Oh. I'm a Geek. Capital 'G'. For starters I have my on vintage VAX 6320 mainframe in my 'computer room'. I named her Mother after the computer in Alien. Another Geek thing to do. Then there are my twin VAX 4300's Thelma & Louise. The MicroVAX II, and the desktop MicroVAX3100. I've always waved the DIGITAL EQUIPMENT / VAX flag. I never cared for anything that didn't weigh at least 200 pounds. Apples were originally not my system of choice. But alas I am double biased now. Since Compaq bought DEC and HP bought Compaq I won't buy anything off ebay without a genuine Digital logo on it. I've owned 3 macs including my current iBook. I go everywhere with it. Since I can't have VMS on the iBook I can have the next best thing - unix! Now I wave the Apple flag and the Digital flag. (There is a cult of VAX Geeks out there just like the Mac ones). God bless Apple for being the modern-day DEC: They make their OWN hardware, their OWN OS/software to run the hardware, everything is way ahead of the rest of the world, works forever, compatible with everything, and they march to their OWN drum - dot someone elses. Just like DEC did. So piss on Microsoft and the Dells. Long live VAX/VMS and Mac/OS X.