Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

Tolya - did you just now start reading my posts again or what? I have been talking about redoing my yard for weeks now i think:p

so it pissed me off today, all my extra work yesterday to get all the green trash bagged and then they wouldn't take any of it in plastic bags. so i will probably have to make a trip to the dump in a while. I think a botched my first transplant job today. i ended up breaking off the big main root at the trunk of the shrub. this was after i really trimmed the shrub back to be able to get close enough to dig and pry around the roots. it looks really ugly now and i am afraid it will not make the transition. all the others i have transplanted seem to be doing good. the really big bush is losing leaves but still showing signs of new growth - pretty typical of a transplant. tomorrow i may go to home depot and get something to make a raised level plant bed out of. this will give me something to put the dirt in the pond hole into if nothing else.

life is getting busier around here. and the gf is going to be home and off from work for 7 days that started yesterday. so who knows how much extra stuff i will get done:rolleyes:

but i buy my son's plane ticket to visit tomorrow. he will be here march 28 to april 5. i can hardly wait.:)
lol :P
Ed I do read your posts ... its jsut that these last few weeks, if my head wasnt attached to my body I would lose it :p

he he

Phil may not talk much, but he pays attention. No wonder you are doing so well in school and all these competition things Phil. I think you may have the bestluck of anyof us with women. You are good at starting or continuing a converstation, but even better at just listening. Women will love that.;)

Tolya - sorry to hear about your head spinning and falling off frequently recently. Perhaps you have just been sleeping thru my yardwork posts like you did the jazz posts. which reminds me i still need to make Phil a list of some good jazz. considering i was talking to kilowatt about jazz on irc recently, that is something i should try to remember. Of course the conversation with kilowatt didn't last too long because klink showed up and got me sidetracked. He brought up Zappa so I knew it was him even though he was logged in as Guest.:D

speaking of Klink, can i say his name and have him appear like a magic genie the way Phil did? KLINK....KLINK.....KLINK

so today's yardwork report - i got every plant that needed to be transplanted done. no more plants in the way of my patio, sunroom and pond. tomorrow i hope to go to home depot and get the materials to make the raised plant bed with. (someplace to put the dirt i take out of the pool hole is the next planned step regardless). oh and i mowed the front yard today. the back is too much of a mess to bother mowing right now:D
post a list publically Ed ;)
that way we can all benefit :)

as for teh yardwork...once you are done, get a photo and post it, phil, racer, klink and I will drop by for a party ;)

"I love peanut butter sandwiches!"
*poof, Klink appears and steps through the cloud of smoke made by Ed's incantation.*

Howdy gowdy's. My has this place been a hoot recently. I wish I had more time to get in on all these neato discussions.
no yard work today. i spent almost 4 hours at home depot. I got more plants to plant, wood to build my plant terrace, galvenized metal plate and rubber to sela off the hole in the hot tub (pond) where the light came out of and a ton of bulbs to plant around the yard. So tomorrow i will build the plant terrace and maybe start filling it with dirt. and plant the orange tree i got and use the rose and citrus foods i bought. Today set up more work to do.

so klink - i am not sure if it was my browser or not but i never got past the man who floats across the screen while i try to decide if i am a boy or a girl:D

does it do more? should i resort to using one of those dreaded browsers to see what was there? or did i just not get it?:confused:

so i take it you had the day off since you were posting in the middle of the day while i was getting lost at home depot. I had to take a break and go outside and smoke after 2 hours:p the front door guard watched my cart for me.

speaking of smoke, we also started using an air purifier today. it should make it a little nicer for non smokers who come visit us. it release ozone as well, so hopefully some of it will make it back to the top of the atmosphere where it belongs.:p

tolya - the jazz list will be right here or in your thread. depends on what else is going on when i get around to it.
You would need to click on the enter word. It's purpose is interactive fun. So click on logical stuff to click. I normally don't care for these types of sites, but this guy is particularly talented with flash. Here is his main site. I liked his Beatles site as well.
ozone protects us can it be poisonous ? :confused:

dang diddly dang... classes are done! woohoo!!!
now I can chill and.... put my feet on my desk ;) (how will I type thought ?!)
Phil - where did you get the info about ozone? i would like to be able to show this kind of stuff to my gf. she bought this thing because one of her friends in oHIo is a sales rep for the company. (about like being an amway distributor i think:rolleyes: ) and we only have half the instructions because her friend was too dizzy to include a PO Box #. The thing scares me so i am keeping it on low so far. it does have a warning to only use on high in an unoccupied room and then to air it out when done.

