Congrats to nkuvu!

Originally posted by RacerX
We now have another good example of a good congrats threads. Note how it fixes so nicely into the Anatomy of a Good Congrats Thread.

What I like about this is the fact that the "congrats to RacerX" thread is directly below mine, like a subliminal plug... :)
Originally posted by nkuvu
So we have a month of overlap between the two places, so it doesn't have to be a mad let's-move-eveerything-today kind of rush...

I've only lived in a university town for two years. Is it the case in places other than Madison, WI, that everyone and his dog's lease ends on the 14th of August, and new leases begin on the 15th, such that about 30,000 people in town are living in the gutter for a day or so? I find it SO ridiculous. :rolleyes:
asked by Admiral
lol racer, I did your ex ever badger you with the this reason: "Seriously racer, honey! could you put a liiiitle teensy weency more effort into your schoolwork? My weener colleagues are bothering me about it constantly!" :p hehehe :)

Actually quite a few times, specially after she had to go lobbying to my other teachers to keep me eligible to compeat.


So nkuvu, not to pry, but what did you think of her original plans to move out on her own and her change of heart of late?

by homer
I've only lived in a university town for two years. Is it the case in places other than Madison, WI, that everyone and his dog's lease ends on the 14th of August, and new leases begin on the 15th, such that about 30,000 people in town are living in the gutter for a day or so? I find it SO ridiculous.

I've never been in a small college town, but I have heard that about Madison.
I'm not worried about anyone prying. If it's a question I don't want to answer I'll just say so.

Mixed feelings about both. I enjoy living alone, but I tend to get completely introverted if no one else is around. It's also very nice to be able to share the housework. And since our work schedules are opposite, it's really nice for the dogs to have someone home almost all the time. That last bit changes with this school quarter, she'll be home only at night on the weekdays, and only during the day on weekends, which pretty much coincides with my schedule.

I am looking forward to my own bathroom. ;) Her hair is a lot longer than mine, so the bathtub/sink tend to accumulate hair in the drain. Blech.

I also have mixed feelings about moving -- it's really a pain, and I wasn't prepared for it, but the new place is definitely cooler. The yard is nicer and larger, and the fence is a million percent improvement.

Nkuvu (the tortoise) will finally be able to live outside, like she's supposed to now that she's bigger. Yay! :)
Originally posted by RacerX
[...] Remember, very few things in live can't be fixed.
I know, things usually turn out alright anyway. Doesn't mean one shouldn't work, but just that there's no need to worry too much, as I sometimes tend to do. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Kris
I know, things usually turn out alright anyway. Doesn't mean one shouldn't work, but just that there's no need to worry too much, as I sometimes tend to do. :rolleyes:

Ever looked into Taoism, Kris? It's a very nice way to look at the world IMO...
Where's Ed? Haven't seen him in here for a while...

To answer your question, homer, I've never heard of that. Almost everyone I know has a lease end on the last day of the month and the new lease start on the first of the next month. And almost everyone I know has been able to convince the landlord to let them in early so they have a place to stay...
Originally posted by nkuvu
Ever looked into Taoism, Kris? It's a very nice way to look at the world IMO...
Hmhm.. no, not really. I've read some by Confucious, that's all. Not much, though. Perhaps I should.

No, Confucianism is very different from Taoism. Confucianism is all about living according to social rules and natural rules. Everything is the world has its place according to Confucianism, and you can never change that place. Which isn't very useful in a society like the US, where this concept really isn't followed at all.

Taoism is all about understanding natural cycles and patterns and being able to follow them. Wu wei, action through inaction, is a prime example of Taoism. Doing something without forcing it, by understanding when to push and when to relax. Think of a child on a swing, sitting there looking sad because she's not moving. So you give her a push. But you can't keep pushing, or she won't swing at all, she'll just stay where you're pushing her. So you have to know when to back off, then push her again to keep her going.

There's a lot more to it, and I don't pretend to be able to explain everything (or anything, really ;) ). But that's a general idea of how Taoists think. :)

Edit: I just re-read this and wanted to elaborate and clarify...

A good (brief) overview of Taoism can be found at

There are a lot of good books on the subject, but one I recommend frequently to people wanting to learn what Taoism is (and isn't) is Taoism of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff.

And the example I gave isn't very good to tell the truth, since it addresses one aspect of Taoism and ignores the bazillion others. :rolleyes:

OK, I'll shut up about this now until someone show some interest or asks a question or something. :)
where did you think i was? - out in the yard silly:p If you would just go around to the back of the house, you could find me easily. but i can't hear the doorbell so going to the front of the house is useless:D (uh, sometimes i just like to listen - be sure that i am here and reading what all have written. i will always join in when i feel the desire or the need. but it gets a little tiring being the center of so many conversations that when others start doing well without me, i take the opportunity to just fade back into my lay-z-boy and enjoy it)

ah yes, wu wei. good stuff. probably my favorite part of taoism (pronounced dowism for those who don't know already- i spent years pronouncing it with a T). I suppose i would just expand upon the simplistic principle presented here to say that it isn't always 'inaction' but rather a minamization of expended energy - or using less effort to accomplish more. that is also a gross simplification, but it is how i tend to think of wu wei in my life. of course i also like the example of using a rock to divert water rather than digging a trench ;) This is not to say i know a lot about the Tao (prounced dow) but wu wei is the one thing that stuck with me from my studies of it.

I kinda like the norse Edda's myself.:)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
I kinda like the norse Edda's myself.:)
Edda is excellent! :) Is Edda well know to Americans? Perhaps I'm narrowminded, but I never thought it was.

Okay, fair is fair. I shared about Taoism, now you have to share about Edda. I guess I'm a typical American (though it pains me to say that :p ) because I have never heard of Edda. I don't even have any clue as to what Edda is. A person? A belief system? A place? :confused:

I suppose i would just expand upon the simplistic principle presented here to say that it isn't always 'inaction' but rather a minamization of expended energy - or using less effort to accomplish more.
Of course it's not inaction. Didn't that become obvious from my other post?? ;) What I mean is that if you do no action, you'll end up with a sad child sitting on a swing. If you push full force (and continue pushing), you'll end up with a scared child hanging for dear life from the swing. ;) You have to use action appropriately as well as inaction.
Is there anybody out there?

Am/E Am/D Am/C Am/B Am

Chords to the Pink Floyd song.

Er, that is to say, I don't know anything about Edda. :D

-the valrus
Uh oh, we'd better stop before we build a Wall in nkuvu's thread.

Isn't Taoism all about money?

No seriously, I hear it on the radio, on our news station all the time...

"The Tao rose fifteen points today..."

Ha ha, just joshin' with ya nkuvu. :D

-the valrus
Is anybody in there?


That'll keep you going for the show
C'Mon, it's time to go

I have no problems with a Wall here. Maybe it'll keep the Tao steady. :D