Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

Hey Ed! Hows it going?:)

Still going with that pond, eh? When will it all end? Havent you put yourself through enough?:) Well, keep up the good work.

We should pick up where we left off, Ed. Gimmie a place and im there!
Hey Rick, how's it going? (how ya doin:D )

am i ever glad you showed up. i was starting to talk to myself here in this thread:p (i'm sure klink would have saved me before i went off the deep end;) )

and while you are always welcome to join in anytime and anyplace, i went back to our old thread to give you a very personal reply. I would have included responses to your email but i am just too tired tonight. see pics in Herve's to understand why:p

so the biggest accomplishment today was getting the patio within 2 feet of being finished !! HOORAY !!

next comes rocking in the pond and then shoveling lots of dirt back into places. My grave has been dug and now i am expected to fill it up by myself:D
I am greatful for your invatation to this thread, but im sure my boring life would be better discussed in our own thread. I wouldnt want to bore any of these other serious members.;)
wow, i have never let the three congrats threads slide off my first page before. Between my being busy and not posting yesterday and the sudden influx of non tech posts, this thread moved down the list quick.

since i got the pond done today, things will be going back to a few hours of work a day pretty soon. I still have some details of the pond to work out, like out to get my rocks to stay in place when the nightly critters walk on them. I don't want to cement them together and i can't really use mud packing since it would wash into the pond during rain. I have started doing some of the shoveling dirt back into places and should finish most of that either tomorrow or sunday.

I must say the yard is starting to look good.

for pics of the finished pond, see me in Herve's.:D
Ed that pond looks fabulous. Very professionally and artistically done. I particularly like the gnome fishing. Nice touch when the fish get tossed in. You might want to consider using some silicon sealant to hold down the rocks so the critters won't knock them over. You might even have some around the house to test with. Good stuff. Water proof, can stick to anything and you wouldn't need to use much, so it would be naked to the eye.
Thanks klink !! both for the nice words and the suggestion on the silicon sealant. that might be what my marine goop is. i will have to check it. i was amazed that not a single rock fell down the first night. but strangely, one of my water lily containers located in the deepest part and in the middle between 2 others, fell over. i cannot explain that one. but the lilies are starting to grow already which is a good sign.

today i didn't do much on the yard - filled a little dirt back in and got rid of a few more border boards. the boards are going to get turned into an archway before long. i expect to get a mitre saw soon to help with that project and future ones.

i also did this insanely stupid task of washing off little rocks that we have and throwing them into the bottom of the pond. at the rate i am going, i will have the bottom covered by mid july:p

it was pretty cold here today so i wasn't in to staying out in it for too long.:(
yes it is you. you are why i have not been posting as much lately:D

seriously, i have slowed down. It is not anything having to do with anyone but me. i am just tired and i have so many things to do. There just doesn't seem to be as much time or energy for this. I knew this day was coming and it is good that it has been the way it has - physical work to make me tired and go to bed earlier.

I am definitly still around but just without as much to say.

yesterday I went to home depot and got a circular saw and some gate parts. then we went to the local nursery and got a bunch of plants for the yard and the pond. i spent all of today getting them planted. plus i retransplanted a bunch of lilies that weren't doing so well where i first moved them.So basically a day of digging and filling. Tomorrow we are going back to home depot and getting the remaining trelis parts for the archway. so the next two days also promise to be busy. I hope to have a new page of the completed yard up on my site this weekend. After that i will probably rest a few days and then start hitting the dissertation very hard.
Oh, and i have to fix my van - so that will be at least a couple of days of funking around with tools and grease. Hopefully i won't have to buy a new alternator.
I might as well also have been working in Ed's back yard. I've made about 1 post this past week. But, now vacation is uponme and I'm ready to jumb back in!:)
And I thought it was because of me you weren't posting much Ed. ;) :D

