Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

well no one ever offered me drugs :p
my X tried weed and she got a big tonguelashign from me (long story)-- she was really pissed at me but who cares :p

On the 8500 thread I knew I could do videos editing :p you told me about it when you were doing those QT videos for teh hunting site racer :p I just discounted the idea of doing video editing on the job (imagine me doing video editing and encoding of music videos and my boss comes in the door of my office and sees me "slacking off" on the job hehehe :D ) -- besides I would much rather fraternize with my nice looking employees while at work :p lol

so Ed....what is a tolya age ? :p is that something comparable to dog years ? lol

I can believe it has been over a year since I left the job I had the 8500 at.

As for what a Tolya year is, it is 1/21 of someones life, a Racer Year is 1/34 of someones life, and an Ed year is 7478 posts :p .
Very cool site Ed. I'll have to take a closer look in the right frame of mind. ;)

RacerX the Narc. Hahahahaha!
lol only approx 6000 post for Ed to be one year old :p

I just picked up an interesting book called Scheisse! The REAL German you were never taught in school hehehe :p It's small but filled with slang :p

Needless to say that I made a scene at the book store when I laughed out loud at the book's contents :p I also bought an O'reilly book "mastering algorithms in C".... it's got some hashtables in it ;-)

i think RacerX explained the relativity of years quite nicely. only i might argue mine are 1/44 rather than in posts but that is just relative to something else i guess.:p

lots of yard work today, mac down for over 14 hrs for optimization of the 80 gb hd and i am wiped. i'lll be back after i shower.:D :eek:
Make sure not to miss the party at herve's tonite, it's already kicked off :p (posting from my TiBook in the booth :p)

My Mac was on all day even though I did not use it for the majority of day :)
damn, right now i can't even get into Herve's. all the other threads are slow but working and Herve's just sends back an error. I hope there wasn't a fire that destroyed the place or something.:confused: :p

we watched "The Mexican" tonite. very well done movie, even if it wasn't the most entertaining movie. I would give it 3 stars out of 5 overall.

so has solrac ever impressed anybody here as being stupid before now? i thought he was a fine member of the site until today. I can't believe the shit he was spouting at me. I think the time to man the front lines is near. rudenes has invaded :mad: :rolleyes:

oh well, hope everybody had a good sat. nite. i am tired. i may try going to bed early if the site doesn't improve before long.:o
I see this from time to time between ~ 12am-1am est. It's so regular I've come to think it's Admin's time for periodic maintenance and or tweaking for the site. Usually doesn't last very long.

No Ed I haven't seen him like this before. But it has been a while since we've shared a thread. Maybe since back in the early days of the first X release. I can't help but feel this is something more than a browser issue. More of a personal one that's been bottled up and festering for a bit. This might be a time to read between the lines.

Pretty slow night tonight Addy for the party. Poo. I tried to put a little zing to it but no ones biting.
he he, here i was headed to bed and you show up. only about an hour late. i guess that's pretty good considering howyour week has gone.

I also think this was meant to be flamebait from the beginning. I am trying to read between the lines but right now all i am getting is anger. maybe he is a developer for Chimera, i don't know. I do know he doesn't reflect well on himself or on the site. I wonder if i lost some thread i was talking with him in or something?

oh well, i am far too tired to lose any sleep over it tonite.:o

I'll sticka round long enough for a cig to see if you have more to add (here or elsewhere):)
well, other than the thread being closed now, i thought it was starting to progress very nicely. at least there was a decent bit of explaining about communication and differences in perceptions of it. so I started my own reply thread to see if we couldn't cover some of the real points involved. I am a bit tired of typing about the politics of the internet and browsers, but hey, somebodies got to do it:D

I did like vanguard's 'having his own fun' post. too funny and so well done.:p

and klink - i got your message and will get back to you. I appreciate your support as always.

tolya - that one post you made about somebody complaining about not being used to something was well said. very straightforwardly put. :)

so RacerX, which job was it that you had the 8500 for? and why did you change jobs, if you don't mind my asking?
Racer X - you still there?

klink - i do have something to talk about with you. again thanks for volunteering. i am just too tired from defending myself today to rehash it just yet. perhaps tomorrow.

so has everybody else left this thread?

sorry i'm not more fun, but about all i am good for right now is quick replies and there is nothing to reply to yet in this thread.:o
said by my friend Ed
so RacerX, which job was it that you had the 8500 for? and why did you change jobs, if you don't mind my asking?

