Official Bartender
Originally posted by voice-
oh my god, I just realized something, you 2(tismey and symfonix) have just about the same post-count as me...I see you as legends here, I really thought you'd have "Congratulations to"-topics around here...
Legend? L'il ol' me? I just keep you lot refreshed.
Actually, I realised the other day that it's ages since I posted anything that's actually USEFUL on this site. I usually only get an opportunity to appear clever if I get to a post started by a newbie before anyone else does. My professional expertise is all in Oracle PL-SQL, which doesn't get queried very often around here (due to there being no OSX client, I guess). I'm the first point of contact for all my Mac-owning friends when they get in a bit of a pickle in the real world, but here I'm just yet another person who knows a fair bit about Macs! I quite like that.
As for post counts, I tend to lurk. The number of times I've hit 'reply to', then changed my mind cos I can't think of anything constructive to say....
Symphonix - I know what you mean about interesting people. When I worked behind a bar, I used to meet people who were either amazingly interesting people, or very practised liars and to be honest I don't care which they were cos they were entertaining. Since I've been working at a 'proper' job, the people here are cool, but I've still not met anyone who claims he was drummed out of the foreign office by Margaret Thatcher as a scapegoat for a shooting at Checkpoint Charlie 9 days before the Wall came down....