Tolya - like i said, in the middle would be my position as well. this isn't one of those where you have to pick one or the other. they aren't mutually exclusive. even genetic things can remain dormant until activated by the environment. and in some environments they never get activated. an allergy would be a good example. If you are never in contact with something you are allergic to, then you never have the reaction..
as for grad school, requirements vary by school and depts. but generally you can expect to need some letters of recomendation and to take the GRE's which are like the SAT's. some specialities require other testing as well.
klink (and Phil)- i keep putting off that college experiece paper because it seems like the length of a small novel every time i start writing it in my head. perhaps by the time the week is out i will work up the nerve to "just do it"
RacerX - i haven't done that trick in awhile. so were you on the couch, the floor or sitting up? in a La-z-boy maybe?

and did the wife fall asleep too, or did she get up and go to bed and just leave you there?
so i went out and used the new wheelbarrow to move rocks today. i got about 1/4 of what i need to do done and it only took me a little over an hour. i figure an hour every day or so should get it done quickly. but if the weather is right tomorrow, i am going for transplanting the big bush that i want to grow up to block our yard from the neighbor's second story. If we get some more rain, i may start digging the hole for the pond soon(insert half smiling, half grimaced face here)