HELP OUT fellow MACUSERS -- please read!

adam I had my first drink (well willfull one :p) when I was 18.

This non-sense about being 21 here in the states is BS :p --- I have never gotten drunk, and I dont even drink that's the "age limit" that is causing "rebelious" teens to get hammered...

aaahhh greece :D

open source drink recipe:
GO to china
Get rice from some field (china is socialist right ? so it should be free from the fields)
Distill it
Make booze
Cheers ;-)

Well, okay, to be perfectly honest, I've had a sip or two of a little stuff here and a little stuff there, but my point is, I'm not alcohol expert.

My girlfriend, however, who is now studying abroad in Athens this semester... she's getting very used to drinking wine with meals... which is fine, I could get used to that.

hmmm...also dont forget "eeehhhh viva" :p
(another way to say cheers in greek -- probably comes from the italian :p)

I wanna get done with my degree so I can leave ---travel and see the world he he

Admiral --- international man of mystery :p
[Proceeds to sing]

There's a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets, he stays a stranger
With every chance he takes
And every move he makes
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow...

Secret A. K. Man
Secret A. K. Man

They've given you Mac OS X,
and taken away your Greek...

[continues guitar riff]...
lol :p
quite funny ;)

I will survive don't worry --- Its just a matter of patience endurance (looks like I will need it this semester :p)

what about a true English locali>S<ed version for the country that invented this wee language we all use?

Where it's called ColourSync, where we have the Wastebasket or Bin instead of Trash. Where we can actually remind ourselves that 'majority rules' is a very sad state of affairs.

As far as the Greek thing is concerned I think it's a lovely idea so I'll sign but I can't see Apple doing anything.

What about Turkish support!!! he he he.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I will survive don't worry ---

I will survive! Hey! hey!

Sorry, couldn't help it.

On a completely different, but somewhat related note, I'm listening to Cat Stevens at the moment... he's half Greek. I forgot his real, Greek name, though...
he he :-)
I wonder what australian english speakers use for trash :-)

I have a copy of system 7 UK -- very interesting :D
just thought i would bump this back up since there have been some new people get active on the site recently.

now, weren't the greeks the ones who fell for that stupid horse trick?;)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
now, weren't the greeks the ones who fell for that stupid horse trick?;)

Erhm, no, that were the Trojan people. The Greek invented the trick. Read up your stuff, man ;)
Sorry, can't help it: Or at least watch Xena from time to time. ;) Gosh, such a BAD series, together with Hercules. As if the American people wouldn't have mixed up history BEFORE they came along and made believe that Caesar lived at the same time as the big Greek heroes. Where are the dinosaurs? Where the Atlanteans? Oh, wait, Hercules found Atlantis once. I mean, come ON!
And I think I've actually seen the guy's name spelled like "Heracles", not "hercules"... I think Heracles is the real Greek proncunciation.... or I could just be going nuts...
lol ;-)
One of my english teachers told me that most non english names are mispronounced by english speakers because of the rythm of the english language not being the same as the rythm of teh language that they originate from :)
Originally posted by adambyte
Yeah, damn English-speakers!..... aw, crap, that's me! nevermind...

The Romans had really crappy Gods like: Geoff The God of Biscuits, so when they reached Greece and heard about Zeus, Aphrodite, Herecles and so on. They thought "we'll have them"

So they renamed them.

Herecles turned into Hercules.

Bloody Romans
Hey!! The petition is in greek!!
How do you suppouse I could sign it if I can´t read it? :(
What about if it really says "Signing this I donate my Mac to a Greek"? ;)