Congrats to RacerX

brought up by Tommy
The gerrymandering would be a bit tricky. Basically I'd like Northern California to keep it's water and some of the farms. Southern California can invest in desalination and negotiations with Colorado/Arizona for Colorado River water.

Okay here is a map of the counties of California (the District of San Diego is in red). Which would you consider Northern and which Southern? Or should we go with what Disneyland used for their Southern California discount (were if you had a zip code from an area they considered SC, you got a reduced rate to get in).


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Originally posted by RacerX
...we are not asking the USA for anything that we don't have to...the Colorado River is the the water that comes out of it into the Gulf of California ...
Ahhhh! Now I see the wisdom in annexing Baja.
no way SC gets Tahoe. You have Big Bear and Arrowhead, not to mention some of the best bass fishing lakes in the world in SD!!!


i didn't really think of it as code so much as a very strong subliminal suggestion:D

now what i really want is a clause to bring Roberto's and their taquitos to the bay area:p
Originally posted by RacerX

Hey, are you trying to bribe me? :rolleyes: Okay, you can have Tahoe. :)
He he! Glad I kept my mouth shut. I was just about to conceed 1/4 of Lake Tahoe.

Now USC get's 1/2 and has to have a war with Nevada to get the rest.
in authentic mexican you can wrap just about anything in a tortilla. there are no rules particularly. and authentic mexican is not really spicy like the americanized versions. mexicans are no more likely to want to burn their stomach linings out than anyone else.;)

the USA could keep the nevada part of tahoe for all i care. there are casinos in CA now so who needs nevada?

as for the capitol of baja, i think Ensenada would be best. It is a decent size city without all the tourist crap and still close enough to easily drive to from SD. :D

i think i would move down that way if it were part of the USC. (note difference between 'USC' and 'the USC':p
are u guys still talking about sucession ? :p
I think the national guard would have something to say about that :p
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
are u guys still talking about sucession ? :p
I think the national guard would have something to say about that :p
You mean the newly nationalized Unites States of California National Guard?:p
hmmm....well.. you would still have the national guard of nevada, washington and all teh rest of the neighboring states ;)
Actually I was thinking we would be very much like Japan, national defense force, but no other military to speak of :D. Infact, I would want the USA to keep there bases in San Diego so we wouldn't have to send our people anywhere to defend our interests. Of course we would pay the USA for such protection, but with the possible economy that the USC would have, it would be worth it. :rolleyes:
doesn't the US normally compensate other countries for allowing their military bases? this whole military thing throws some funky wrinkles into the plan. i mean, California has quite a few important US military installations. and think of how bad sailors in SD can be now. Can you imagine what it would be like if they felt like they were in another country:p

of course, with baja being part of the USC, we could close that stupid checkpoint at Pendleton down and going north from SD would be a lot faster:D
said by my good friend Ed
doesn't the US normally compensate other countries for allowing their military bases? this whole military thing throws some funky wrinkles into the plan. i mean, California has quite a few important US military installations. and think of how bad sailors in SD can be now. Can you imagine what it would be like if they felt like they were in another country:p

Countries like Japan that have made the choice not to have a military and let the USA act in their global interest do let the USA have a large number of bases. SD lost the Kitty Hawk to a base in Japan within the last 5 years... that represents a loss of so 2500+ families from the area (if they were willing to live in Japan to be near their enlisted personnel). As for the important installations, the numbers have been decreasing in the last 10 years (except SD which was seeing a rise in the number of future carriers once the corp of engineers finishes with the bay, which also helped area beaches with their sand problems).

As for how bad sailors are, that depends on how much you have to interact with them (of course, my family has been in SD since the 1890's, and more than a few have been part of the Navy... not that that would make me bias in anyway :rolleyes: ). Besides for most sailors California is another country to them because many of them come from the midwest... and boy can I tell that from where I'm at now! And I grew up in the dense population of sailors in SD... Coronado. Nearly everyone I knew in high school was a child of an officer*.

* Quick note on class distinction at Coronado High School. The social class structure took two forms, first was officer vs enlisted children, second was academic ability (which required that you be in at least one AP course to fit in... which also helped enforce the officer vs enlisted structure). Sports played very little part in social acceptance (being in 3 AP courses made more of a difference than being one of the fastest people in SD County for me), and even the general requirements of the school played against new students coming from other lesser schools (Coronado was second only to La Jolla High School in academic standards), and enlisted families seemed to move more often than the families of officers.
Hey, when were you there? It is a great Hotel!

My first wife and I went to Catalina for most of our get-a-ways. There is nothing like a few days in Avalon :D. Strangely enough, the first time I had heard of Minnesota being call Siberia was at the Avalon Casino's movie theater while watch The Cuting Edge for the first time.