Okay... I have 6 Gmail invites to give away... but then I was thinking, I really want to get something back from this... Has anyone ever heard of FreeiPods.com?
Well it really works...
Basicly, you sign up for the site, freeipods.com and then they ask you to sign up for AOL, or a credit card, or netscape, those types of things... most, if not all do not cost any money, and you can cancel at any time...
You have to get 5 people to sign up then they send you a free iPod.
so I'll give away a gmail account to anyone who signs up for something for me... All you have to do is like what I did... I signed up for AOL, I get 1000+ free hours, for 50 days, before that 50 days is over, I cancel, and I havent paid for anything...
And sign up for something... it'll tell me who signed up, but it may take 1-3 days to register that you gave me something.... so shoot me an email, let me know its coming...
This may sound like some scam, but do some research, its real. and then all you guys have to do is get 5 of your friends to join, and you'll get a free ipod too!
Thanks, Alex