mac shaman
ok manic. i can see part of that arguement. i think there is more opportunity for certain pc's to be more customizable - probably most of today's modern tower designs. and for people like you who get into that and enjoy it, that is certainly one advantage that pc construction has. on the other hand i believe the mac towers offer quite a bit of opportunity for this as well. perhaps not as much, but with a well thought out original purchase, not near as much will need to be changed that rapidly. of course that holds for pc's as well.
but you can look at my signature and see that the 'limitations' of an all in one computer have not stopped me from building the system i want. and yes i bitch to myself everytime i go into a computer store and see the 'made for mac version' of something selling at a higher price. but often if i look around a little, as you must do to build your own system, i can find it at a reasonable price.
so you keep the case and spend money on replacing parts. i keep the main unit and spend money on add ons. some, hopefully most, of the add ons should be as useful with my next mac as they are today. the real beauty of both firewire and usb is that you don't need to have all sorts of expandability built into the case. a couple of ports of each and your ready to hub and chain anything you want onto your system. all i've done to the original unit is add ram. and it works almost as good as the new 600mhz imac my gf just got in july. i don't expect to need a new mac for another few years at least. i have been thinking about a new one because i would like to get my son one. it makes more sense for me to buy a better one and give him mine than to buy him a used one that costs almost as much as a new one.
the other thing that i seem to be hearing is that you feel apple is ripping its customers off by developing new and better technology too quickly. this puzzles me. why would i feel bad that the line of computers i enjoy are rushing into the future at breakneck speed? Hell, i'd be pleased as punch if next week they came up with something ten times better than we have now and it made everything obsolete.I really hope they make the imac G4 obsolete in record time. that won't happen, but still i can dream.
it's funny you shuld bring game consoles into this (i'm also a nintendo man). the only real absolute advantage that i have ever seen to using a pc is the vast array of games available for it. having a mac, the only reason i would need one would be to play games. but that's what the game console is for. there is no computer i've ever seen that plays games as well as a game console. ( now my son thinks sega is the best - nintendo is ok, but any real gamer uses sega
btw - you've got to admit that blingbling made a very good presentation in his rebutal.
but you can look at my signature and see that the 'limitations' of an all in one computer have not stopped me from building the system i want. and yes i bitch to myself everytime i go into a computer store and see the 'made for mac version' of something selling at a higher price. but often if i look around a little, as you must do to build your own system, i can find it at a reasonable price.
so you keep the case and spend money on replacing parts. i keep the main unit and spend money on add ons. some, hopefully most, of the add ons should be as useful with my next mac as they are today. the real beauty of both firewire and usb is that you don't need to have all sorts of expandability built into the case. a couple of ports of each and your ready to hub and chain anything you want onto your system. all i've done to the original unit is add ram. and it works almost as good as the new 600mhz imac my gf just got in july. i don't expect to need a new mac for another few years at least. i have been thinking about a new one because i would like to get my son one. it makes more sense for me to buy a better one and give him mine than to buy him a used one that costs almost as much as a new one.
the other thing that i seem to be hearing is that you feel apple is ripping its customers off by developing new and better technology too quickly. this puzzles me. why would i feel bad that the line of computers i enjoy are rushing into the future at breakneck speed? Hell, i'd be pleased as punch if next week they came up with something ten times better than we have now and it made everything obsolete.I really hope they make the imac G4 obsolete in record time. that won't happen, but still i can dream.

it's funny you shuld bring game consoles into this (i'm also a nintendo man). the only real absolute advantage that i have ever seen to using a pc is the vast array of games available for it. having a mac, the only reason i would need one would be to play games. but that's what the game console is for. there is no computer i've ever seen that plays games as well as a game console. ( now my son thinks sega is the best - nintendo is ok, but any real gamer uses sega

btw - you've got to admit that blingbling made a very good presentation in his rebutal.