Geek test:
Give yourself 1 point for each question you to which you answer yes.
1. DEC
2. Why would anyone install such a crappy OS such as linux is beyond me, if you're into S&M I guess, but in that case, you should check out Ed's computers.
3. Ofcourse
4. Are those them things in Arknoid?
5. C
6. What it does is fail to compile
But I think what you really want is, it causes the program to call the funcation AbortHandler when a SIGABRT is sent to the process. The AbortHandler function is supposed to free up the memory allocated to the variable "str"
7. I would assume you mean unix
8. To many to mention, but I assume you mean this: 'str = (char* malloc(10);' with the missing ')', or did you mean SIG__ERR having two '_'s in it, or the lack of any include files which are desperately needed to define the variables you have, or the lack of any global defines of variables since you don't define them locally in any sub. It's also handy to include funtion prototypes.
9. Ofcourse
10. Using m4 or hacking at the config file?
The real question is, can you actually understand what all the rules do in the cf file
For tormente, the code above but in bash (functionally atleast)
trap "str=; echo 'Caught signal SIGABRT';" SIGABRT
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo Could not set SIGABRT