Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
I think i could handle ripping down drywall, i would like to learn more about installing and repairing it. Seems like another one of those good things for homeowner to know. (ok, my old lady is the homeowner but i get to act like one since i live here with her )
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Its been a good week so far. Except for softball practice last night. I froze my balls off.
Off I go then!
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
I see you didnt turn in the application. Good job idiot! How much money do you have left? Not good, not good at all.
Speaking of which... JERRY! My renob is sooo sore I can barely walk. Holy CRAP! I didnt think it was possible to keep it up as long as I did last night... its not good... well it was... but it hurts like hell!
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
--Dont lie Jerry... ... but we still cheat.