Herve's Bar & Grill

ksv, stop making me feel bad :). Don't you ever have a crappy day!

Just little things are pissing me off today, I'm in that kind of mood. But my day isn't that bad and I can even look at what caused my day to be somewhat worse to see that. I'm pretty sure that what happened that caused the subway to stop was that someone jumped in front of it.

So on that cheery note, let me get back to work.
I've been quiet because there has been so much other stuff going on. Discussions in the "It all opens in the wrong browser", reading discussions on the evil daemons that infect my computer ;) et cetera et cetera.

I am noticing a significant number of duplicate posts and threads. If I see one more link to the truepath website I am going to be chewing on some ankles. And not in any pleasant way (for those of you with, uh, different ideas :) ).

I need to get my garden going again. Hungry tortoise...
hey that weirdo was badmouthing my daemon
he called BSD archaic!
he was badmouthinig my mac, I left a message in his guestbook and it was never posted! :p
But then I'm no stranger to working in quiet bars.

Mind you, this place only seems to have put on about 8 posts in tha last 24 hours! Maybe it's the nice weather - we should get a beer garden, or a terrace, Ed...
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
hey that weirdo was badmouthing my daemon
he called BSD archaic!
he was badmouthinig my mac, I left a message in his guestbook and it was never posted! :p
Just because you called him a m*****-f***ing c***-s***er?

so umm..... what's been going on lately?

weather here is down to 50° ish, coming from 95° ish last week. It's great. Damned global warming.

Temperature is currently 84° F / 29° C, with a 5% humidity level. Oh, and it's partly cloudy, but still bright outside.

Typical Tucson weather...
Tismey - sure, go ahead and construct the beer garden and terrace. in fact, i think it is about time we promoted you to bartender/assistant manager and let you make decisions like that on your own.

as for the slow down in business, this is very typical of real bar business this time of year. as the weather turns nice, suddenly there are so many other things to do. I know i am less motivated to post lately. it isn't anything personal about anyone or the site, just a need to be a littleless involved in this and more involved in my other life. I am not abandoning this place, just being a littleless involved. I am sure my posting and the site will continue to have ups and downs. no need to get excited or worried about it. And for those who are looking for meaningful discussion - start it. don't rely on others to do it for you. ;)

jeff - sorry about your bad day. glad you shared it with us though. that is what herve's is for - good days, bad days, any old days. and my garden is looking real nice. I tend to spend an hour outside just wondering around it and sitting and staring at it each day. it really makes me happy right now. i just added 10 more goldfish and a beta (japanese fighting fish) to the pond yesterday. so the level of activity should go up. there were at least 6 of the original 10 fish still left. the water plants are growing really fast and it is very relaxing to sit and watch life around the pond. I saw some brightly colored dragonflies for the first time the other day. one red one and two blue ones that were mating. and i see at least one hummingbird every day. yesterday a neighbor who is moving gave me a bunch of plants to add to my woodland garden side (2 of them were hostas kent:D ).

and i got my car running again. it turned out it just needed a tune up.
Ed, I was scanning over your message and I almost didn't realize that you were talking to me. I'm not used to being called jeff on here usually googolplex, but go ahead, you can call me that :). Yeah it was just one of those days yesterday, but today is better. How are you goign to fit all those plants in your garden!
he he:p

well, i figure when you are having a bad day, you deserve to be called Jeff. it's a little more personal than your nick - an attempt to show a little caring. I would have been calling you Jeff regularly already since i prefer nice short real names to convoluted nicknames, but i really like googolplex. it just sounds so cool plus it is one of the few that viavoice will recognise and spell correctly when i am using it.

i have lots more room for plants. since our plan is to eventually do away with all but a small part of the grass, we will be buying plants for years to come. any freebies are welcome unless they are just ugly. the ones my neighbor gave me are cool plants although a bit ragged looking right now. they should recover nicely once propeerly planted. in fact putting them in the ground is what i am on my way out to do right now. i just thought i would check out the site quickly before i did.

Hope today is a better day for you:)
I don't care what I'm called on here. Well to a point :). I like the name googolplex (thats why I use it) because it sounds cool and it looks cool. And it has many shortened forms that are good - plex, googol, gplex, plexor (and many others that I have been called on IRC :)). I haven't tried viavoice for a long time, It would be cool to see how good it is now!

And yes this day seems to be better, except I've got an essay to finish tonight.... But that doesn't make a bad day just a day with lots of stuff to do.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
i prefer nice short real names to convoluted nicknames
you can still call me BB... much easier than Casey....

oh well... the weather here has SUCKED! it just became partly cloudy but it's near 50 degrees here, and this happens at 5:30 PM?! why couldn't it have been like last week... 85 degrees and sunny ALL WEEK LONG!

anyways, i got a packet from Academy of Art Institute San Francisco... i love that school so much, seems that in 2005, you'll all have to plan for the Invasion of Bling! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! :D :p good thing I can pay for it... and at $15,000 per year in tuition, that's pretty good compared to other schools! (i'd tell you how i got the money, but it's a long drawn out story)

so new topic.... how much did you guys spend (or are currently spending) on college tuition

and is it expensive to live in San Francisco? i don't wanna have to pay $5 for a freakin water or soda, $30 on some pizza, and $1000 to have a place to LIVE!
And I'll still call you you. :D "Hey, you! Stop writing those silly posts!" for example. ;)

So Ed, how do you pronounce my nick? I usually pronounce it ni-koo-voo, but since it is African it should probably be closer to en-koo-voo. Not that I am a speaker of anything African (I think I can pronounce Cairo well enough, though ;) ). And Nkuvu is a real name, just not my real name. :)

How much did I pay for tuition? I dunno -- and I don't want to know. I know how much my monthly loan payment is, and I know that those will be going on for a long time. I don't want to think of the sums that I am paying off... :)

BB, I don't think I want to know how you got the money -- it sounds like an ominous story...
On a completely different subject, anyone going to be in NYC on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?? I'll be there for a band trip. We are performing at the Lincoln Center plaza on Friday (Apl. 26) at 1:00 PM, come and see the one and only JohnnyV!! We will also be doing several other things while there, but I encourage any New Yorkers to come and see (or hear) how terrible our band is :p Drop a message if you want more info ;)
Villanova Tuition is around $34K a year. Spectacular.

Jonny, I'd go, I really would, but I'll still be at school here. Sorry :rolleyes:

Other than that... how is everyone this fine evening?
Well I'm essay writing this fine evening unfortunately. I'm writing on how Radio affected the United States in the 1920s. The rough draft is due tomorrow so I have some work infront of me tonight. :)

Johnny I'd go, but I have no idea how I could get to New York :).