I was a digital imaging specialist, graphics and web designer, and IT department for a legal copy firm. We had all Windows at first, but then I said I would leave if I didn't get a Mac (so I wouldn't have to keep using my equipment at home for work) and they said I could have anything I wanted (as long as I signed an agreement to stay for at least a year... which I did).

I thought about what I wanted out of a system, and chose to make a system rather than get a new one. I got an 8500, added a G3/500 daughter card, 288 MB of RAM, and two hard drives (one was a 2 GB that had the OS and all my apps on it, the other was a 9 GB which was used for storage and scratch disk space for photoshop. I had a 19" monitor, very nice scanner and a VCR connected to it. And I had a ENCAD NovaJet Pro 600e printer (that printed onto 42" media), a Xerox Document Centre 470 (which could print 25 pages a minute double sided), and a nice Canon CLC 9000 (which could print 15 pages a minute double sided and onto 12" x 18" media). Basically, I had all the toys I could asked for and more. :D

I had a lot of fun with that system, and did a little video editing and made quite a few quicktime movies.

That was back in 1999, and by the end of 2000 they had be purchased by a larger national copy firm, and I was offered the position of admin for there primary computer systems in Kansas, but the thought of moving more into a Windows only environment was just too much, so I turn down the job, gave a months notices and started my own independent consulting business (yes they are still one of my customers).
Well maybe you're more in the mood to read than type.

Let me tell you what's been tightening my sphincter over the last week or so at work.

I'll have to start with a little precursor. During the summer of 2001, the Studio I work for (and really the business as a whole in NY and across the other major hubs in the States) has seen a big slump in business (Ad, Film and Music). After the 9/11 incident, there was a sharp decrease, as you would expect for such a trauma. So painting this picture with a broad brush, you can get the idea we are tightening our belts. Nothing really surprising here right? Well maybe a little. I had thought the entertainment business had somewhat of a cushion during recession periods. I know now, this is just not true after going through 2 of them myself. It gets hit like any other business.

The Thursday before last, my mate B was let go (English bloke). Someone I had worked with for the last 6 years. Hit me kind of hard because we were so close professionally and personally. The worst part of this is that there are suspicions that this was a vindictive strike made by the CEO. My mate tends to have a bee up his ass when it comes to authority figures and had a run in with the CEO last year. Not very smart of him but this is who he is. Ed if you can imagine, he was my foster super ego. Or at least tickled mine from it's dormancy from time to time. The matter was made a bit strange when I heard the choice to loose 20% of the tech staff was between him and myself. So you can see there's that bit of elation that I wasn't the one to be canned, yet very deep sorrow that I lost my mate B. This was really the main thing that effected me over the week.

The rest is kind of typical. A few others have lost there positions. The COO is putting the squeeze on everyone in the facility to do more work with less bodies. The doors are being closed on the weekends when there aren't any sessions. Usually this is a 24/7 operation. So moral is at it's lowest I've every seen in the 7 years I've been there. Fun place to work, eh. Now I as well as the rest of the tech staff are getting squeezed just a tad more than the others. Why? Because we are in the middle of building 2 more large facilities, both in Manhattan. Make sense yet? Go figure, cause I can't. I get special treatment of coarse, because I'm the unofficial "computer" guy. All the glory but none of the pay or the status of the title (big issue 3 years ago). So I get the pleasure of designing, buying, building, implementing and maintaining the current and 2 new proposed networks, plus 2 satellite networks of our sister companies. Nice, right? Yes it is, but not when you have to maintain the studios as well, and under staffed. Always some sort of political maneuvering going on between these 2 disciplines and it's very taxing.
That's the big stuff. There's small stuff that's been pissin me off like, our new ISP (you'll like this, it's Time Warner) and their salesman lies, a very naughty mission critical NT Terminal Server that's been my albatross for 2 months, seriously idiotic assistant engineers that want everything done for them, a partner (an MIT math grad no less) that's so delusioned about making records that he spends valuable company resources for his pet projects with certain failure, and the a new addition in the accounting department (right next to the shop) who doubles as the company snitch (proven fact. I'm not being overly suspicious).

Ok, I'm about tired myself. This should put you to sleep soon enough.
Woops sorry to kill the conversation. I should learn to refresh before I post. Sorry gents. Please feel free to continue around me. I'm hittin the sack.

