Congrats to RacerX

So in order to keep my thread going I should not post in it? :(

Yes we get tornados, but everyone here thinks that Earthquakes are worse (though they have never been in one). :rolleyes:
Originally posted by RacerX
So in order to keep my thread going I should not post in it? :(
It's not that you shouldn't post in it, but not being able to post in your own thread is an amusing thought. ;) It's just that you need to post mysterious things about your computer's name to keep people guessing. At least, that's what I think Ed is saying.

Oh, and Ed thinks that John Milnor isn't exciting. Obviously Ed is not a mathematician. :) Not that I am, either, and I probably couldn't pick John Milnor out of a crowd of two. But you get the idea...
Originally posted by RacerX
So in order to keep my thread going I should not post in it? :(

Yes we get tornados, but everyone here thinks that Earthquakes are worse (though they have never been in one). :rolleyes:

Hey, guy! Yeah we got tornadoes, floods, blizzards and the whole nine yards. As far as quakes go, well here you go!

We must commune and build some machines sometime soon!

-- Craig
:p :p :p

now that i have my laugh back under control, i am not sure what to write in response. i am also not sure what i would be responding to.:D

i am not sure i ever had a real point to make but apparently i said something that got the telegraph lines crackling. Coach, maybe you and i should develop a stand up routine and let the audience heckle us. We can both be the straightman:p

at this point i would say Milnor and your powerbook are in second place for quantity and quality of content in this thread. It will be hard to overtake The USC.

i think i'll just blame it on Herve this time;)
Ed 'the trouble maker' Spruiell. :D

Milnor. Isn't that a coincidence Racer? A Professor at Stony Brook and the New Yoka asking.

Milnor is a pretty hep cat. Not just an incombustible obscure Mathematician, or a mysterious pc naming convention. Actually an important person to you, I think Racer. The father of differential topology. Your passion.

Look at some of his accomplishments, gents...

-was awarded a Fields Medal at the 1962 International Congress of Mathematicians in Stockholm based on his work which gave proof that a 7-dimensional sphere can have several differential structures. This work opened up the new field of differential topology. Ahem!
-received the National Medal of Science in 1967 and was elected a member of the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Science
-he's a member of the American Philosophy Society (Ed, did you catch that?) and has played a major role in the American Mathematical Society.
-In August 1982 he received the Leroy P Steele Prize
-and was awarded the Wolf Prize in 1989

Not a slouch.

Is this the differential topology guru we spoke of once (the NY Stony Brook convo at Ed's place)? He looks like a fellow I could like. Maybe it's his 60's vibe. Just browsing over some of his work and stumbled over his tentative contents of Essays on Complexity. Seems like it would make an excellent read for me. I was surprised to see subjects on humanity Ed.
Then I found this, which I personally thought was cool. Some months ago I was researching quadrature circuits for coordinate tracking and Milnor shows biquadratic maps in Window [.1, .10001] X [.4024, .40241] of "Pictures of Non-Landing Stretching Rays". I found myself going over the waveform patterns looking for matches with the waveforms I was working with and his. :cool:

Was that posted jpeg a rework of your OS site? Looks very slick so far.
Ohhhhh, topology.

Sorry, don't know crap about topology.

Mathematicians, though! Woot! Represent!

-the valrus
Originally posted by Klink
Milnor. Isn't that a coincidence Racer? A Professor at Stony Brook and the New Yoka asking.
Is this the differential topology guru we spoke of once (the NY Stony Brook convo at Ed's place)?

You're right, he is very important and has had a ton of influence on me. I was saving the Milnor name for a special system (like I did for Riemann and Gauss). The professor of mine at Stony Brook was Professor Phillips, maybe not in the same league as Milnor, but then again who really is? :rolleyes:

The page that is being displayed on my system is a special home page with links to all my HTML docs within that system (in addition to computer stuff, I have about 8 novels from a number of authors, the complete works of Shakespeare and all of Sherlock Holmes, plus a number of Kant's books on ethics and morals).
well, so long as i am making trouble, i may as well just be direct. Hinting doesn't seem to cut it.:p

coach - i was really just trying to say that you might try asking questions of others after you answer their questions. You have commented before about feeling like you end threads. Well, conversations often end when nobody asks anymore questions. notice that others keep you involved by asking you questions.

so i am just giving a social tip.

you might note that i don't always follow my own advice. It helps that i am not proud and will reply to my own post after a day or 2 if nobody else does:D

but it is really cool that we got everybody talking about milnor and related stuff. just goes to show that i never know what will happen after i post something.:p

2 good quotes from TV this week - "I never trust anybody who takes his own advice" - and "a messy room is the sign of an organized mind" - both from the Profiler.
hey racer, I kept on meaning to ask you all weekend long, what happened on Enterprize last wednesday? :p
I had class when it was on (as usual) but there was no saturday rerun :eek:

there was no sat showing here in boston :(
damn..oh well...maybe we can ask the jedi master, maybe he knows :p

Anyone have a breathmint ?
I am going out in a few minutes and want to be minty fresh :p

I'll usually carry enough mints to share. Here Addy.

Want one Ed? Might need one after that good night rest. :D

sithious, come say hello.
well, after oversleeping a bit my day is going fine so far. I expect to get out and do some sawing, cutting up some junk wood into burnable size pieces and stacking it. i also expect to transplant some of my pond plants which have been growing very rapidly. this is good as these are the plants that are suppossed to reduce algae growth.

as for enterprise, it was a pretty good one. funny, our replay is on sunday nights at 8 pm.

ok, it starts out with some aliens getting mad and leaving the enterprise. as they do, a creature goes from their ship to the enterprise. It ends up taking over a cargo bay. it is made up of long slimy tentacles. It captures the captain, trip and two crewmen. It taps into their consciousness and they can read each others thoughts. however it is draining them and assimilating them into itself at the same time. at a certain point they will cease to exist and become part of the creature. Malcom, the vulcan, the doc and the translator all work to save them. Malcom ends up perfecting the first force field - i would imagine this is the documented origin of the shield.

so do you want to know the ending or wait and catch it in the reruns?

thanks for the offer klink, but i prefer my cinnamon tictacs. i am not a big fan of mint flavor. i like to put fresh mint in my tea, but that is about it. except for some reason i like those girlscout thinmint cookies:D
said by Ed
thanks for the offer klink, but i prefer my cinnamon tictacs. i am not a big fan of mint flavor. i like to put fresh mint in my tea, but that is about it. except for some reason i like those girlscout thinmint cookies:D

That is because they put an addictive chemical in them to make you want to buy them (they learned that one from the tobacco industry :D ).

I don't trust girls in uniform. :rolleyes: Except my wife in her french maid's uniform. :eek: (to think she, actually reads this stuff from time to time at work, I wonder if I'll be hearing about this one :rolleyes: )
1. Talk about your sex life with your friends online.

2. All the others are inconsequential after 1.
Racer, maybe one day we can meet the wife?
Alla Mrs. MDLarson's kind post.
That was nice wasn't it?

And we would behave too. :p
No mention of French Maids. ;)