Hello everyone!

Yeah... he does need more friends. always asking me HTML questions... why doesnt he just learn it himself? And then after i help him... he insults me and my Macintosh.
Yes... he is an idiot. Converstation terminated!

Golf! He we come... the champs... this will be the second year in a row that we beat the rest of those puny weaklings. Muuhhaahaha! DIE!

The sad thing is that we will only get those gay t-shirts...again. I want a trophy. A big one! Something I can show off. Those t-shirts not even say what I one at. Grrrr.... I know, lets make our own!
Yes... all champs... we are the masters of disaster! I dare anyone to take us on.... just a long as they can wait for my blisters to heal.

Dum dee dum... where is Ed. I miss him. Here we are again talking to ourselves.:D
sorry, didn't mean to leave you hanging, but all of a sudden you had lots of company on here and i had very little new to say. If you really want to know what yardwork i have been doing for the past 2 days then read my congrats thread. otherwise i am pretty much at a loss for what to talk about right now - feeling tired doesn't help that much.

So what is the weather like in oHIo? i hear it has been changing a lot. We have had rain, then sunshine, then rain, then... It has been more like ohio - you know, if you don't like the weather, stick around an hour, it will change:p

well, i'm gonna go. i am going to try and be in bed by 12:30. I need to get back on a better sleep schedule myself:D :o
Originally posted by senne
Herve for prime-minister in Belgium! (but not when he's Filip de Winter.)

if Herve can be prez of Belgium... I want to be be prez of Finland. It is nice and cold there. Can I can I please please please?
Who would want to be prez... of any country. Too much work... and there is always some one who wants to kill you.

Yeah Ed... I read the congrats thread... no need to discuss that. But dont you do anything else... sounds kinda boring.

The weather... is good for right now... low 70's... dry for the most part. Good golfing weather. Even though I have blisters on my hands from going to the driving range 2 days in a row. ARGH! Kill me now!
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Who would want to be prez... of any country. Too much work... and there is always some one who wants to kill you.

Even though I have blisters on my hands from going to the driving range 2 days in a row. ARGH! Kill me now!

people always trying to kill prez... no one would try to kill me. I would be a cool prez :cool:. :rolleyes:

GOLF: yeah... I hope our hands are OK by tomarrow. We must beat Pat and whatever his name is !
Jason! Jason was his name... I guess we should brag too much. We only did beat them by one stroke!

No... someone would want to kill you. Especially once you would be able to take down Microsoft. Then Apple would be the supreme ruler of the universe... but wait, that might be a bad thing.
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty

No... someone would want to kill you. Especially once you would be able to take down Microsoft. Then Apple would be the supreme ruler of the universe... but wait, that might be a bad thing.

why would that be bad? World peace for all... if the evil business men stay out. Steve Jobs for leader of the world.
What about Apple having to produce mass quantities? Their product might start to suck it up big time. That could be very bad. SO THERE! *psh*
rick - speaking of competition, you are beating me at fantasy baseball so far this week. I beat Ulrik last week, but you are about 22 points ahead of me. the worst part is that if Nomo had not beaten my Giants so soundly the other day, i would be ahead :mad: :p

as for my yardwork, i know it sounds boring, but i am really enjoying it. It really is an artistic endeavor to me and one that requires research and knowledge. so it stimulates my mind and gives me some good physical activity (something else i have been lacking since going to grad school). At OSU, i would walk over a mile a day just to go back and forth to class from my car. probably 2 miles when you add in going from class to class. At grad school i walk about 60 feet to the door from my car. plus now i don't go to school very often so all i do is sit here and work at the computer. While i am sore at the end of many days, i feel better overall.:)

so you guys seem to be getting your acceptance back. i notice that more folks are showing up and hanging out at 'the show';)
so you guys seem to be getting your acceptance back. i notice that more folks are showing up and hanging out at 'the show';) [/B]

Maybe people are being nice to us because there are new trouble makers on the forum. :) ? Or maybe they finally see how funny we are :rolleyes: <---- rolleyes
Really... I am beating you? That is funny because I havent even been to that page since I signed up about a month ago. Talk about being lucky I guess.

Acceptance, sure I guess we are. It just the rest of the forum to realize how cool we really are.:D
post game Golf report: It started raining half way through... but Rick and I kept playing through the horrible wind and lightning. I think rick beat me by 4 strokes. Overall, not a bad first day back.
No it wasnt! Except for my hand bleeding through the band-aid and my glove, it was pretty good. Next week we will kick the crap out of those poop faces.

Wow! Went to a party today. Kinda fun. Too many flipping people! Not... enough... air. And I didnt get to talk to the birthday girl hardly. Im going to have to eventually... if I ever want to ask her out. Eh, Jerry?

It has rained all weekend. It doesnt look like it is going to stop either. Grrrrr... As soon as my hand heals, back to the driving range we go. With my new clubs that I will be recieving shortly.

14 days... I think. I have a b-day coming up on the first. Yeah, 17 yrs old. What does that get me? Nothing. Crap.

Hope your day is going as well as mine is.
My B-day is coming too. I think I will be getting the LiveMotion2.0/GoLive 6.0 bundle as a gift from my parents. Maybe I should just ask for money and put it in the bank.
Money? I need money... you need money.... we need a job! Im down to like 10 bucks... after thats gone, I wont have any money to put gas in my car to take me out and spend money I dont have. Every damn day my mom tells me to find a job.


im going to fall asleep sitting here... bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored bored .... you get the idea.:D
well, while you are being bored Rick you should go check out your macosx.com baseball team. remember you have to check in at least once every 2 weeks once the season starts to have your winning count. and you are looking like a good bet to win. you scored the second most points this week as you soundly kicked my butt:( :eek:

gee guys golf is supposed to be frustrating (i think:p ), but it is not supposed to be a dangerous game. of course my friend that i hit in the head with a club and myself when i got hit in the head by somebody's shot to the green might offer more proof otherwise. then there was the day some of my friends decided to have a contest to hit balls over a house along the side of the course. the game ended when one of them broke a window. we were met at the clubhouse by one angry homeowner:D

"get a haircut and get a real job"
- George Thouroghgood

(one of my theme songs:p )