Herve's Bar & Grill


and you thought you started something ridiculous with the sports fan thing googolplex. :p

look, no prostitution means no whores. Take it out on the street corner. not that many of you could attract flies, much less paying customers, but we are still a family oriented establishment.

tismey, I do like the stairs and banister and card tables. I'm not sure how we would stand under gambling statuates, but it seems cool so lets keep it. if you want to hire show girls to act like working girls just for atmosphere, that wouold probably work.

no answers to today's quiz yet?

life lesson - when you don't get what you pay for - complain. We got a different color than what we ordered for our new kitchen cabinet resurfacing. My GF talked to the salesman and got an apology. I then talked to him and got 5 new drawers for free. Lesson, always ask for more if you weren't treated right in business transaction. The worse you can dois get a "no" and most times you get what you want.
If the Chippies need help with the banister wood...

Quiz answer attempt:
I think this is called Skyclad, Ed. Being clad only by the sky. A sign of being truly free. Disrobe your class of society to see yourselves as equals to one and other.
I believe the Ancient Indian religions had this common thread as well. Like the Sadhus and primordial Sannyasin.
Little Indian trivia: The word Digambar is taken from the Sanskrit Dig-ambara. Its literal meaning is wearing the sky or sky-clothed. Though often used as a synonym for naked, it has a much deeper meaning. An inescapable truth that we are not bodies but immortal souls.

Is there a prize?
very good klink, you gave a very detailed and accurate answer to the quiz. You recieve one month of free drinks at herve's plus you can help Tismey hire showgirls:D

and for Valrus' clarrification, Pagan ritual does not neccesarily include 'magic'. magic often involves ritual, but ritual is more often performed without any 'magic' being involved. It is part of worship. And it is my theory that real magic does not require ritual, but that ritual is a focus tool that will aid in development of one's magical abilities. Real magic is more of an exercise of will and it certainly has its limitations.

But i do love RPG where magic is a central theme:D
RPG? Rocket Propelled Grenade? :D

I know, I know, that's the same sort of sarcasm that made Tismey refuse my service for a while. *sigh* I guess it's time to go get some more iced tea... :)
ksuther: Yes! Woot!

Ed: Sorry, that wasn't an answer to the Quiz. It was in fact a reference to the nerdy collectible card game Magic: The Gathering, in combination with the proposed card tables.

So, 10 points for ksuther.

And geez Ed, how naive do you think I am? :D
Seriously though, I have pagan friends so I do know a tiny tiny bit about Paganism. I used to think it was kind of a joke, but I had an epiphany of sorts and changed my mind, so you don't have to lecture me. :p

-the valrus
wow, today was a sad day in Germany and in my place...

In the morning, a cat I found two days ago after it was hit by a car died though a pet doctor cared about it and thought it would survive. I kept it in my cellar after he cleaned the wounds it had and gave it medicine, and I looked after it and cared about it (since I can't care about in my house, I have another cat which wouldn't be pleased). During the night, it began to scream. I was sitting next to it until 5 o'clock in the morning, petting it until it finally closed it's eyes and began to sleep, no chance to bring it to a doctor since it obviously was too weak to travel. This morning, it was dead. The pet doctor said he is quite sure that it had blood in it's brain. So I burried it in the garden this morning.

Then, as if this wouldn't have been enough, in Erfurt, Germany, today a pupil went on a killing spree during the final exam on a german high school, killing a police woman, 14 teachers, two other pupils and then commited suicide...you have to know, both my father and my brother are teachers...

That made my day...Tismey, give me something strong....
I was reading about that. Its really really awful. I can't imagine what it must be like for people in the school.

Sorry about you day. Its good to talk ab out it in herves though!
my brother already thought about changing the Excel sheets where he calculates the marks for his students, let's call it a "security update"

if(mark >= 5) // equals the US mark E and worse
mark = 4; //Enough to pass an exam

the pupil obviously killed the teachers because the gave him bad marks so he missed the final exam two years in a row.

...btw, I really haven't scripted Excel in a long time, so the above syntax is completely un-Excel-like...

of course my brother was only kidding...but following the updated statistics, in germany, at the moment, it is more likely to be killed when you are a teacher than when you are a soldier of the German Bundeswehr...
Ulrik my brother, my blessings go out to you. At least you tried. and it is always a sad day when anyone loses respect for human life, or any life for that matter, and inflicts pain, death and terror upon others. My heart is with the German people and you in particular. Thank the Goddess it wasn't your family. Blessed Be.

Valrus - sorry if that sounded like a lecture. it wasn't meant to be. but i really don't know everyone's level of knowledge and i often find that most people are where you once were. so i just wanted to make that distinction. actually there are a lot of people who call themselves pagan who don't really get the distinction;) Glad you are among our friends:)
Yay! 10 points! What is that good for, may I ask?
I used to be an MTG addict, played in tons of tourneys and was really good. Then I stopped playing :-p. I play sometimes now, but I'm not nearly as sk1ll3d as I used to be when I played 24/7. I think computers took over MTG :)

Oh well.
I'm sorry to hear about your day, ulrik.

A toast: To all the people who care (in any way that they can) even though that caring may hurt them. :(
Thanks to all of you. The past year - with all the cruel things happening around me, beeing just a few hundred kilometres away from what is going on in far east (here, it is called near east) and with all the cruel things which happened in the USA - proofed me that even when the world seems to drown in terror, people from around the world show that after all, regardless of where we are living, regardless from how far apart we are from terror, regardless from what happened in the not so distant past, we are friends after all, we are nations who join hands to fight terror and cruelty in this world, and who help each other once help is needed.
Nkuvu, you hit it on the nail there. I'm the kind of person who cares about EVERYONE, way too much, and it almost always backfires on me and hurts both me and the person I care about, but I still can't stop because I have so much respect for LIFE ITSELF that I won't leave someone alone who needs my help. I've had to deal with so many suicidally depressed friends and people just down on their luck, I've gotten used to being around people who are without hope... but I still care.

*clinks glass* To the people who care, even if they get hurt by doing it.
Nice... 350 posts! Wow, I can't believe that! I feel like I've known all of you guys my whole life... :)

For the next 350... *toasts again* here's to the crazy ones. . .

:) (sorry, had to end a little lightheartedly)