DVR Flash & External Optical Drive [ DVR110]


Earlier forum describes flashing internally a Pioneer DVR 110. I am using this model, as an external drive with appropriate USB IDE adapter cable. The current firmware is 1.4.1. Does the same procedure apply ? Thnks
When you state ..the proper links in Terminal.. are you suggesting I use the procedures you described in earlier forums ? Like ./DVRFlash -vf PIONEER RA100010.141 RA100110.141. Terminal does not accept it and reads.. illegal instruction. I m using an Intel 10.6.8. Any more ideas ? Thanks
The firmware flasher probably won't work over USB. You'll need to mount the drive internally, if possible, or find another computer where you can use the native interface of the DVD drive to perform the firmware flash.
Assuming the writer can be installed internally and flashed in a Windows environment. Is it
a difficult procedure to get the DVR 110 to work in 10.6.8 environment, as an external writer ? Thnks
Are you hoping that updating the firmware will help a (probably) 7 year-old burner return to reliability?
You can purchase brand-new dual-layer DVD burners - that would be an upgrade from your Pioneer - for less than $30.
On the basis that the answers I have received have not been helpful or instructive, probably you're right and I should be looking for a new burner.