For Nummi and Nuts


mac shaman
would you guys mind confining your 'conversations' to one or two threads in this forum. Others asked you to chill in the design forum and you did. thank you. If your dialogue went above the level that belongs in the cuss thread, i wouldn't mind. but really guys, just keep it confined a little more if you could?


maybe since you guys know each other so well, you just use a telephone. remember that other thing that plugs into the phone line?;)
Both have been placed on COPPA restrictions. Parent approval is now required for them to return... with the understanding that all posts will be mailed directly to their parents should they get permission.

nuts posts have all been removed.
well , i don't know what transpired to bring it to that but i am sure those two brought it on themselves. I think they both have some things to contribute if they would keep it cool. this sounds like the perfect solution the way they both talk about their parents. i have the feeling that their parents will be far more punishment than we could ever be. :p
thanks for getting them under control admin. :)

too bad they couldn't control themselves:rolleyes:
what ws the deal with these guys? were they just 15 year olds with too much time on their hands?

Nummi wasn't too bad... maybe a tad annoying, but deez was ridiculously out of hand with his countless contentless posts and needless bad language.

Thanks admin. We appreciate you trying to keep this place a tech support and Mac issues forum and not a vapid hole of teenage potty mouths.

(I feel old having written that) :o
Originally posted by rinse
what ws the deal with these guys? were they just 15 year olds with too much time on their hands?

(I feel old having written that) :o

We are 16! thank you very much! You old FART!
Gosh, I guess that you have not learned from this experience. And either your parents are not actually going to be reading your posts or you are exactly the type son that they wanted to raise (scary).

For future reference, Admiral wasn't the one who wrote to Admin.
Lol I did report a post though (I did not explicitly write to the admin :p)

I wonder how the heck nummi got back :P -- well you better behave because I think you will go the way of Manic lol ;-)

nummi - iwas just about to welcome you back. but i will hold off on that for a while after that post. i guess i am just another member of the old fart's club.

but why is it i can have reasonable conversations with other 14-16 yo's on the site, but not you? why can't you be happy with earning people's respect rather than just seeing how far you can go before they spit back? :confused:
I would like to join the old farts club.

Nummi, if you're wondering who ManicDVLN is, go back and read his posts. Try and find out what date they suddenly stop at....
Hey! I'm only 16 too! Do I win a price???:confused:

I don't like them either. But... May I be in the young fart club???:confused::p
Originally posted by Admin
Both have been placed on COPPA restrictions. Parent approval is now required for them to return... with the understanding that all posts will be mailed directly to their parents should they get permission.

nuts posts have all been removed.

No freakin way! I wanted to be the treasurer, or the secretary, or the janitor, or the low level data entry guy, or the......... I dont care. Just let me at these old farts.

By the way, if I collected a fart in a bottle, and kept it for a few years would that be considered an old fart?

:D :D :D