I think there's a name for this slowing down of posts thing. Like post-traumatic bulletin withdrawal syndrome. :P
Would that be PTBS?:D

i spent today fixing a fence gate that i should have just built a new one from scratch. i made the GF promise that next time it breaks (not if it breaks:p ) then i get to replace the whole works exept for the 2 amin posts.

other than that i went to Home Depot and spent too much money anyway. but tomorrow i make the archway!!
well, this forum has slowed down to a respectable level - 2 days since posting to this thread and it is still on my front page of the forum. If you haven't seen in Herve's already, the yard is done. I was going to give my car a tuneup today but it is just too cold. It figures after we had one of the most beautiful days in a while yesterday.:rolleyes:

so Phil, how is vacation going so far? Are you going to celebrate Patriots Day with tolya?:D
lol...well this is as good of a forum as any to post my latest achievement

** drum roll please! ***

I, last night, went online with my PDA and my cell phone :p --- I received e-mail, went on Yahoo, MSN and ICQ messangers and sent and received messages ;-)

cool huh ?? :D

Now I only wish my newton had OBEX (ircomm to be specific) stacks in order to be able to do this too ;) --- It can go online wirelessly, it just needs a null-modem cable to connect from cell phone to newton-serial port...and I hate wires ;)

Vacation is..... vacation. Perhaps this should become my own pessimistic quote, but many other Juniors agree with me:

"Vacation is school in a different place."

In addition it's college season, so I'm out touring the universities and trying to be a nice little brown-nosing student.:D

Actually this is my first visit to the site in a little while, I've really dropped off... eh, but why post at all if it's just going to be garbage?:cool:

In other news: I learned today that I will have the opperatunity (sp?) to earn $2ooo while working in the lab this summer. Up to this point i worked for squat. Not a bad deal, though I did the math and it ends up being less than minimum wage, but I have to start somewhere. Any ideas on how to spend it?

Oh yes: The only fit tribute to patriot's day would be a win from the BoSox! Wo hoo!
gosh Phil, you make time off seem like punishment:eek:

but your touring campuses reminds me that i owe you a college story sometime. i will have to hunt down that thread sometime in the next week or so and tell you my story. you will likely feel better about yourself after you read it:p

hey, getting paid to do something you would be doing anyway is great!! so what if it isn't as much as you should be making. It's enough you could get a new imac if you wanted one. or go see lots of movies (with dates even:D )

the pats won the superbowl. they already got a whole year of patriots days covered. of course right now my Giants are down 2-3 to the Padres in the bottom of the 7th so i may not get much to celebrate. :(

so tolya, you are becoming one of those guys in the commercial that can finally leave his house because he has wireless connections?:D
matrix u live in NY and you are rooting for teh sox ??? WOW! :eek:

I am totaly amazed ;)

Hey Ed, it is still too expensive to be completelly wireless :p, maybe if the admin made this boarda little more mobile friendly I would be completelly wireless :D -- think about it :p I go all over the place and bring you guys back souvenirs lol. Maybe when I go to greece this summer I will bring u back a statue of Demetra (goddess of plants and harvest) since you seem to have a green thumb ed :p

yes, please post us a nice pic of the Goddess Demetra or any other cool Greek Gods and Goddessses you come across on your travels that would be very cool!! If you can't go totally wireless and send them right away, then put them in your suitcase and bring them back with you. :D

i love souvenirs:)
speaking of greek Goddesses, we watched "Dr. T and the women" or something like that tonight. Farah Fawcett plays a wife who loses touch with reality and the psychologist says she has Hestia complex. I would have to say this one one of the worst movies i have seen in a long time. if it didn't have such a great cast of females in it, i would have stopped watching after 30 mins.

today was hose day. i broke the hose and replaced the spigot. i also mounted this big fancy hose roller on the house wall. but now i need to fix the broken hose before i can use it:p
lol I think I might mail a real souvenir to ed :p
Hey ed, last week I saw a nice classic movie :p
I saw the cannonball race 2 ;)

what do you think?
I remember seeing part of it as a kid, but I never really understood it :p