Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

I was getting at that, but my wife went to Bronx Science as did her older brother, who I thought might be your age, but looking at the "How old are you?" thread, you're a bit older.
Racer - I see, so one couldn't use your research for ill means. I remember that comment being brought up between Ed and yourself on another post. You had mentioned if you worked on something that was so obscure or complex this would be it's cloak for those 'evil doers' (sorry I couldn't help myself). But how can you guarantee yourself such a thing? I would imagine there would be some variables that you couldn't control, like time and the ability of the human intellect to grow and perhaps comprehend/use your work. Do you think it's an attainable goal, the cloaking?

Thanks for the comp explanation, you beat me to the personal correlation before I even finished reading it. To demystify RacerX. Makes me feel more comfortable around you.

dlookus - then that would have been too close for comfort. My identity could have been compromised. I like you and wouldn't want to have to kill you!:eek::D
As far as cloaking my work, you are right, there is no way to completely hide it from any future possible applications. But I hope that two aspects are working in my favor, (1) that I am actively trying to stay away from applicable research (that conscience effort helps me ethically) and (2) that anyone who reaches a place where they can see an application for it (a position that I have not reached myself) would have gained an amount of wisdom in reaching that position to help them make the best uses of it for all concerned.

Gosh, I would hope that everyone here would feel comfortable around me (except those pesky PC trolls that is :D ). But I was wondering about your experiences with Stony Brook. I have never been to New York (this is as far east as I have ever been), but everyone has told be about how great it is there. My cousin is a professor at Buffalo and I've seen pictures of his home (very nice), and my professor at Stony Brook can't imagine living any where else. Sounds like a great state!

And from what I've seen, UC and SUNY are the two best state systems to get an eduction in (and it doesn'y hurt that they are in the largest states either).
I can only speak for myself about being comfortable around you. Perhaps I felt a bit intimidated by your formidable debating skills, which I sorely lack, but speaking with you in this manner brings things to a level I can relate to much better. Who knows, I could be calling you my friend soon enough, which I would like to see happen. :)

I'm going to disappoint you here Racer. My experience with Stony had nothing to do with education. Rather it was merely a place in which I had reached a decision of not pursuing a career as a musician. This was during a 'Battle of the Bands' that was held in it's theater. I realized musical talent was not a prerequisite for acknowledgment in popular music. A bitter pill to swallow in my youth but in retrospect a very helpful lesson.

Well you know I'm going to be very biased in speaking to you about a state I was born and grew up in but can impart some of my own views and experiences of the different areas. It's very true things are fast paced here. I've been to a hand full of states on the eastern seaboard below Massachusetts (passed through all of them), Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana, and have felt the difference in how people conduct day to day affairs. Quite drastic. The people in NYC are generally hard, more so in Manhattan, but this diffuses the more north you travel. Also up north there are very beautiful mountains and forests. I found them very striking. There are a varied flavor of races in the city usually forming enclaves. I've also noticed second and third generation mixing of races which makes for some very interesting people, character wise. Of coarse with any major hub of the world you have the cream of the crop of peoples and a vast array of disciplines.
Are you sold yet? :D
One last question. You mentioned you lived not so east. I assumed you lived in north Cali or maybe Washington. Where do you live?
to contribute to the small world subject - my connection with Suny Brook is that my undergrad advisor to my senior thesis at Ohio State graduated from there. He is now at Notre Dame. I worked for him for a year before the thesis. I had been recommended to seek him out by one of my TA's. So one day as I was walking by his office and the door was open, i just popped in on him and introduced myself. It led to one of the best student/professor relationships i have ever had. He is probably just a few years older than you RacerX. :)

tolya - lol
not quite sure how to answer your question since the whole concept of nature vs nurture is still a continuing debate. but the general answer from the perspective i tend to lean towards is that it is both that contribute a share. From a systems perspective, all the elements uniquely interact to provide for individual differences. of course the more shared elements there are between individuals, the more likely they are to be similar.

or - to orgasm is certainly genetic. how one orgasms is probably environmental influence. no such thing as a bad orgasm.;)
by my new found friend Klink
Who knows, I could be calling you my friend soon enough, which I would like to see happen.

