head off for the meditaranian with lock pick in hand. (all those lovely daughters...:D ).

I've been tryig to spend a bit of time with my son in the evenings which has slowed down my posting. plus, after i get thru talking with him, i don't have the need to talk as much as i usually do.

I'm hoping the weather gets better so we can spend a day or 2 doing something. i haven't taken him to the ocean yet plus i want to go hiking. I would like to find a small fern in a forest somewhere that i can transplant to the backyard.

i'm trying to get an hour or 2 of yard work in a day now but it has been too cold some days. but if i don't the weeds start taking over and the plants in pots start to suffer.

I miss our old conversations. on the other hand, days seem more alike these days and so it seems i have less to say.
Heya ed :D
I only visit 2 times a day (down from 10x per day in the past). The reason? my web site :p
I am designing the cover page so to speak. My new "theme" is "Music for all the elements" hehe :) -- with an appropriate collage of images ;) -- I am playing with minor javascripting to get things to look nice :D

I also donwloaded Omniweb beta, so that I can see if my DHMTL works (the menu system did not work so well on 4.0.1). All in all thought its been quiet. As "the boss" at work I am also trying to help my friends (i.e. coworkers) with the beaurocracy involved with their work related issues... its been crazy :)

The weather here is somewhat nicer than before...its finally hot -- but the weatherman says that we will be having clouds and possible rain tomorrow and thursday.

Got my tix yesterday...paid close to $1200 for them but they are worth it! -- I am sure going to miss this place for 5 weeks ;) --- perhaps I should lobby the admin for a version of the forums, cut back for easy access on a PDA ehehehehe

hmmmm let me attach the preliminary image I am working with and tell me what you think:

If course this is a 50% version of it, the original is bigger but it wont fit :)



  • temp4.jpg
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lol :p
I agree with xoot...actually its sort of a miracle this is my third time coming here today lol...
I am aaaalmost done with the grafik :)