Congrats to Ed Spruiell!!

mmm free ice cream ;-)
I'll have the banana and chocolate chip pafati with wallnuts and M&Ms please :D

hey I always thought about this so I might as well vocalize it now...shouldnt it be iced cream ?
Problably, since it is the cream which has been iced, not the ice which has been creamed. I never knew ice cream could be so deep and philosophical.
lol :p
maybe it's a psychological issue...but in order to discuss that we need our resident psych :p EEEEDDD get out here ;-)
Ed's busy right now. Think he's playing with electrodes and/or neurological catheters.:D


- Ed, Evil Scientist extrordinare
well, Ed is going to be busy today. I have to go buy a new wheelbarrow and some other stuff, then go out to dinner at TGIFriday's tonight. see you guys much later!!:)
my friend Ed
...then go out to dinner at TGIFriday's tonight.

Hey, I just came home from a dinner there with one of my professors and his wife. To bad we're some 2200 miles a part, or maybe I would have seen you there. :p
Hey, that is really cool RacerX and Nummi. I feel like we just had dinner together. I had the french dip sandwich. we also shared a spinach dip apetizer. Did anybody try the broscheta chicken or the orange chicken? i had a hard time making up my mind. But they do make great french dips!! the odd thing is that this is only the 3rd or 4th time in 4 and a half years that we have eaten there. it is too far away to make a trip just to eat there. If we hadn't needed to do all that other shopping, we wouldn't have been there.

RacerX - i must have been feeling your presence because everyone commented on how quiet i was at dinner. ;) of course you probably couldn't shut up being with an old prof friend.:p

Nummi, they have had TGIF's in Ohio a lot longer than in CA. I used to go to the one in Cols. quite often but I really like Max & Erma's better. Their chicken sandwich is excellent. I can get it made just like I like it. No Max & Erma's in CA so TGIF is the next best thing.

(hint - get the chip off your shoulder buddy and just play nice. I will accept you on those terms whether anybody else does or not;) )

"we're not slackers"

Who is Mr. Sparkle and what are you two doing over there?
Mr sparkle is a japanese deternent whose logo look like homer simpson :p It's my OS X background lol..ever since PB ;-)

Hey Racer, I always wondered, are you now in school part time getting your MA or are you just working ? YOu must be as busy as as hell :eek:

As for dinners...havent been to a TGIF in ages. Maybe we should all get together and recreate HErves one of these days ;)
No, I'm not back in school yet (I have to get back home to California before I can do that :( ). It just so happened that one of my professors retired last year and moved here (he was originally from here) to be closer to his family. This professor was almost single-handedly responsible for my early mathematics education, these are some of the courses I took with him: Differential Geometry, Calculus on Manifolds, Lie Geometry, Analysis I and II, and Topics in Geometry three times. If my interest hadn't moved towards Differential Topology (and a way from Geometry) I would have wanted him to be my thesis advisor. I could tell I was going to need help from someone outside of Southern California when most of my professors where starting to have problems following some of my papers. That is why I had a professor from Stony Brook supervising my progress, though I guess I could have worked with a professor I knew in Berkeley... but I liked the Stony Brook professor better.

I have been recreating my Algebra course from notes I still had and a set of exams that my professor (the retired one) had given me from when he taught that course. I'm trying to be ready to take the Algebra qualifying exam as soon as I start up school again. Hitting the ground running seemed like the best idea, I have already lost 4 years, don't want to miss any more if I don't have to.

Then I can move this whole computer thing back to where it should have been in my life... just a hobby. :D
dlookus, I was expecting to hear you say your wife and I went to the same high school or something to that effect.

Unlearnthetruth - Che pasa? Not in the mood to spill some beans?

RacerX- Nice to see you here again. It's always interesting to read your comments and the mention of Stony Brook further peeked my interests. Stony Brook has special significance for me in deciding my choice for a career.
If I can ask you a question... After you have completed your education in mathematics, what kind of career would you like to pursue? I take it anything in computing would be placed in your hobby draw. Just a bit curious as to what someone specializing in mathematics can do besides research.
I more if you don't mind. You're quite a rare bird when it comes to computers and NeXT. How did you fall into that and are you still active in it's maintenance, besides the ones you own?
Interesting :-)
Do you want to do an MA or a PhD racer ? What do you plan on doing after you get your degree ?

Maybe you can become Prof RacerX :D hehe :-)

Hey were is Ed? I have a question for him :p
well here is a general philosophical question. Is a wanker born, or is he a product of his enviroment? (well not the actual act of jacking off :p the "having an attitude" part) ... I was thinking about this while driving into Boston today :p


Actually, research has always been my main goal. I have always had a ton of questions that I wanted to try and answer. None of the mathematics (or physics for that matter) that I do can really be applied any where, which is the way I would want it.

My computer background actually started with Macs, but I didn't think much of it because the type of mathematics I do you really can't do with computers. I knew some people who did work on NeXT, Sun and Silicon Graphics systems, but I didn't actually start doing anything with them personally until about 1994. That year I did some work at the NSF Geometry Center which had 40+ NeXTstations, 10 SGIs and 5 Suns, which forced me to get to know those systems (though not to a very good degree because my research was still mainly done with pencil, paper and whiteboards). So a few years ago when I decided to take a break from school, I found that I had formed an addiction to studying, and computers seemed like a fun thing to study (specially systems where information on them was harder to find).

As for seeing other systems, it has been quite a long time since the last time I came across a non-Mac/non-Windows system in the field. The information I had gathered on NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP did helped out with Rhapsody/Mac OS X Server 1.x and Mac OS X, but the main reason I liked those types of systems was because almost no one was using them other than me (which is why I still use Rhapsody so much today). Every time something becomes too popular, I feel the need to move on to the next thing (which is very much like the math that I do, which there are only about a dozen people in the world working in the same area I specialize in).


A PhD, and hopefully a professor someday. :D

Here is a sketch I did for my wife to show her what an immersion of the real project plane into euclidian three-space would look like (I was trying to tell her about my paper on tight immersion of the real projective plane with one handle).


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