Eh... Apple hyped to much!!!!!!!!!!

I never argued you should buy a PC, I only pointing out the downfalls of owning a MAC, that's all

RacerX, I though I was on ignore... Welcome back to the circus...
Originally posted by ManicDVLN
RacerX, I though I was on ignore... Welcome back to the circus...

Ignore? I would never ignore you! You're the most fun I have here! I just don't post that much on week days.
Originally posted by ManicDVLN
I never argued you should buy a PC, I only pointing out the downfalls of owning a MAC, that's all

My first computer was a PC. A 486 I think. I liked it. Anyway why are you trying to convince us that Macs are bad computers. This seems like a holy quest for you. Why cant you just accept that some people like macs and keep your personal opinions for your self. Its good that we get a pc users percpective here but I don´t like your holy quest.
It's not devine nor is it a crusade like you put it, I just like to give my perspective on things... I am enttitled to my opinion and it's better to get the both sides of an argument before deciding on purchasing future products.

This forum has become quite helpful for my decisions in future purchases, I hope for you too.

Godspeed Mac knight.
Originally posted by ManicDVLN
It has been benchmarked that the Morgan and Palamino core cpus from AMD beat G4 cpus.

Athlon XP 1900+ beating with huge gap the Duel G4 800mhz system

And the Duron 1.2ghz beating a G4 800mhz.

Let's not go back to speed arguments plz, everyone agreed that current PC processors beat the G4 processor with ease.

I'll reconsider arguing with you on speed when the G5 processors are out.

Then I guess Steve Jobs himself lied to us when he showed us a G4 beating the hell out of a 1.7 GHz Pentium 4 on the keynote in July :rolleyes:
Take a look at

I'd like you to answer my other arguments, too, if you don't agree to them... :p
Originally posted by ManicDVLN
This forum has become quite helpful for my decisions in future purchases, I hope for you too.

LOL. Really? I get the expression that you knew exactly what you wanted before you came to this forum. And so did I. Now I would really like a new IMac.
Have you seen the new promotion video for IMac? Why do you think Annie Leibowitch, Seal and Coppola all say that they absolute adore the new IMac. I doubt that its only becouse they probably get a lot of money for it.
I know a lot of professional photographers and almost everyone are macusers. Why? Because Macs are better? Because they are cheaper? Or because they look good? No of course not, as you have stated everything that you can do on a Mac is also possible on a PC. And the PCs can even be much cheaper.
So why then? Because photograpers are rich and stupid. Beeing a photographer myself I know that the first part is not true, but maybe the other part is true.
The thing is that the mac is much more easier to use.
Now you will probably say that you have used a PC all your life and that you just bought a PC for your grandmother. And that you think that the simplicity with macs are overstaded.
Maybe. But you have to understand that not all are like. I am not calling you a nerd. But you are a person that have no problem with hitech.
But there will always be stupid photograpers like me that think that even turning your computer on by pressing a button is very hard.
Originally posted by ManicDVLN
In business the word lie doesn't exist, we use the word misleading :)

In the business world the word megahertz shouldn't exist. we should use the words gigaflops and mips intead :)
In other words, I want you to prove that a 1.2 GHz Duron is faster than a 800 MHz G4 processor. I mean real speed, not benchmark results. Benchmark apps are usually not correct, you can't compare two platforms with them.
Even in platform independant benchmarks, he won't be able to proof it, then again, it's just manic aka Mr. VI, what do you expect?
if you must watch something instead of reading, check out the PBS special "Revenge of the Nerds" I think that is the title... might be "Attack".

i stand corrected. thanks anim8r!!!!! this pbs documentary was really the film i was refferring to. It must be 'attack of the nerds' as the revenge movie is a frat house comedy that has nothing to do with our discussion. it's been so long since i saw it i got it confused. i reccomend this film to everyone by the way, not just manic.