Cool!! I would like that too. :D

Wow, I have to admit some envy here. I have always been on the appreciation side of music, so that fact that any one can generate it at all is truly a gift in my view.

I'm currently in Minneapolis, but I was born and raised in La Jolla (San Diego area). Other than brief periods in which I stayed in Phenix and Denver I had never been far from the UCSD campus where I was born (Scripps Hospital is on the campus property) until 1997 when I move here. I do miss being in San Diego, we had almost every environment you could think of within the county limits (San Diego County is about the size of some northeastern states).

Honestly, I don't consider natives of a state to be bias, because the best way to experience any place is there the eyes of someone who has grown up there. My wife is native to Minnesota and has shown me many aspects of the state that I would have never seen or even looked for not having grown up here.


I do know what you mean about special relationships with professors. The fact that you could not form them with professors of the UCSD physics department played a large part in me changing majors (that and the fact that it was a collection of professors from the mathematics department that actually got me into UCSD to begin with). It seems like the best professors always have their doors open for students who want to learn.
so racer mon, what's got you up during the wee hours of the morning? get inspired and stayed up working on theory or have you been playing with trolls somewhere else?

I absolutely agree that all the best profs have their doors open to anyone who wants to walk thru them and is interested in learning or at least understanding. this has been my experience 90% or more of the time. I used to try and teach younger students at OSU about this, but few of them got it. Just like almost all professors will listen to a real excuse for things being late - including having a personal revelation due to the material. I had several late papers in my religious studies classes because i would find myself faced with some new revelation about half way thru them. Every time i told the prof about it, they were not only understanding, but empathetic, supportive and wanted to discuss it. I think I got A's on every one of them once i finished. A couple of them even wrote me letters of recomendation for grad school. Why people don't understand that the profs teach what they do because they are into it, i will never get:confused: :p
that euclidian three-space thingy went over my head ;-) It looks nice (and tasty...I wonder if someone could make a pasrty out of it ;) ---sorry havent had my breakfast yet;) )
What does it do ? Anything that we can put it to use?...oh btw... I have either forgoten to ask, but forgotten teh answer :p -- what does you wife do ? I remember something about teaching.

Nature vs Nurture :p -- Everyone I have asked thus far (non PhDs :p) say that it is nature... I am kind of in the middle for the moment, cant pick either side lol. -- interesting question though eh ? lol

I;ve had some great professors in my 4 years here where I attend uni :-). The best ones by far (for some reason) are my language teachers :P By proportion (in comparison to my CS profs) more language teachers are cool and accessible most of the time compared with CS profs. I wonder why? lol :P

For grad school do you jsut go into right after undergrad or do you need recommendations, SAT-like tests and so on ?

Friend Racer - Well thanks for the compliment Racer and I'd have to say there's mutual envy here. To be able to ponder, project and communicate such concepts as homaloidal space is a marvel to me.

Ed - The more I hear of your educational experiences the more I look forward to reading the post you will eventually write in Phil's 'College Experience' thread. It sounds like it's going to be a doozy.

Oh, morning Admiral.
LOL A euclidian pastry. :p
posted by AdmiralAK
that euclidian three-space thingy went over my head ;-) It looks nice (and tasty...I wonder if someone could make a pasrty out of it ;) ---sorry havent had my breakfast yet;) )
What does it do ? Anything that we can put it to use?...oh btw... I have either forgoten to ask, but forgotten teh answer :p -- what does you wife do ? I remember something about teaching.

