Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

So I'm sitting here listening to Brian Eno's Music for Airports and checking out the new additions to the site of one of my favorite internet artist, and I thought I would share it with you guys (as much as I can, because I have no idea where to get this music). The web site is , and I personally like the works in the Other section.

wow, those were cool RacerX. Thanks for sharing. I'll pass on the Eno anyway. but i really liked those. I took and pasted the link to the gargoyle named Chimera in the thread those mozilla guys hav going. I figured they would like it.

I borrowed a few to see how they work as desktops. The landscapes were my favorites, but there were lots of good ones scattered thoughout. and the one with the fish jumping with the hook in its mouth - excellent. Makes me want to go fishing soon!! His about me is also good. I hate to judge by looks, but i'll bet he is my kind of people.

you guys really should check the masked man's link out. something for everybody i would think.:)
braha ha ha ha.
Oh stop guys come on, please! I've gone through my whole wardrobe already. And I see the neighbors with a straight jacket a comin.

The Other section reminds me a bit of escher minus the acid trips. I think my favorite so far was the Home Alone image. Like the use of subtle multiple light sources. Ooh almost missed the eye. Very neat Racer, thanks.

Ok, give up the link. Is it a secret?
Ah, never mind. :rolleyes:
Hanoi is in Ohio isn't it? ;)
Well, there are Hiltons in oHIo so it must be:D

If you would just take your clothes off, you wouldn't be ruining them. It also makes it easier to put the straight jacket on.:p

yea home alone was pretty neat. i would like to have a real calla lily shaped like that.

klink - what link? besides you already have a link. Get rid of that klumsy K and you are a link :p :p :rolleyes:

so RacerX, how did you find this artist? Is he a friend or local artist or what?
Ok ok ok. I give! Honestly, it's getting hard to breath. :o

I managed to remove the K myself but thanks for your help Ed. :D
Never mind meant.. I realized I was a dummy, I know the link/address now.
I should spend more time in SimX's "Language and the Internet" thread.

Hanoi is in Herve's B&G. The list of Ohio cities, and above posts. :p

All right no more explaining. I'd rather be though of as strange. It's less taxing. :cool:

Ok now I will say nigh night
Good lord, you guys are heavy at it :p
I am missing out a lot ;-)

I usually burst out laughing at the Herve threads, not that much at what herve says but at other people's responces to herve :p ....

some of the manic(depressive) ones were really fun too ;)
said by my good friend Ed
Thanks for sharing. I'll pass on the Eno anyway.

Yeah, I've found that many people dismiss Brian Eno for the same reason that some originally dismissed Danny Elfman (my wife told me Eno was part of some group, but I can't remember which). I personnal feel that Eno's work is as good as anything that I've heard from Vangelis or Stomu Yamashta (though not quite to the level of Bartok, but who is?).
Danny elfman ?
that name sounds familiar. I think he did the score for the fist mission impossible movie (the one with cruise :p) :D

need to check on that one :)
I'll be honest with you Racer, I purposely left out commenting on Eno for fear of bringing down the fun we were having last night. Oh and that was such fun. But I'll give you some of my thoughts on Eno. I respect the man for his forward thinking in his interpretation of music. This takes great courage I feel. He was a true pioneer in electronic music, not so as a Thomas Dolby in the technical, but in the esthetics. I personally am not one to listen to one of his pieces for enjoyment but more for study. And the act of music study has diminished in my years.
I can see where an individual who enjoys listening to the soothing ambience of forest sounds or a gentle rain would be apt to enjoy Eno. The sense of ambience is dominant in his works. And on the contrary, some of his works are down right annoying and grating, purposely so. I can appreciate that he has a gift to invoke such emotions in individuals. That's a true gifted artist in my mind. I should mention his talent doesn't stop short of music, but he's active as an visual artist and the sciences as well. But you probably know this and perhaps might have been introduced to him through those means. Quite a renaissance man.

I think the group that your wife might have referred to was Roxy Music. But he's performed with, written for, and corroborate with so many popular/not so popular artists of the 70's and 80's. Just to list a few; Robert Fripp, John Cale, Genesis, John Cage, David Bowie, Devo, Talking Heads, U2, Neville Brothers, Peter Gabriel, INXS, and Depeche Mode. And there's also the countless Film and TV scores he's written. The size of his body of work is astounding.