Well, yardwork has kept me so busy and tired that i haven't posted much for 2 days. I did build my terrace box, and it is almost full and ready ot be planted in. I got some of the new plants planted and the hole in the pond ready to be sealed. I have dug a lot of my hole for the pond to go into. i would guess i am about half done. I would be out working on it now if it weren't for rain.

klink - haven't even felt alert enough to check out the other site. perhaps later today if i wake up enough:p
Thanks Phil - i will try to find out more. but it sounds like i would be getting O3 with a housefull of plants as well so it must be produced in small amounts most of the time. i will check more into this now that you have gotten me started.. and i will tell my GF so she won't get carried away and think our air needs to be really pure!!

so the rain stopped and i went out and worked in the yard. i finished off the top layer of the hole for the pond and finished filling my terrace with dirt. tomorrow i plant the first things in it. i also need to call and see about ordering the sand and cobblestones for the patio. they take about 2 weeks to be delivered. I really think i can have the pond started with the waterfall installed by mid next week. still lots of little things to do but they seem like breaks between shoveling activites.:D
When we were constructing our Multimedia rooms, there was a guys form our dept. that took photos of teh work in progress. Ever thought of doing that Ed ? We could have a Slide whow when u get done and you could showcase your hard work ;)
Have certain chemical processes changed since I've been in school. I thought plants emit CO2 after the photosynthesis process. What kind of house plants do you own Ed?

Sounds like that air purifier you have works by tossing out negatively ionized oxygen atoms (spare electron in the oxygen atom). Might even have an "ozone" plate to emit O3 molecules. Both work very differently. Here's some info I dug up.

MOST indoor particles that are airborne TEND to be positively charged. Negative ions will give SOME of the particles a negative charge. The positive and negative particles then combine with each other, become heavy and fall to the ground.

(doesn't sound very effective or efficient to me in cleaning the air)

Nature is constantly creating negative ions to clear the air. Some examples are waterfalls, waves crashing on the beach and changes in the weather.

Ozone can be harmful only when occurring at extremely high concentration. However, at lower levels it serves as a powerful purification element without harmful side effect. It's also a powerful purification agent in large doses, but can also act as a lung irritant in higher concentrations.

Info links: (more scientific)

The fact that the internet is polluted with nothing but these types of air purifier manufacturers makes my ears perk thinking there is something behind this hypened business that's not being stated and could be somewhat dangerous. Kind of like the soy products industry.

What a perfect convo for tes and chem to enlighten us.
well i get all my plants at Drugco. Lewis sends them to me disguised as sex toys:D (Drew Carey reference:rolleyes: )

no, you are right i somehow got confused between the beginning and end of Phil's article.

Thanks for getting more info Klink. Yes, ours has the 'Ozone Plate' which looks like some super huge computer chip made from a metallic chex cereal square:p

I also have my doubts about this industry. and from what you say about waterfalls and negative ions, perhaps i would be better off to just leave our 3 indoor fountains running all the time. I guess what i really need to do is get the rest of the info from our manufacturer and find out what the levels on the controls really translate to in terms of local concentration.

Tolya - I know your head has been falling off so i will not point out that i promised pics a couple of weeks ago. i'm hoping to have some up by next weekend:D
ok, i looked up the website for our air purifier. this is the model we have. it apparently has ionization and ozone production. i think their claim of a quiet fan is just a little exaggerated but then how quiet can one really make a fan unless it is barely moving?:p