Herve's Bar & Grill

Well... on a lighter note...

For those of you who don't know Pathways into Darkness was the 4th game by Bungie, the first being Gnop! a shareware pong clone. The second was Operation: Desert Storm, which sold about 2500 copies. The third was Minotaur, a top-down tile-based fantasy game in the spirit of the early ultima games.

Finally came Pathways into Darkness, a 3D first-person blast-fest with a handful of roleplaying elements thrown in.

The basic story goes that mysteriously an alien projection appears in an important briefing of the president by his senior military staff. The projection of the alien race, the Jjaro, told them they had 8 days to save the world.

64 million years ago, a large extra-terrestrial object struck the Earth in what is now theYucaton Peninsula in southeastern Mexico. The object itself was buried under thousands of feet in rock, throwing up dust that caused many of the earth's species to become extinct.
Basically the object was an alien member of a race billions of years old and that, after dreAming since the impact, began to awaken. And seeing as it becomes more and more conscience it begins to create strange beings in the tunnel system around.
The being can not be destroyed, the Jjaro diplomat says. Basically osmeone has to put a low-yield nuclear device as close to the being you can get and detonate it.
The aliens maintain, after observing our technology, that this is the only way. The aliens will take more permanent measures when they arrive, in two and a half earth years.
Basically your part of that team and after you jump from the plane your chute fails, and you barely get your secondary open. You wake up 2 hours later with your gun useless and no sign of the other members of the team. Then you move into the pyramid above the catacombs and the story begins.

Phew, thanks Marathon Scrapbook and Pathways into Darkness Manual.

Anyway it sold so well the guys at Bungie decided to make a sequel, addressing some of the concerns about Pathways, and Marathon was born.
Well, it hardly seems fair to let such talent go to waste just because he can't do the accent... ahh, hell, let him have it :P
Brag of your congrats thread...bah!!

Why can't I have a congrats thread?:(
I'll reach that 1000th post one day, and you won't notice...
*runs away crying*
Originally posted by voice-
Brag of your congrats thread...bah!!

Ed actually asked me in this congrats thread to post them there, so I just wanted to inform him, that I finally posted them since Herve's Bar and Grill is the number one spot to meet people and tell them stuff here in the forums :p
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Nkuvu, you hit it on the nail there. I'm the kind of person who cares about EVERYONE, way too much, and it almost always backfires on me and hurts both me and the person I care about, but I still can't stop because I have so much respect for LIFE ITSELF that I won't leave someone alone who needs my help. I've had to deal with so many suicidally depressed friends and people just down on their luck, I've gotten used to being around people who are without hope... but I still care.

*clinks glass* To the people who care, even if they get hurt by doing it.

Hey BlueF, I can relate, but as I tell others like you, you need to be a little egoistical and think of yourself first at times cause if you cant help yourself you cant help others :p (unless you have some divine source taking care of you lol)

That would probably look... uh... interesting.

Admiral, yeah, I really do need to do this. Problem is, people either think I'm totally selfless OR completely egotistical... I seem to have a problem with extremes :) But that's just me.

Tommy, you HAVE to do the boa thing! It'd look... unusual...
I remember my last techer said I cared too much about others.
I think she has never asked herself the question "what is life?".

BTW, I tried "Fanta Exotic" yesterday. It tastes like synthetic moose piss.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
...Tommy, you HAVE to do the boa thing! It'd look... unusual...
Of course I'd never do this in real life, but what the hell!

Now it's time to check out tismey newly installe upstairs... (This interview IS done, isn't it?)
He he... The bedrooms have OS X names.

Finder: Pronounced "Find Her" this is the room of mystery.

Apache: It has a native American theme with lots of feather headdresses. (Matches my boa nicely)

PHP: The room for hyperventilation pre-processing

Sendmail: All commuincation in this room is transmitted "electronically"

Dock: This one has a nautical theme. Sort of like Huck Fin floating on the Mississippi. There is water and bird sounds playing from some hidden speakers.

... and I think there are others...
Originally posted by voice-
Bling, you watch stats WAY too much

it was pointed out in the Site News forum that we had hit 100,000 posts... so i checked it out and there had been 100,004 posts, so I just announced # 100,005!
Yeah, and had it been 100,000 we'd care, but no-one cares about 100,005 except for you...and you watch those stats too much, it can't be good for your health
Originally posted by voice-
Kjetil, I'm thirsty! Get me a bottle of synthetic moose piss and fix the damn machine here...it's broken...

**ksv kicks the machine and throws a screwdriver on it**
Now it should work.
Here's your drink ;)