well, i for one was laughing pretty hard all the way thru the Tismey/nkuvu exchange. i found it quite euphoric, to borrow a description from the blue mon.
but i know why it struck me as a little funnier than it probably should have been. I spent much of the day helping my GF clean the garage. I hate cleaning and i hate being told to get rid of my stuff. or even things that are hers that i like or want. I had a small breakdown when she made me get rid of the box her imac came in.

We never fight about much, but we had a real yelling match about how to put things back in after we had pulled stuff out and thrown a lot of it away. So i was still feeling a bit of pent up energy when i got here and read the amusing bantor. I feel better now.
also humerous, on a more subtle level, was that our neighbor across the street who is moving back east, kept bringing stuff over and giving it to us as she also was cleaning her garage and yard. We probably got as much stuff as we threw away but the stuff we got stays outside so my GF was cool with it.

of course i kept taking over empty boxes to her so she can use them to pack for her move. It was kinda neat how cooperative it all was.
as for letting AI take charge of posting replies, i would probably be against that. I doubt it would really be able to do any more than the search engine and some people don't seem to want to take the time to use that. besides, even if i was posting stock solutions, i would still personalize them with empathetic comments or snappy sarcasm or maybe a question of the poster. They would not just be answers still.
oh, and would somebody tell klink to get off the floor now. the bottles have stopped flying.