Encryption for OSX


I was wondering if it was possible to make it so that using SHA1 encryption or MD5 encryption uses a specified SALT instead of a random one.
Are you talking about FileVault? If so, no, you can't change the encryption scheme it uses.

If you're talking about some other kind of encryption in OS X, please, be more specific.
They are in your KeyChain. Your KeyChain is in /Applications/Utilities/KeyChain
Access. Now for your Account password is in System Preferences->Users & Groups (Accounts in older OS X versions).

Now you can be a command line warrior in Terminal and go to you home folder etc file, with sudo and your current password.
They are in your KeyChain. Your KeyChain is in /Applications/Utilities/KeyChain
Access. Now for your Account password is in System Preferences->Users & Groups (Accounts in older OS X versions).

Now you can be a command line warrior in Terminal and go to you home folder etc file, with sudo and your current password.

That's grossly incorrect. The keychain stores a variety of password info, but the user account login/administrator password is not stored in the keychain.
You can't retrieve an account password, nor can you modify the encryption method for storing an account's password, through the Accounts pref pane.