Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

Do you think that a Pentium fanless notebook with a midiport is not suitable for music, or as you learned me a notebook with a fan that only works when it is getting too hot?
I think both are suitable for how you use them. I guess that's what it comes down to, what suits you. And I'll throw in a 'generally speaking' here.
Herve, are you French? The translation "I don't ask me" sounds to me like a literal translation of "Je ne me demande pas," which technically would mean "I don't wonder," or maybe "I don't worry about that."

Just wondering...

-the valrus
he he, maybe i am caught up too.:rolleyes:

nkuvu - the eye pic was in the 'show us your face' thread that Phil (Matrix Agent) started a long time ago. It must have been the one that you altered. so i am assuming you are a manly man like the rest of us:D

if anybody else asked me a meaningful question, please repeat it. i am getting hard of hearing these days:p

well, the kitchen cabinets and new drawers are finished. they paint tomorrow and the linolium is supposed to be laid on mon or tues. I want my routine life back. I want to be able to walk without stepping over something!!

i have also been dealing with something tearing up the pond at night. It is funny, i have never glued the rocks around the pond together and haven't had a problem with any of them getting knocked over. But the last two nights almost all the plants have been pushed over and moved around. if it happens again, i think i will stay up all night and watch for the felon!!
nkuvu - "You're pretty quick with the digits too. 800+ posts in ~2 months.", said the tortoise to the hare. :)

*Shouted for the hard of hearing*

I can't say I envy this part of home improvements, Ed. Construction breaking up those cozy patterns we love to adhere. Am feeling for you here Ed. Let's hopes those paint fumes don't chase you out of the house.
Your pond... Probably some big raccoon marking up his territory in competition with your de-algae strategy. Let's see who wins. :p Ed keep us posted.

Herve, "you won't concern yourself with the question, 'does the equipment matter in the end'. 'No, it doesn't or shouldn't'", is what I think as well. The radio example is spot on. The average listener (and some seasoned professionals) would not hear extraneous 'system fan noise' (or most objectionable "noises" below the audio spectral noise floor) in radio transmissions. We can go so far as to say source materials as well with some examples (live recordings). Masking is a complex perceived effect.
To bring this back to my previous reply. ...what suits you. It's all very subjective isn't it. What you deem an acceptable system might not be what someone else sees as an acceptable system. Then the question beckons, does it truly effect the value of the end product in how it's experienced.
We both think no.
Doe Maar

Zoals je daar nu zit, je haren bijna wit.
De rimpels op je handen
Zo vriendelijk en zacht,
wie had dat ooit gedacht,
je bent zoveel veranderd
Ik werd niet wat je wou,
maar papa luister nou.
Ik doe de dingen die ik doe,
met mijn ogen dicht

Jij was heel wat van plan,
maar daar kwam weinig van,
Ik lever geen prestaties.
Ik heb niet veel geleerd,
deed alles net verkeerd,
heb moeite met relaties
Ik loop niet in de rij,
ik breek en vecht me vrij
En doe de dingen die ik doe,
met mijn ogen dicht

Knoop je jas dicht, doe een das om,
was eerst je handen.
Kam je haren, recht je schouders,
denk aan je tanden.
Blijf niet hangen, recht naar huis toe,
spreek met twee woorden.
Stel je netjes voor, eet zoals het hoort
en zeg u.

Ik sta hier en ik zing,
ik doe gewoon mijn ding.
Dat moet je accepteren.
Ach luister nou toch pa,
het is nog niet te laat.
Want leven kun je, leren.
Ik weet niet waar ik sta,
loop niemand achterna,
maar doe de dingen die ik doe,
met mijn ogen dicht.

Knoop je jas dicht, doe een das om,
was eerst je handen.
Kam je haren,
recht je schouders,
denk aan je tanden.
Blijf niet hangen,
recht naar huis toe,
spreek met twee woorden.
Stel je netjes voor,
eet zoals het hoort
en zeg u.

My favorite dutch song from Doe Maar (famous dutch popgroup)
It is called Dad but it sounds like With My Eyes Closed.
Is it possible to have it in English?
so i am assuming you are a manly man like the rest of us
I will neither confirm nor deny this. ;) I do take it as a compliment that you had to ask in the first place, Ed. I hate being stereotyped to one gender or another.

I do have to say that I am happy that we are renting our place. A guy I work with has been spending all his free time constructing a vanity wall. You know, a wall with the sole purpose of hiding pool equipment? He's spent a lot of time and effort to make the cement wall match the rest of the walls around the pool. Another co-worker is re-landscaping his yard entirely, pulling out "ugly" trees and trying to find "attractive" but native trees. I think he's nuts -- but it is his yard, after all. If he wants to live with a yard filled with 6-foot holes, who am I to argue?

I found the pic -- definitely the watercolored pic. I'll see if I can dig up the original.

Registered: Apr 2001
Posts: 494
Re: Smart
Too bad you didn't post this on the board. We could have made it another conversation. People are interested in who you are. But yeah, we are thinking the same way.


Hervé Hinnekens wrote on 05-04-2002 11:14 AM:

I think both are suitable for how you use them. I guess that's what it comes down to, what suits you. And I'll throw in a 'generally speaking' here.

In reality it means that buying a computer will not be a condition to change the result in a done exam.

yours sincerely,

well we've survived the paint and the kitchen is going back to usable for a few days. (still not sure whe the linolium is being laid.) We had the old lady's son and some of his friends out on sunday to help with moving some big furniture pieces. even with 4 of us, it was tough work.

I think part of my problem with having the house so disrupted is it reminds me of the move here was very stressful for me. I had to wait until close to the last minute to do anything since i was recovering from surgery at the time and all but one of my friends flaked out on helping me. (nothing too serious - let's just say i'm not pain in the ass anymore:D ) at anyrate, i reconnect with that time period emotionally whenever we start decorating and it is very uncomfortable.

go herve go. sing it buddy.
Went out into the light today (jury registration). But my home was not cleaned when I returned. How does one explain this?
klink - have your home delivered to my doorstep by 10:30 am pst and i will see to it that it is cleaned. we are having the official cleaning ladies here tomorrow for pre-party cleaning. i am sure they could spare a few minutes to put your place in shape while they're at it.:D

it is amazing, the disorganized construction mess is starting to rapidly dissapear. of course, it is being replaced by the reorganized (and i can't find anything anymore) look.:rolleyes: :p

and the fishies were really active and fun to watch today. I am not sure if they are finally starting to feel at home or if they are all going crazy before they die.
Hmm, official cleaning ladies. They wear the cute uniforms?

PST, EST, MT, what's a few hours between friends. :D
sorry, no uniforms.:(

the thing i hate is having to clean up so they can clean. of corse i hate having them misplace and break things too, so i guess i will do it. and my hours are telling me to go to bed now so that i can get up early enough to get that done before they arrive.

buenos noches.:o