Hello everyone!

hey guys, i'm here. way to busy to have much to say this week. I worked getting the yard ready for the party saturday from about 9:30 this morning to about 7:30 tonite. I take a fews breaks and lurk the site, but i am not getting too involved in any thread except a few short comments and some longer stuff in the repent thread.

i've been enjoying the stuff you're talking about. the idea of Jerry laying out on the fairway reminded me of my golfing days. that was just the kind of crazy stuff my friends and i would have done. Good job Jerry!!:D

rick - time to play some Eagles for the GF - "Get Over It":p
but to be fair, most people get pretty shook by their first accident. I got pretty shook about a year ago when i hit a parked car while parking. i was jumpy for a month or two afterwards. Perhpas the best thing you can do for your GF is help her to understand that everybody has accidents - it really doesn't matter who is to blame. that is why they call them accidents. the chances of going thru life without having accidents is about nil. otherwise none of us would buy insurance!!;)
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
I always wondered what the hell that thing was. What a dumb little creature.

YOU SON OF A B_TCH. F_CK YOU. HEXLEY IS AWSOME! Rick... everything is ok, you are riding with Kaylee and myself to Cedar Point. What food should we pack? / what other crud do we need?
Hey Ed! Thanks for your advise, it always appreticated. Glad to see you came back. We could always use another person to talk to.

Jerry... cool down there buddy. I was just messing with you. I dont care what we bring for food or drink, whatever you get I will eat, drink, and pay for. The major thing we need to worry about is tunes. What cd's should we bring? Since there is not a lot of room in your auto I dont think we should bring too much.

3 days!! Weeeeeee!

Work tonight, I think I will be real busy. The weather is better today than it has all week.

Later gents!
What are you talking about? How dare you! It is not dead... even if im the only one to post in here. I will not let this die!
The Threads From The Dead Assoc. (FDA) will not let this die! :D

It will provide the neccessary funding to keep thiss thread up.
Why did I do it? I dont know. I just know that there is a certain time when everything must come to an end. You can't plan it, it just happens. It may be one person who does it, it could be a group effort, you never can tell.

Besides, we kept this going because of Ed. We needed his opinions, and someone intelligent to talk to. He stops coming in here as much as he used to. Plus the fact that I can't really keep with everything anyways. Im too busy now-a-days. Work, school, girlfriend, other friends. Posting my opinions, that no one cares about, is not at the top of my list.

If this dies, oh well, I cant help that. Im suprised someone retard hasnt tried to kick me off again, or close all of my threads, like has happened once before. I wont name names, because I would just dig a bigger hole.

I might as well tell you now, who ever does read this. I am considering re-tireing from posting and the macosx.com forums. I am just thinking about it. But you can expect to see less and less of Lessthanmighty around any more.

Well, good day gents. Im going to go now, maybe for just an hour, maybe forever, we will just never know.
well said, LTM

sad to hear that you are thinking about leaving.

I admit, at first I didn't like you, because I thought the rude language you used is all you can, but in the past, I really thought you are OK, one of the better or best members of this board, IMHO

But I have to admit, I am also retiring from the board more or less...it just doesn't feel like it used to...the legendary HB&G atmosphere is gone...:(
I think these forums have gone down the drain with this sudden torrent of mindless posting. There have been like 2000 NEEDLESS posts in the last few days. It's stupid. I won't name any names, I last time I checked these forums were for hanging out and helping people, not seeing who can race to 1000 the fastest. There are other forums for that.

If you do leave LTM, we'll miss you :( *tear*
Same to you ulrik :( Where you guys going to disappear to?
I won't disappear, but you know, I have to agree with you in everything you just said!

A few weeks ago, when I was working, and I was stressed, I came to MacOSX.com went to Herve's Bar and Grill and just sat down and relaxed, chatting a bit with the people over there etc. etc.

But now, I come to this forum, and every second thread is about raising post counts, and "hey, my post count is higher than yours so shut up". Even if such comments are ment "funny", it is not funny. It is a waste of bandwith.
I remember when the admin asked for donations to speed up the server. He actually invested his personal money, and now I have to see that the the bandwith is wasted for such stuff.

All this just stops me from thinking positive about this forum any longer, about this place where you can post when you had a hard day....you know what I mean....

do I sound pathetic? I don't mean to...:(
This post count thing is getting serious. I didn't know that you guys didn't like me talking to macguy about my post count. I won't do it anymore. I just won't! :( :mad:
Haven't I heard that before???

It's not about talking about post counts, it's about the fact that every second post in this forum now is senseless! And I don't mean "sit down and talk shit" senseless, but just to...well....to post something....to raise your post counter....to get your congrat's thread...yippieyaihei....

Is that so important? Is it more important than actually communicating with each other?

There are threads where people post ten posts in a row without noticing that actually nobody cares and nobody answers...and they still post....

Maybe I am too "boring" to understand it, maybe I am over-reacting. All I see is that more and more people leave or at least tend to spend less time here than they used to.

That's MHO, nothing more, nothing less. I don't wanna sound like a pathetic asshole who thinks he has to care about this place. I just wanna voice my opinion about what has changed. I don't want ANYBODY to leave or to change their posting habits. That's not my intention and not my job.
I just hope that some people realize that it is not as much fun to post random shit as they think it is...but well, I start to sound like a teacher again. I guess now I will read an answer like "sorry, but I'm crazy, I have to post" or something like that...

I won't touch this subject anymore, I am not a moderator or an admin, so technically, I should keep my mouth shut and leave the place, but I decided to tell why will reduce my posting in the future, that's all.

I'm out of this discussion...
Wow... its a good thing I came back to see if anyone responded to my post. There are a couple of subjects that I just want to touch on.

Ksuther.... you wanted to know where I would be going. Im not really going anywhere. I will always be here, and if I had any free time what-so-ever I would like to use it on other "endevors". Not that I dont enjoy being amongst the posters and being involved in the conversations brought up here. I just have to many things to now. Luckily for me, I have some free time tonight.

Yes, I would like to agree with you ulrik. You make complete sense and you are totally correct. I am afraid that there is no easy solution to these problems. If people want to be dick heads, excuse my french, there is nothing than can stop them.

Xoot, you never will stop being nuts. Every post I happen to read of yours, is some how linked to upping your post count. You can say you will change your ways. But its only the actions that you take that I am interested in.

Well, I will keep it short again. Good night fellow members!
same here guys...

I do not have time to do anything anymore. I roll out of bed at 5:30 in the morning, get ready, go to school, come home, eat something, go to work, come home a 6:00, do some homework (maybe), call my girlfriend, go to bed. An endless loop. And when school is over in less than a month... I will work full time. POOP! I need more time or 2 of me.
hey, i'm still here. i've just been a bit busy. /but the party is over, the yard is finished (mostly) and i am going to be spending more time here. so don't leave. just don't sweat it if you or i or whoever isn't making a constant response. this is why we talk on the forums instead of on the irc - because time is irrelevant and we can converse when we have the time, no need to hurry a reply most of the time.

so did you guys make it to Cedar point? I heard the weather was very wet in your part of the world. It has been wet here since Sunday but Sat for the party, it was the best weather i could imagine. some people even wore shorts. i hope you at least got to spend the time with the girls and rub bodies close together anyway:D

ok ulrik, i'm headed to your thread next. time to talk about fishies:)