Herve's Bar & Grill

JohnnyV, since you're from Mars (as your "Location:" says), would you be the first interstellar band to perform to a human audience on Earth?
JohnnyV, since you're from Mars (as your "Location:" says), would you be the first interstellar band to perform to a human audience on Earth?

If you count Elvis as a band then we wouldn't, but if you don't then yes:D

I was born on Mars, but my family migrated to Ohio shortly afterwards:cool:
googolplex - you would be amazed at how good viavoice for osx is. the other versions were terrible but this one really works.

nkuvu - i have been pronouncing your name the way you do. i was actually going to ask you about that sometime. you beat me to it. i am sure there are lots of people who are glad to know how it is pronounced. it doesn't matter about ways it can be pronounced, only how you want it pronounced since it is your name.

BB - when you see me call you Casey, you will know i am trying to say something special - to get your attention just a little bit better. As far as how expensive SF is, you weren't far off in your prices you don't want to pay. except pizza is more like $15 to $20 and i don't know where you will find a place for only a $1000 a month. You might be able to find a room for about that if you are lucky. That is if you want to live in the city. If you want to live on the peninsula or the east bay, then you should be able to find something closer to that or get a room for $500 to $700 with some luck. Be prepared, the bay area is the second most expensive place to live. and the city of SF may be the most expensive although if the computer industry continues to slump, that could change.

would you say that is about right Tom?
kermit -- some of us have different settings for the number of posts per page. So for me, the B&G is only 81 pages long. Just so you know -- keep this in mind when you say "I saw this post a page or two back"...

Ed: Since I can't hear anyone pronounce my name (at least not in these posts ;) ) it doesn't matter how people pronounce it. So is ViaVoice a dictation software thingy? Sorry for the technical terms -- gettin late.

One word about the price of living in the Bay Area: Oh. My. Dog.

OK, so that's three words. But the sentiment is understated. I pay $450 for half of a duplex. And it's not tiny -- not huge, but not tiny either. Gah... Just thinking about writing rent checks with four digits gives me the willies...
Oh yeah, Ed: Is a $15 pizza a good pizza or something like Pizza Hut? We have pizza that tops the $20 mark, but it's good pizza. We also have the "buy two pizzas for $15", which is, obviously, not as good.

Mmmm -- sleep.... There should be a 'smiley' indicating that the user is asleep. :D
nkuvu - i believe there is great power in being able to pronounce someone's name. the pronouncing of names is important in making a connection with someone. it is also a sigh of respect. This probably stems from the ancient hebrews and the hebrew letters that we transform to YHVH and pronounce yahwah. but in fact the letters represent the unprounouncable name of God. We has humans are only allowed to use nicknames when we call upon our diety. If someone were to have knowledge of how it is really pronounced they would have a much closer relationship with God. some even believe that person would have some control over God. there have been many mystical explorations into this over time. Let's just say i feel a little more connected to someone when i know their name and can pronounce it correctly, even if they don't know:)

as for ViaVoice, it is a speech recognition app made by IBM. other than the obvious political incorrectness of supporting big blue, i am very happy with it now although i haven't been using it as much lately. In fact i haven't even checked to make sure the new os update didn't screw it up somehow. i should do that.

and we have those same cheap pizza places that everybody else has, just not as saturated with them as other places. i don't live in the city or even in a very populated part of the peninsula and the only pizza i can get delivered is about $15 for a cheese pizza. but yes, it is very good pizza.
Ahhh its a beautiful day out today. I was up late last night errr this morning finishing up a History essay, but now its done! I'm glad I don't have much work to do tonight, except some music I have to edit for a presentation...
Hey guys!

