Forget the iWalk, this is what Apple is releasing (with proof)


Unofficial Mac Genius
OK, well I confess I don't know exactly what's going to be released on MWSF. But I have a picture, that is from VERY reliable sources. It's so reliable, the picture actually comes in the MWSF Badge mailing itself. I think it was probably a goof up, though, on the part of the makers of the brochure. However, it seems like it would shed light onto what Apple's been hyping.

OK, sorry, I don't have a pic, but anyone who's going to MWSF and pre-ordered their badge, here's what you do. Go to your envelope where you received your badge/badge holder, and root around for the MacDirectory brochure. Then look at the front page (no, not the cleavage) at the bottom right. What the HELL is that -- I'm 99.999999% positive that that's nothing Apple has EVER released, so I'm going out on a limb here, and speculating that this is what Apple is going to release.

I'll try to describe it. It's kind of grey. When you look at the brochure right side up, there's a hinge thingy in the middle, and a sort of compartment to the left. On the right, it looks like there's an LCD screen, and then a pen/stylus resting on top of the screen. There's also a small Apple logo on the device near the hinge. From the looks of the screen, it looks small, so I'm thinking Apple PDA, but I'm not even 5% sure of that. has a similar description, and it's probably better.

Everyone who received their badge/badge holder to MWSF by mail has got to check this out. I'll try and scan it or something and post it, but that will be hard in my situation -- anyone else, feel free.

UPDATE: My dad claims it's a Newton. But I am still skeptical, partly because I don't really remember seeing the Newton. Anyone got some pics or URLs to the Newton they can post? Still... why would they put such an old product on this brochure?
i see it. no freaking clue what that is. ps7beta doesn't have twain acquire, so i'm opening ps6 classic to scan it in. be up in a few.
doesn't look like the newtons i've seen.


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That iWalk does look tantalizingly good. But I still have doubts about an Apple branded PDA.

WHAT THE HELL IS THE THING IN THE PICTURE, THOUGH?!? Someone, please post a picture of the Newton.
this is a newton.

edit: see? isn't it pretty? grr... the attachment didn't work.
That freaking video DOES look real! If it's not, someone spent a lot of time making it and should use it to get a good job in hollywood.
well, thing isn't the real name for it. i couldn't think of anything to name the file.
i found out, upon closer inspection, zooming in at 600% reveals the name, written in tiny itc garamond apple trademark font...

iThing. ^_^.

anyway, back to the newton picture.

edit: arrrgh! why isn't it posting the attachment? grrr...
just go under and click "image search" and search for apple newton. tons of pictures.
i'm going out on a limb and saying i am 50% sure that it's an apple branded PDA... but of course, 50% is in the middle, and it can go both ways

and that iWalk movie, it looks too large for a PDA... but it looks extremely real...
BTW, the 1993 video I dug up is completely real. If you need to scoop on any 1992 or 1993 mac worlds I've got an inside track. :)
That does NOT look like any Newton I've seen. The position of the Apple logo and the COLOR of the Apple logo on the MacDirectory brochure are totally different than that of the Newton. I'll bet all Newtons sport the 6 color Apple logo, but this picture has a 1-color Apple logo.

What gives?

Bling Bling: Not much. Just some cleavage on the front page, and pictures of celebrities using Mac products. Nothing big except this weird thing.

By the way, boi, where does it say iThing on that iWalk movie? I don't see a place where it COULD have a name.
the brochure is an advertisement for MacDirectory magazine, which makes me think that iThing won't have anything to do with the actual expo. the rest of the brochure is cleavage. if there's a rallying cry, i'll scan the brochure front, but i promise that's all that on it that's important.

Oo boi o.

ps- i was just pullin' yer chain about the iThing, but i'm all for starting a rumor that that's what it's called. as long as i'm accredited.
That link that wdw_ posted has now been updated with 7 pictures of the iWalk. And DAMN does it look realistic. Down to all the CE stuff on the back and the FCC warnings and Apple copyrights and trademarks on the back. I'm getting REALLY exciting thinking that Apple might release a PDA!!!!!!

*breeeeaaathe* *exhaaaale* *breeeeathe* *hyperventilate*
i'm all for cleavage :)

but that would be totally kick ass for them to accidentally sneek a new product into a brochure

and here's a still of the iWalk video... it looks interesting...


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