HELP OUT fellow MACUSERS -- please read!

The Mac keyboard I have does not have the following argentinian characters:
* eñe: Ñ (like in niño)
* elle: LL (like in lluvia)
* che: CH (like in che guevara)
* tilde: ´
changomarcelo, I thought that most people had adopted away from the use of "ch" as a character? Hmm, while were on the topic of keyboards, does anyone know how chinese is typed?
like most other languages - with your fingers.

of course knowing how multi-talented you are Phil, i suppose your toes would work. you might even be able to use your nose:D

so are you planning on writing the great chinese novel or just curious?;)
I thought that the academia ral (or whatever its called) made teh CH and LL non characters :p

As for chinese, I think its the same as japanese. You type the roman version e.g.: Ohaio Gozaimasu and the computer picks the characters out that go with that combo. It also gives you the option to choose from different characters if there are more options.

so it is the greeks we have to blame for trojan horses. well, since most of themonly effect pc's , i guess i will let them off the hook for now.

chango - we all just trust AdmiralAK. perhaps we should have something stamped on our foreheads, but we trust him. so sign or don't sign. ;)

Admiral - when the police show up at my door over this....:D
You know me, curious phil.:D

BTW, it was the "geeks" who built the trojan horse, not the greeks. Someone has to have the job of clearing toli's name around here.
The person who had the idea of a trojan horse was ulysees. Quite ingenious actually ;)

Geeks made the modern trojan horses for computers, and then some other company exploits tha name trojan for condoms, perhaps they should pay copyrights ;)

teh greeks had it all :p
the looks, the brains and the women :p
damn barbarians for tainting our society ;) -- I blame the romans :p
He he, you are welcome to stay and be part of teh post signing discussion :p hehe :D

Thanks for signing :-) ...

Greeks are confusing Ed ? ... maybe... It's all in the eye of teh beholder (I loved that game)

the greeks had it all
the looks, the brains and the women
damn barbarians for tainting our society -- I blame the romans

so now you are blaming italians for your GF situation?:D
lol why not ;-)
they seem good candidates :p

if an italian girl comes along, she might help redeem the romans ;-) hehehe