Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
voice - don't you just hate it when you know more than the people you expect to help you out?:mad: :rolleyes:

Actually, I think my teachers hate it more than me:rolleyes:
I had a run-in with one where I(in OS 9) wanted to check another computer through the Network Navigator, and even when I showed her it could be done, she insisted that the ONLY way to connect to another computer was through Chooser...
All in all, I think my teachers hate it more than me:D
Today the network administrators on school disconnected my Quadra 700 setup on school and left a message on the blackboard:
"Do not connect external devices to the class computer." I just had to laugh at that. Those none-knowing peope think my precious Quadra 700 from 1992 is an external device!?
That tells something about the computer knowledge of windows administrators. Great, now we're without PC in the classroom again, becuase I'm not allowed to connect "external devices" to the "computer" :rolleyes: :p

Funny to see how voice-'s thoughts comes, disappears and appears again, BTW :D
that stinks about the superdrive.
I have seen those businesscard CDs but I have never actually burned one. I just use mini CDs (those 8 inch ones) from time to time.

hey KSV you should get something else to connect to the network ;) maybe a newton on wLAN lol ;)
I love it when teachers or other people who are supposed to be informed assume that macs just aren't real computers. The support center at my Univ told me macs couldn't use the network because, well, they're macs.


Ed - does ViaVoice require a USB mic? I can't seem to get it to recognize my Apple Pro Mic, which plugs into the sound-in port.

(to clarify, I borrowed it from a friend to see if I like it, and if I'll actually use it)
AdmiralAK wrote:
I just use mini CDs (those 8 inch ones) from time to time.
Mini 8 inch CDs??? :) You know that a standard CD is close to 5 inches across, right? If 8 inch CDs are mini to you, what is normal CD size?? Are you sure you're not confusing your old albums with CDs? :D

EDIT: If this makes no sense to you, read on down the page a bit to Admiral's post...
OK, precognition at work:

- ulrik is about to ask for a cold beer,
- there are no Apple resellers near voice-,
- ulrik messed up a superdrive with a credit-card shaped CD, but it's okay since a friend can get a new one,
- the administrators at ksv's school think a Quadra is an external device.

Of course, this could be precognition or the fact that my MacOSX time says it's 7:05 a.m., when in reality it's 1:05 p.m.

Strange, and bizarre, and probably fixed right before I post this so it will sound like I'm nuts. Or no one else sees this and will think I'm nuts. Or... :rolleyes:
The people in the IT department at our school know nothing. We have a set of wireless laptops (not macs :() and they say that we can't use them in the computer labs because the wireless transmititng interferes with data on the server. This is total bs. My computer teacher who is an engineer and a programmer says its bs as well but these people are total idiots.
greg - yes, viavoice for osx requires a usb mic. they recommend using only the Andrea model that ships with it. it is reported that some others don't work correctly. i don't know for sure.

nkuvu - i don't know what Deep Blue is so i can't tell you if IBM is connected to it.

voice & ksv - :p :rolleyes: you wouldn't want to upset their dielicate balance of the world as they know it, would you?:D

(please, please, give me a reality that will never change and let me cling to it no matter what... pleease!;) )
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Tismey - sure, go ahead and construct the beer garden and terrace. in fact, i think it is about time we promoted you to bartender/assistant manager and let you make decisions like that on your own.


Ahem. Sorry about that. Rush or authority to the head there.

There's your beer, nkuvu. Sorry for the wait.
Voice - I seem to be like a magnet for narrow minded people. I really envy anyone who keeps running into the eccentrics, rebels, dreamers and thinkers rather than sheep.

Ed - I am familiar with IBM's disgraceful history, such as their support for the Nazi campaign of genocide in WW2. Lets just say my short stint at IBM proved that ours was a doomed relationship. I'm really not one of those people who cares about money, or about learning the way some authority or other say things should be done. I lasted 2 months.

oh my god, I just realized something, you 2(tismey and symfonix) have just about the same post-count as me...I see you as legends here, I really thought you'd have "Congratulations to"-topics around here...


Anywho, symfonix, would you be interrested in writing a book about the narrow-minded people you've met? The posts you have here would make out for half the contents at least...
Yeah, symphonix I have the same problem here :p Everyone I know seems to me much happier following authority (or, if they don't actually believe that that is what they're doing, they'll say stuff like "Down with Corporate America!" and then go home and use Windows computers, saying how great Windows is. Or there are some people that may hate Windows but are still suckered into buying the most expensive things simply because they can, and not because they need to. It's like showing off, except no one else really gets to see the new stuff anyway, so it's all useless.

Does anyone frequently run into eccentric, unusual people who have something to say? I have only found two people like that in my whole life, one of whom is my best friend and one who is my arch enemy. :p But other than that, it seems like EVERYONE just LOVES following the crowd... *sigh*
Can anyone here give me random history textbook pages to study so that I can say someone told me what pages I had to do? My textbook goes up to page 449. Just, um, give me some random pages. LOL.
BlueFoojiun: I want you to study pages 8, 32 and 421. Also, use your index to find all information your textbook has on the subjects of alien abduction, cat worship and lamingtons. (That could take you hours!)

The sad thing is, I used to know dozens of interesting people. When I was in my last year of high-school, I regularly met with:
- A kiniescieologist (studies how physical exercise can aid the learning process)
- A chess master who plays for cheeseburgers
- A behavioural optometrist who uses "colour therapy"
- A dream analyst
- A WW2 official war artist
- A sound-man for the local rock bands (ever heard of "Something for Kate"?)
- A manga fan who also had a habit of impersonating Star Wars characters at odd moments (especially when dealing with receptionists at government agencies)
- A bunch of astronomers who would argue cosmology and Aussie-rules football in the same breath.

Anyhow, the list was long, but they all seem to have vanished. Now, there's only a bunch of sheep, and the most interesting thing they can do is put a bigger stereo in their cars.
Sucks, eh?

And, I don't think I could really write a book along those lines, on account of:
1. It might blow my secret identity.
2. It might incur the wrath of a dozen unpredictable people.
3. I can't seem to write more than a chapter or two of any book I've ever started work on. My record is 6 chapters, which usually scare the hell outta anyone who reads them, on account of I would have to be mad to write a post-apocolyptic alien love story slash horror ...

Whoa, I need to lay off the caffiene. Barkeep! Pass me an orange juice! What? Okay, then pass me an orange and a large hammer.
Interesting... to say the least.

Sym, are you feeling OK?

*Goes over to get a nice cold Frappuchino from the Bar-That-Has-Every-Drink*
a random book eh???
hmmm open up a linguism book and study pre-french-missionary vietnamese alphabet :D

now if I could find a copy for myself ;)
No, not a random book, just random pages in a specific book: "The Human Record"... anyway, Symphonix was kind enough to give me a few ideas :)
symphonix declared:
Now, there's only a bunch of sheep, and the most interesting thing they can do is put a bigger stereo in their cars.
That's actually pretty amazing. I have never known any sheep who could install stereos in cars...