wow, spend a day at mwsf and so much goes on here in your absence:D

I think that makes a hypocrite of yourself since you are living in a capitalist system and North American values whcih are to expand and make as much money you can. I don't see why MS should be punished or given the evil eye because it got to be too successful. That's horse****. Also, I don't care for your argument Steve Jobs being a saint and all, he is in the same business and HE LOST his chance and a good opportunity, just because you own a mac, doesn't mean you have to agree with every move Steve Jobs did, he ain't good and HE BELIEVE OR NOT is in the business to make money

first one of the beauties of america is that i can be born here andlive here without agreeing with the philosophies of the dominant society. the values you stereotype to americans are not my values. it does not matter to me that companies are successful. it is the manner in which some companies become successful that bothers me. i also never drank coors because they donate money to the john birch society. i will not pay to cut my own throat!!
i don't know where you jumped from my respecting steve jobs to thinking he is perfect. for God's sake, he's just a man. he's made some mistakes. he will make more before he is done i am sure. i don't agree with all he has done, but so far i don't think he has sold his soul. how do you explain the $1 a year he makes as ceo of apple? and so far he has done a great job of helping apple climb back and make money. i am sure he profits from this in more indirect ways. as i think he should. i find him likable. i'm not sure why you find him so dispisable.
1$ of year ahahahah, Please don't treat me like an idiot, you know and I know he is making alot of money, or he wouldn't have been in the business right now.

Bill Gates isn't the CEO of MS, does that mean Bill Gates doesn't control the finances and money of the company? Please dood, enough of this.... Btw, bill gates has given hundreds of millions of dollars to charity and he has written in his will to give 80% of his fortune to charity when he dies... and he doesn't use the word "cool".

Oh i see, United States is a peacefull country that lets you disagree with "philosophies of dominant society". Hmmm, I guess you don't remember history well, and the reasons why communism was a threat for american "philosophies"... Is that why this free country would imprison american communists during the cold war?
I think this has gone on long enough. You guys are letting this Manic fool get you all riled up. Thats his entire goal, just let him blow hot hair and forget about it. This forum isn't for Windows users, it's for Mac users, so Manic I don't know what you are doing here in the first place. Unless you have something constructive to say, don't say anything. We don't need it.

We don't need to prove ourselves, our OS or our computers to you or any other Windows user. In fact, most of us could give a crap what Windows people think of us. So I suggest you go and talk about your own OS on some other board and let us talk about our OS on our boards.
just so nobody wastes time replying to manicpcguy, he is gone from the board. but i want to be the first to say iagree with themacko's lat post!!
i will repeat myself from another thread - when we let themm get us all riles up, we are turning our personal power and control over to them.

so let reasonable discussion follow.

btw - i only think that apple hyped too much for a product they don't have into the stores yet. after seeing it and playing around with it at mwsf. i think the imac lives up to the hype.:)
I guess this is directed to manic, I was a former PC user converted to mac.. Looking back on my decision to change to mac I realise it consisted of a few things:

(a) I had tried every x86 operating system available to man
(b) I was tired of the crappy grey taskbar (or blue luna), and no LiteStep sucks
(c) OSX looked darn pretty in those public beta screenshots

I agree in some respect, PC hardware is great.. and it's cheap! You can customise it however you like, but if you are anything like myself I used to buy new pc components each week - if I added up the components over the time of ownership of a PC they would probably end up costing the same as a macintosh system and that's not taking into consideration the failing components which happened every now and then.

I also agree that apple charges a premium price for hardware, maybe this is because of applecare/warranty system...

I like the hardware in the g4 systems, but admittedly when comparing applications like internet explorer on my dual 500 g4 to a single 733mhz p3 the p3 system blows the g4 away.. However this can be attributed to poor programming I believe, Mozilla and OmniWeb are much faster applications than IE for OSX.

Having said this, if Apple dropped out of the proprietary hardware industry, decided to make Nice cases / x86 systems and ship OSX for x86 with each system at a nice price, I dare say the g4 would get the boot very quickly.
On the other hand, if Motorola/IBM pulled their finger out of their ass and developed some quicker chips for Apple, we wouldn't be arguing over which system is better.

For me, the choice of a mac over pc really boils down to one specific thing: OSX and unix.

Hope this helps you in some way Manic, both hardware systems do their job well, but personal preference has to be taken into consideration.