Forget the iWalk, this is what Apple is releasing (with proof)

good lord :p
I take a day off the board to do PeeCee upgrades at work (which I ams till doing btw) and this takes on a life on its own :eek:

I want my PDA apppleee com'on -- gimme a newton he he
You just got a iPaq 3800 series-PDA some days ago...

but I'd also sell my 3660 for an Apple PDA ;)
"Concept for a mid-sized PDA (Newton). Industrial Design: Apple Computer: Robert Brunner. September-November 1990."

The iThing in the MacDirectory brochure is an old Newton prototype. Its in the book AppleDesign on page 142 (plate 189).

I would post the picture but I don't have a scanner :(
Originally posted by simX
UPDATE: My dad claims it's a Newton. But I am still skeptical, partly because I don't really remember seeing the Newton. Anyone got some pics or URLs to the Newton they can post? Still... why would they put such an old product on this brochure?

It is a Newton prototype. The original picture is in the AppleDesign book, and the picture that was posted from the badge is simply a doctored version to de-colour the Apple logo. I've scanned the original from the book so you can see the whole device.

I assure you, this is not the new Apple PDA.... :)


  • newtonprototype.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 171
we should have known.
although someone went through the trouble of removing the multi-colored logo. Strange.
Another Problem with the movies:

ON the bootup movie the user changes the jog wheel supposedly so that the screen format will be changed from horizontal to vertical. If you look closely you can see that the turning of the wheel does not shange the screen, rather the supposed power button on the bottom does. The user makes a quick little hit of this button. Its quick, but its undeniable. This all purpose button seems to suggest that the on screen action is actually a movie with some slideshow like features.

Thats all for now.

Oh yeah, i though that the iWalk was cool, but im glad that its fake so that i can go through the suspense of a show.
just as well, iWalk was an idiotic name anyway... if it was real, apple's legal team would have torn spymac a new asshole long ago. i like being surprised anyway:)
I must applaud the kids working over at Spymac. You had a lot of us convinced including myself for a while that this "iWalk" was legit. This video was the creation of a very dedicated fan(s). Wow, I mean I don't know what to say. Truly impressive.....Truly impressive! actually has some REAL content (suprise, suprise -- no, I'm actually a fan of the show. :) ). They have 4 also-convincing points that the iWalk is a fake.

It did look kinda cool, but I agree that the size and the name of it were pretty dumb. :P Oh, well. So much for an Apple PDA.

Efoivx: What? You're actually going to release Classic? as a dockling so it doesn't hog disk space or memory! :eek: I'm sure THAT would be a surprise. ;)

And I'd have to agree with The Captain that this was a VERY convincing fake.
I guess we'll have to wait and see, SimX that's a bit rude.... the last version didn't hog space or ram.

efoivx: Note the use of :eek: and ;). Obviously I was making a joke. :P I guess there's some sarchasm here (no, that was not a typo).

Anyways, I also wanted to say that this is what will say at T-3 days:

" Get a life."

Wow. Kudos to Spymac, that is one damn impressive fake. Had me totally fooled. I'm still a bit confused though. Is the whole thing a 3D render, animation and all? Or are we saying it's a real physical object dummied up and composited with type effects? Cuz if that's a 3D animation, holy crap is that good. If it's a dummied up model, that's also pretty damn good.

I personally would not be the least bit surprised if Apple is purposely paying and planting people to develop distraction evidence such as this. Car companies do it all the time. Mancow did it with his fake site. Classic strategy.

Thinking clearly now, I would be very surprised if Apple hopped back in the PDA market again. 1) Newton bombed (cool as it was) 2)The whole PDA market is nosediving 3)I have no need for one, so therefore nobody else should ;)

I'm glad it's a hoax (I guess) cuz I was ticked that I was lured into looking at all the pix and movees when I really wanted to just be totally surprised on Monday. Monday is my Xmas!

[Self: "Must fight urge to click on Spymac movie link, fight it, fight...(click)]
Here's how I think they did it (the fake):

First, a very high quality mock-up was made. It may have been a sooped up sharp or other existing pda. The fcc lables and apple logo could have been copied off of an iPod or something.

The screen was just blue paper. Using real basic or project builder, they created a fake 300x100 operating system which was 100% user-interface (no real computing needed). They ran the UI on a power book, and captured the video onto something with adobe after effects or premier or final cut pro.

By using a blue-screen-like effect, they replaced the mock-up's screen with portions of the captured video.

For the text, they simply added in text in the editing program. You can tell this, because, as is allready pointed out, the text remains *perfectly* still while the iwalk slightly moves. See, the blue screen on the iwalke moved as well, so the super-imposed operating system shifted too, but not the text which was supposedly written.

The shadows are of course perfect because a real, physical object was used.

I for one actually hope apple waits a few years before they release any sort of pda. And I also think iWalk was a beta-name for the iPod (like a walkman, sort of).