Funny thing is my wife said the same thing when I showed it to her... and she is a chef. :p

And Ed,

I had woken up after falling a sleep while watching my Caine Mutiny/A Few Good Men double feature. It was a long day yesterday.
Tolya - like i said, in the middle would be my position as well. this isn't one of those where you have to pick one or the other. they aren't mutually exclusive. even genetic things can remain dormant until activated by the environment. and in some environments they never get activated. an allergy would be a good example. If you are never in contact with something you are allergic to, then you never have the reaction..

as for grad school, requirements vary by school and depts. but generally you can expect to need some letters of recomendation and to take the GRE's which are like the SAT's. some specialities require other testing as well.

klink (and Phil)- i keep putting off that college experiece paper because it seems like the length of a small novel every time i start writing it in my head. perhaps by the time the week is out i will work up the nerve to "just do it":D

RacerX - i haven't done that trick in awhile. so were you on the couch, the floor or sitting up? in a La-z-boy maybe?;) and did the wife fall asleep too, or did she get up and go to bed and just leave you there?

so i went out and used the new wheelbarrow to move rocks today. i got about 1/4 of what i need to do done and it only took me a little over an hour. i figure an hour every day or so should get it done quickly. but if the weather is right tomorrow, i am going for transplanting the big bush that i want to grow up to block our yard from the neighbor's second story. If we get some more rain, i may start digging the hole for the pond soon(insert half smiling, half grimaced face here):p
Racer - given your compuer expertise and obvious math minded mind (hmmm does that compute ? :p) anyay may you could create a peripheral for the mac to make such pastries ;-)

One thing though, I want chocolate frosting ;)

Ed- maybe you could write that small novel;) -- Maybe it becomes a best seller and you could launch your post graduate carreer hehehe (and in the process be a role model for the your osxers here ;) )

Ed, the last thing I want to do is give you the added pressure of writing a novella. ;) I take it back then. :p Pictures of the yard are enough for me. :D

Racer I hope you'll be able to keep up with our millions and billions of questions. Did you know what you've gotten yourself into? ;) :)
by Klink
Did you know what you've gotten yourself into?

Actually, no. Most of the time mathematics is something of a conversation killer, but I can see where the food-math combination is a little easier to swallow. :p

If you could only hear what I sound like laughing at that Racer.

Ooh, I might have to change my pants.

All you guys, I haven't laughed this hard and out loud by myself in the longest time. My neighbors must think I'm a loon.
boy klink, i laugh out loud at my computer all the time. especially when reading these threads. and lots of Ulrik's posts. I think Ulrik has one of the best senses of absurd humor ihave seen in a long time. pay attention to him and look for the very dry stuff he hides by saying them so matter of fact. maybe it is the language difference, but he cracks me up often.:D

oh, the point - you're not a loon no matter what the neighbors think;)

i transplanted the big bush today. it took nearly 2 hrs or a little more. My arms ache. I sweated so hard i had to take my glasses off to see. i just hop the thing lives. it had some awfully big roots that i had to saw off to get it out of the ground. so far everything else i have transplanted seems to be surviving. now just one more little bush to transplant, 4 or five more plants to plant, some more rocks to move and a big hole for the fish pond to dig. then i will be ready to put down the patio bricks. Then it will start to look like a yard!! right now it looks like a bunch of holes randomly spread around and surrounded by green stuff i mow. kids would probably love to play with toy soldiers in it.:p

Has anybody noticed that this new Java update does some nice little things like make my keyboard more responsive?
It takes something pretty funny to make me laugh out loud by myself. If I'm with others that's a different story. I suppose laughter is contagious in those respects. But heck, I'm still giggling at Admirals euclidian pastry. :p

I don't think ulrick likes me very much. He's ignored me on a couple of occasions in the bar. For the life of me I don't understand why. :( Pity, I would think we would get along very well. Seems I have some sort of knack for pissin people off. :D :(

Look at that. Missed the news of the update. I'll have to update when I get home tonight.

Seems like you're making really good progress there farmer Ed. :)
Have you ever done stuffs like this before?

How about you Racer? Are you prone to cackling outbursts behind your monitor?
All the time! In fact there are times when I'll have my computer read some posts out loud so my wife can hear them in the other room.

I just can imagine that life would be worth living if you didn't get to experience the full specturm of emotions every so often. There is something to be said about looking at the world as if it is new a fresh each day. And laughter is such an important part of that!
