Searching for logic
I don't know if there will be anything like the Hotmail plug-in for GMail. There are some technical issues that people have to grasp with. Hotmail runs off of a proprietary protocol called HTTP. HTTP itself isn't proprietary, but using it as the basis for the protocol to transport e-mail is. It is also fairly easy to find clients that MS DOES allow to interoperate with Hotmail, giving room for reverse engineering. If MS wouldn't have implemented Hotmail support in such products such as Outlook express, and Outlook, I don't think we would have stuff like the HTTP support protocol for the There is no reason to think that GMail is using HTTP support, and as long as there are no clients that can access GMail without a web browser, I doubt there will be support for it in either.
If it was purely a matter of someone writing one, then we'd all ready have one for Yahoo. Yahoo has 5 million more active e-mailers then Hotmail. Yet I haven't seen any solution to getting it to work with
If it was purely a matter of someone writing one, then we'd all ready have one for Yahoo. Yahoo has 5 million more active e-mailers then Hotmail. Yet I haven't seen any solution to getting it to work with