Racer, to give you a vague idea of what I enjoy in music, I can personally state as.... simplistic melody. Something about this I still don't understand myself. This is probably why when asked to define the type of classical music I like, I would lean towards the Baroque era of composers. Under the ornamentation was nothing but simple melodies. Simple tastes for a simple man. :)
Brian Eno produced one of my absolte favorite albums. "Remain in Light" by the Talking heads. I don't know his personal stuff too much, but I also have "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts" (his project with David Byrne) which I like a lot. Certainly not an easy listen, though.
posted by Klink
I'll be honest with you Racer, I purposely left out commenting on Eno for fear of bringing down the fun we were having last night. Oh and that was such fun. But I'll give you some of my thoughts on Eno...

I can see where an individual who enjoys listening to the soothing ambience of forest sounds or a gentle rain would be apt to enjoy Eno. The sense of ambience is dominant in his works. And on the contrary, some of his works are down right annoying and grating, purposely so. I can appreciate that he has a gift to invoke such emotions in individuals...

I don't know, I think that your insight on this wouldn't kill the humor of our dialog. I have not heard much of Eno's work's beyond his ambient music and was completely unaware of his other works until my wife had told me about it. I just thought the combination of the images on that site and the pieces I was listening to really seemed to work together. :D

I think the group that your wife might have referred to was Roxy Music. But he's performed with, written for, and corroborate with so many popular/not so popular artists of the 70's and 80's. Just to list a few; ... and Depeche Mode.

Depeche Mode... cool! :D You're most likely right, Roxy Music seems to ring a bell. I'll ask her at lunch.

I'm glad that you guys liked the images though. I've been showing that site to my clients whom I thought would enjoy that type of work for their desktops.
some of his works are down right annoying and grating

well, these are the only Eno works i am familiar with. the stuff you are describing RacerX and those you are comparing him to make me want to find the nice smooth stuff and give it a try. I love listening to that stuff. Ever listen to John Klemmer? the most soothing sax ever played!!

Roxy Music had great album covers but i never could get into the music.

so again RacerX, where did you find this artist?

Thanks - nice again RacerX. more very pleasing eye candy. me like um. I will have to go back some time and go check out individual sites. again i grabbed a few for desktops.

untill last week i was using the apple stock desktops but just felt like it was getting old. so i followed a link tha BlingBling made in Herve's and found a bunch of stuff i like. Now after your llinks, i must have 30 or more pics in my pictures folder and at least half of them are ones i would enjoy using at one point or another. I figured out that i should grab them now as they may be gone later. so many of the links get pulled. of course a lot of starving artists are bouncing from free site to free site. I know my host really cut back their services and if my site had been much bigger i would have had to move or pay.

I also got this program that is supposed to switch destops every so often and so it is giving me a feel of which ones work and which ones don't.

hmm, klink must be having a harder time getting out of that straight jacket than i thought he would. I told them not to make it too tight:p
Sorry guys I'm very drained tonight. Just had enough energy to plug up this laptop. Had a grueling day at work, nothing but Windows on the brain all day long. So hope you won't mind if I continue the rest of this cool conversation tomorrow. I really need to get to bed right now. Good night till morrow friends.
Needed to shut down the mind and sleep badly. Feel a bit more rested now.

OK Racer I won't hold back next time. But be prepared to be bored. Bring a book. hee hee.
I think this is why people will dismiss Eno so quickly. He has that association with absurdity and annoyance from the time he was experimenting with dissonance (if I can describe it that way). But as Racer shows us with Music for Airports, he's experimented with other forms more on the pleasing side. I wonder if his works in the sciences bears any merit? I'd be curious to see what he's worked on.

dlookus, I'm not familiar with that particular Talking Heads record but those are the people that made me curious to find out about him to begin with. The studio I used to work for was a haunt of theirs. They seemed to be quite enamored with Eno and I just had to see what all the hubbub was about. I think Eno developed somewhat of an ora around him for the next generation of artists to aspire to. The Heads being that next generation. Remember, they all met each other in art school.I believe Eno was also in that NYC Village 'artsy' crowd of the '70's which included; Warhol, Basquiat, Lou Reed, John Cale, There were others but I'm not that in tune with this.

I love the digitalblasphemy site. It was one of the members of this board who mentioned it in one of the many 'show us your desktop' threads. I haven't visited in a while but am curious to know if you become a member what lies on the other side. dlookus if you haven't visited this site, it's a must go for you.
And the colored girls go....,
Doo, da doo, da doo,
Doo da doo doo, da doo, da doo,
Doo da doo doooooooooooo,
(enter Phil's sax solo)
I highly recommend "Remain in Light." It kind of trails off into obscurity at the end but is still amazing. I like almost all of their albums really. Some of the real early stuff is a little flat, though.

I don't know about you guys, but I get so much more enjoyment from music that I have trouble getting into the first few listens. The opposite of easy listening. There are very few albums in this world that I liked immediately and continue to like.

You're english is getting better by the moment.