No problems here, I was actually answering a post that was over a day old (tons of active threads around here you know)... Sorry to hear about your hard times.
hey hey, the place has been busy hasn't it?:D

so RacerX it sounds like you are happier now than you would have been if you had moved to southern bumfuck and been chained to windows.(as oppossed to northern bumfuck where you are now:p ) (subliminal message - *f&i(s%h#t+a@c!o?) of course i know you've talked about still doing alot of work on windows and how steady that aspect of your biz is. I am sure that the other guys can really appreciate all that gear you had before much better than me. I am more impressed that you were able to put together what you wanted and make it work to your advantage. that is so different from what most people experience.
so do you think you will ever head back out to CA or is business too good to leave there? I can't imagine there are a whole lot of people with your overall knowledge back there so i would think you might have added value in that area.

and say hello to the wife for me:)

klink - 'Bummer man'. i can see why you are wound tight. being put in a position like that is nasty. I guess i would hope that your mate lands on his feet soon and that you can stay in touch. i know that's not like having a pal around at work, but it would certainly help ease the pressure you are putting on yourself - the survivor's guilt. Keep in mind that survivors guilt has been a kind of national malady recently. I am sure you saw some in the city. you probably even experienced it on some level or another. so having to deal with it again so soon, only adds the pain from before to the present.
the conflicting emotions is also hard to deal with. we tend to experience them in surges and feel kind of numb in between. and the numb is the worse part.
I wouldn't want to minimize the rest of the shit that is going on, but it sounds like it is SNAFU for you. i would imagine you would be dealing with it with a lot more grace if your pal was still working by your side.
I must also add that your story reminds me of one of my old clients who had his first bipolar break when a similar thing happened at his workplace. I'm not trying to imply that you are about to go off the deep end or anything. just stressing how stressful the situation can be and how unaware people like bosses can be as to how some of their actions will effect/affect people. I guess the best hint i could give you actually relates to RacerX's post. remember that you have choices and be aware to know that you can use them if you need to. thinking ahead about the situation will go farther than dwelling on the past and your investment of yourself so far. You are still human, and can only do so much. I don't care if you are a NY'r.;)
venting can be a very good thing if you listen to yourself in the process. hopefully you learned more from yourself by sharing this with us. and rereading it a time or 2 wouldn't hurt either i bet.

Thanks for showing up tonite guys. :)
oh, i know what i forgot to ask - RacerX, are there any sites you have designed or built that we can see? other than your own awesome and overwhelming site? your site is incredible. i would love to see if you do that quality for others as well.;)
Of the 4 sites that were 100% my own work, only my Dad's and mine are still up. The site I did for my old job cam down shortly after the other company took over (which already had it's own web site). And the one I did last spring for a local magazine came down about a month and a half ago when national publishing house bought them. I'd post a link to my Dad's site if I didn't have real political issues about it. My Dad deals in guns and hunting products, and is an NRA member. My personal feeling about guns, having been shot at a number of times, are quite counter to those of my Dad and the NRA.

But I love my Dad none the less, and his site lets me experiment with things. I still charge him though!!! ($50 a month for everything :D )

Two other sites that I have worked on don't actually show any of my work... that is, I was a consultant/advisor/tutor for graphic designers that these places had on staff (I like that better because it means the sites reflect the style of the publications, and the look and feel is important in that business).
Oh, and my site is still not officially open to the public yet. I hope to have enough done to have a grand opening by 2015 (aiming for July, but no later than November). I have thought about asking Admiral to add stuff to it, specially on operating systems that I haven't had time to play with, but I don't want to interfere with his school work (or the up keep of his own site).

As for doing this forever, I don't like computers enough to keep this up for more than a couple years. Yep, just need to finish up in school and I'll be doing math for the rest of my life. :D
I know how you feel. Several months before I got canned, I was working with a good friend of mine who ended up getting canned. Really frustrating. In my situation though, I was so unhappy I refused to work more than 40 hours a week. I hate not having a job right now, but I'm so happy to be out of there (and ecstatic to not be commuting 3 1/2 hours a day.)

RacerX and Ed,
How much schooling do you guys have? I have an MFA, but am toying with the idea of getting another one. I'm worried I just enjoy being in school too much. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a career change. Also it's tough having a house to pay for and going to school. RacerX where's your site? I want to see it.
Oh, and Ed where are you from in Ohio?