Well, except for the fact that I suggested all of that pretty much on the first page of the thread:
If you wanna "try some other site," by all means, try some other site then. Don't make idle threats -- if you want to go somewhere else, go somewhere else -- no need to tell us you're going somewhere else. But if you wanna stay, I think you'll find that this is the best support site around, and that no one here was rude to you -- sure, they may not have given you the answers that you want, but they're still valid answers. Kinda like if you said, "My computer won't boot!" and we suggested reinstalling the whole operating system... sure, it would have been nice if we said, "Just press ENTER three times and it will boot," but that would have been false. We give honest, straightforward answers here -- we tell it like it is and we don't sugar-coat it. Same goes for this thread -- you wanted to know how you could get your parents to pay for a MacBook, and I (as well as everyone else) suggested many, many, many ways to do it. You may not like the answers, but the answers are what we did when we were your age to get stuff, so that's what we're suggesting. We worked for our stuff, and in turn, we appreciated it so much more than if someone just handed it to us. I think you'll find the same experience.