For Nummi and Nuts

Carpe Diem? What has that got to do with anything? You tend to piss a lot of people of "Nummi"? why would you come back? To seek revenge? To anger somemore people? To take as many people as you can when you go down in a flaming ball? Why are you so crazy?

If you want to come back here don't be an idiot and do the same things that got you banned in the first place. If you are nice and you contribute positively then I'm fine with you being here, but if your an asshole towards people and make them mad people wont want you here.
i think nummi went and said something stupid again right after being let back. if it were up to me, and there was a way, i would let him back just in the design crowd and let him earn his way back to the rest of the site. (like maybe when he turns 18:p ) but that seems like a lot of configuring for a guy who blew his own chanceS!
Originally posted by googolplex
If you want to come back here don't be an idiot and do the same things that got you banned in the first place. If you are nice and you contribute positively then I'm fine with you being here, but if your an asshole towards people and make them mad people wont want you here.

First of all... I am not the only one who acts like an "asshole".
So shut up please :)

I guess I did say something stupid as soon as I came back. I cannot remember what it was.... but, whatever. New account. Herve wanted me back. Is that enough for you ?

I want all my designs taken off of that post too! (just kidding)

I just think.... never mind. I am going to keep my mouth shut, for now.
OK. Friends... but... I will say what I want to say. Freedom of speach. If you do not like that... you can kiss my ass. oh crap... I said ass and crap. I hope no one is going to cry now. have mercy all power admin.
I can see that you haven't learned anything from this experience. I can only imagine we'll be seeing Nummi_G5 soon.

Well since I have no beef with you Nummi, yet. I can only say that you might want to get this out of your system soon. Say what you want to say and be done with this. Maybe after this everything will be back to normal... whatever that is.
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
OK. Friends... but... I will say what I want to say. Freedom of speach. If you do not like that... you can kiss my ass. oh crap... I said ass and crap. I hope no one is going to cry now. have mercy all power admin.

Not exactly NUMMI. It's said that you have freedom of speach AS LONG AS you don't tell something that is definately not nice!!!:o

(It's not the real sentence but I tried to make it clear to people who seem to be a bit slow in understanding!:p :D :) No...I just had to say what I can. I'm so bad at english.):(
why is it that some people under 18 have a hard time belonging to a forum and posting in a respectful, on topic manner.

I'm under 18 and a lot of other people on here are, and we post to this forum in a repectful and on topic manner. Usually it is the people under 18 who aren't mature that you end up noticing. There are many people on here under 18 who post just like anyone else.

hey guys... this is a Nummi and Nuts thread. Lots o weird stuff here. its ok. I do post some good posts. so shut up. Lighten up a little. do not be such "adults".