Hello everyone!

Sorry, i have just been really busy lately with the yard. Once you order the materials for doing this stuff, you kinda need to do it right away. Who knows, i may even have our driveway cleared off of materials by next week. I managed to get down to just the sand pile tonight. which reminds me, i forgot to wet it down tonight. Hopefully we won't have high winds tonight.

Rick - sorry to hear about Buffy. Are you going to get another dog or is your mom kinda sour on the idea at this point? also sounds like your dad is like most people my age - knows how to use a computer but not much more. which is not to say that there aren't plenty of people ou age that know more, we are just a little harder to find. of course i would be really lost on a pc as i have only owned macs since about 1984.

Jerry - this is a good thread. I don't think anything genuinely malicious was ever said by anyone in this thread. It had some rough moments along the way, but it turned out good. and it will continue to stay that way as long as rick is back.

for complete details of why i have been extra busy the last two days, stop by the bar.;)
Hey Rick... I was wrong... your new avatar is kind of bad. It does not loop! I think you need to find another one.
It will probably be a while until we have another dog in the house. Buffy can never be replaced, what they say is true, you become attached to your pets very quickly. Trying to find a happy medium between what my brother and me want in a dog, and what my mom wants in a dog is hard to do. I will keep looking a let you know how it goes.

This computer crap just gets worse everyday. Jerry! Did Ken ever have troubles booting his up? This thing is taking forever. My dad doesnt have the patience to figure out anything when it comes to the computer. He will finally resort to throwing disks across the room and swearing as he stomps down the stairs. He needs to learn self control.:D

There! My avatar is changed. I personally like sonic. He looks like he is running!
XP... what happened to that 20 sec boot-up ken was talking about? damn windows. Is XP better than windows Me ?
yea, i like Sonic too. He is the best avatar you have had. i still think you should create one of your own - an original. you are an original character after all;) but you should at least change the 'digging my own grave' as it makes no sense anymore. maybe it should say 'back from the dead - again' (he he)

i hope you get another dog before too long. my advice is to let your mom have the most say in getting one. like let her pick the size and breed and that, but then you make sure you get one that likes you and is lovable. (unless she wants a chihuaha, in which case fight for your cause to get a real dog!!)

as for your dad and lack of self control - sounds like pretty poor behaviour for a grown man. proof once more that growing up doesn't neccessarily make you smarter. might also explain why you have a bit of a problem with it at times. at least you are learning better at the age you are supposed to start learning that;)

hey Jerry, i say your realization of what all your crazy posting was like for others. that was pretty big of you to admit that and to apologize so sincerely. i was genuinely impressed. xoot and some of his new buds are certainly going overboard with their meaningless postings. I would guess if the cus thread were still active, they would be getting carried away like you guys did and they would be gone soon. as it is, they are just being stupid. unfortunaly, that isn't a crime:p
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
Is XP better than windows Me ?

yes... totally less buggy than ME

and if skateboarding isn't a crime, why do i see all these signs! (skateboarding is awesome... don't think i hate it... look at the bottom of the pic to see what happens if you are skateboaring...)


  • dsc00056.jpg
    89.6 KB · Views: 14
Do you have a digital camera? you lucky little...

"Skateboards will be impounded" AHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA. that is funny.
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
i don't have a digital camera... i have a "Digital Video Camera Recoder" that takes VIDEO and PICTURES!

thanks dad! :)

how much did that cost? what brand is it?
XP, what a waste of twenty bucks.:D Never mind, the problem may lie in that we installed over ME. That sucked so bad it might still be causing problems. Time to format the ole hard drive.

I want a digital camcorder. Jerry, post that vidoe we have. I enjoyed myself soo much with that little camera, and I was only using it for like 10 minutes.

Primus? Ahhh, I could take em or leave em. Not that great. Try... "Whats the dilio" by Mest.

Why cant I stay up until whenever I want? Who has bed times anymore. Toodeles!
we have a whole little park right on the middle school grounds just for skating. it has ramps and jumps and rails for grinding. I have even gone out on it a couple of times using my old style four wheel skates. I take my son there most times he visits. this time we never made it between my yard work and his wanting to play with his friends. this was the first time his break and the kids out here's break have been the same week.

rick - i empathize with your bedtime situation but from a parent's point of view, i understand it. People get really grumpy and irritable when they aren't getting enough sleep and teens need lots of sleep but never want to take the time to do it. Best solution is to set a schedule and stick with it. actually, most people are healthier and happier when they have a regular sleep schedule. which explains why i used to get sick so easily and so often:p
No, I was sticking to my schedule. 10 o'clock. Thats it! Just because we start school again doesnt mean I need more sleep. Besides I sleep more at school than at home.

Well, if my dad want to format it... go ahead. Its not mine. Its his. He will go out and buy a new one eventually.:D How come we doubt Ken all the time, and he ends up being right?:confused:
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
How come we doubt Ken all the time, and he ends up being right?:confused:

Because the kid is stupid. But he does know a lot about his wintels. well... his winAMDs. whatever. he is a pc hardware geek.

Awwww.... how mean. Im sorry, but that kid needs to get some friends. He will remain a loner his whole life. Thats what happens when the machine wins.