I just had to drop by and tell you about my day. I am living in a small town, population 85.000, more than an hour out of Melbourne, Australia. When I moved here to attend university, I pretty much took it for granted I would get no support for my iBook and would have to travel to Melbourne if need be.
I also assumed, correctly, that Macs would be few and far between out here.
Today, I had no classes, so I decided to run my resume round a few local stores, in order to pick up some work to make ends meet. :rolleyes:
And I discovered ...
to my amazement ....
One is an established PC shop in the middle of town, the other a photographic store in a prime position. Both are putting the new iMac proudly on display where passers by simply can't miss it.
And, best of all, both of them seemed really interested in getting some extra help from an IT student and ex-IBMer who actually knows something about Macs!

Here's hoping ...

Now, if only I could get fresh sushi out here, it would be heaven. Of couse, then I'd have no reason to go to town.
Good luck, symphonix. It'd be really cool to work in a place where you could play with Macs all the time...

(Edit: Forgot half of my post!)

Ed, how well does ViaVoice work? Does it take long to train it, and does it recognize different users?

I don't think supporting IBM is bad at all -- IBM is not a high profile evil company, like some others I could mention. Of course, I know that IBM is not just sitting around twiddling their thumbs, but I don't see them as being an evil monopoly. Didn't they put up the funding for Deep Blue? Or am I totally confused?
I'd love to have that job, unfortunately, there are no Apple resellers around here. The closest thing you'll get here is an electronics store who sell Mac-compatible mice and Mac-games(as long as they are on the same CD as the PC version). Not a good place to go either, I asked about RAM there, and they were convinced that their RAM would NOT fit into my PowerMac because Macs and PCs don't use the same kind of RAM...

I'm sad for me about your post, however, you always seem to have a good story about a narrow-minded person you've met...

Happy working
Oh, btw, an interesting story:

Maybe you all know these small 30 mb, credit card shaped CDs? I had to burn one of these things three days ago for a customer. I will never try it again. I placed it in my superdrive, derictly in the middle, like it is explained. Well...to make a long story short, it apparently "twisted" due to it's stupid shaped and destroyed the read/write head of my 400 dollar superdrive! :eek: :( :confused: :rolleyes:

Luckily, I have a very good friend who is an official apple service partner. Normally, he told me, I wouldn't get a repair from Apple if I told them that it happened with these credit card CDs (since the specification of the superdrive only states compatibilaty to round CDs), but he made the call for me and on monday, I get my new superdrive. The good thing is, he managed to get me the Pioneer A4 instead of the Quicksilver A3 variant, so I actually get a faster DVD-R superdrive (the one from the iMac).
But man was I pissed at the first moment.
This guy also handed me an article from the German magazine "C't", which once tested these things and they destroyed 30% (!!!!!) of all drives!

So, if you ever get such a credit card at any event...put it in a cheap CD-ROM, NOT in an expensive superdrive :D
voice - don't you just hate it when you know more than the people you expect to help you out?:mad: :rolleyes:

symphonix - sounds like you have stumbled into a sweet situation. Good luck with it. keep us posted if something real develops.

ulrik - I guess you went thru the full range of emotions over that one. I can only imagine the anxiety you must have been having in between the 2 extremes.

nkuvu - ViaVoice does allow for multible users, trains pretty quickly (the more you use it, the faster) and even allows for creation of your own spellings.

as for IBM, they were once the m$ of the world and they financed all sorts of dirty political stuff. I still don't trust them one bit. I don't remember any specific things, but back in the 70's there was more stuff than you could count. and lately they are rumered to be partnering with m$ to take control of the internet thru direct and indirect means. if i had known that back in Jan when i bought it, i might not have spent my money with them. At least it works well.
Ahhh I'm tiered but releived today. I was up late doing my essay but today is going really well. I don't have much work tonight and I will have some time to do things I've been wanting to do for a while and post some more in depth stuff on my blog. Do any of you guys have blogs? I'd love to read them and put them on my blogroll on the side of mine.
Ah, the interesting things you find out at the bar. I didn't know that about IBM -- I've never taken the time to look into the company at all.

So what do you know about their connection with Deep Blue? Am I just fantasizing? ;)