Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

yea, simpson's food. that's just what i need. radioactivity included free of charge:p

I am so excited - my lily of the nile (agypanthas) plants have got blooms started on them. they haven't bloomed in about 3-4 years!! my moving them to a new spot seems to have paid off. and i have chamomile plants that are starting to bloom. i never could get chamomile to even stay alive before. and..and.. I could go on and on with all the samll wonders and rewards that are manifesting in the yard right now. plus, my neighbor who is moving gave me quite a bit of firewood. there will be fires in the fireplace next winter!!!

i am also perplexed at how warm our weather is staying. My office got so hot today that i had to go outside to cool down (imac heat + climate heat > climate heat alone:p ). This is going to make getting refocused on my school work harder if it continues.:(

plus the GF starts 11 days of vacation after tomorrow. She will be gone to the sierras with her family on monday, but she will be here and wanting me to do things until then. She tries to give me my space to study, but she always seems to want something right when i am the most focused and it really unfocuses me.
She tries to give me my space to study, but she always seems to want something right when i am the most focused and it really unfocuses me.

lol...women ed! women :p
They are always so contradictory ;)
Some people call me the space cowboy.
Some people call me the gangster of love.
Some people call me Maurice.
cause i speak of the pompitous of love.

I'm a space cowboy, bet you weren't ready for that
I'm a space cowboy, you know you know where it's at

wow, talk about flashbacks. you dregged up an old theme song for my life. I even had boots, the hat and a suede leather suit coat. The hat had a scarf for a hat band - ala Hendrix style. Fast Eddie was what most people knew me as. (I'll never forget somebody yelling out "Fast Eddie" in the San Diego State Bar from across the room with about 100+ people in the room, just as the band stopped playing:p )

same time period in which it was easy to live another song -

"woke up this morning and i got myself a beer...":D

oh, to be young and stupid again. :rolleyes: (ok, i admit, i would pass on that:D )
Sugar for your morning coffee.

Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel.

hehe. I was 4 when this was released, but the radio stations were playing it well into the 80's. They were quite popular with my crowd too. Remember having to learn a few of their hits for cover bars gigs and summer Pagan biker parties.
Ahhh, weird. We just had a spontaneous Pink Floyd outbreak in nkuvu's congrats thread. :D

-the valrus

p.s. Herve, there's a reason for that. ;)
ok, now i'm a moderator - you can all congratulate me again:D


oh and congratulations to Tolya who is my comoderator in this forum and in the big news/rumors forum. i get to read the classifieds myself. If only i had money to spend on the things people are selling:p

see ya in the Congrats to ack ack ack ack ack thread which i am on my way to resurrect now.:cool:
What a night! Just finished up. Looks like everythings is working on this AppleShare IP server I just set up (and if I missed something I'm sure I'll hear about it in the morning :( ).

Back to slow dial-up service for me ;) .
YOu guys go to bed late :p
lol...I got to be at 10 (EST) :p -- I was so beat, I couldnt even open my vietnamese book to study :p

The only time I stay up till 2-3-4 in the morning is when I am vacationing and I party all night :p

Ed... I was meaning to ask you something yesterday but I forgot :p -- maybe ity will come to me later on lol
